Casimiro Vizzini Date of presentation UNESCO’s Participation Programme

UNESCO Participation Programme - Casimiro Vizzini

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Casimiro Vizzini

Date of presentation

UNESCO’s Participation Programme

Casimiro Vizzini


United Nations Educational, Scientific and

Cultural Organization

UNESCO’s Participation Programme

The UNESCO Participation Programme


Introduction The Programme

Assistance to initiatives by Member States in UNESCO’s

fields of competence


What is the Participation Programme?

• Basic and natural sciences

• Culture

• Social & human sciences

• Education

• Communication & information

(as per biennial programme / C5)

UNESCO Participation Programme

Introduction The Programme

The Aims of the Programme


Aims of the Programme

• Projects approved are often preparation for large-scale

national projects

• Achieve its objectives by participating in the sub-regional, inter-

regional and regional projects, lead by its Member States and

directly related to the activities of UNESCO

• Strengthen the partnership between UNESCO and its Member

States as well as between UNESCO and International Non-

Governmental Organisations

• Boost the actions of the National Commissions for UNESCO

• Achieve better visibility of UNESCO’s action in its Member


UNESCO Participation Programme

Introduction The Programme

Applicant may choose form of assistance, either:


Nature and Level of Assistance

1. Project implementation by UNESCO, from Paris or field office

(only available to Member States, not to NGOs)

2. Financial contribution:

• National project: max. US$ 26,000 • Sub-regional projects: max. US$ 35,000 • Inter-regional projects: max. US$ 35,000• Regional projects: max. US$ 46,000

UNESCO Participation Programme

Amount approved may differ from amount requested, following

sector evaluation and Intersectoral Committee recommendations

The Participation Programme

Project Examples

Project Examples The Programme

Gambia 2014-15


Project example: Least Developed Countries

• Building capacities and reinforcing mutual engagement of

sciences with society through training of solar PV technicians

• Funding: $25,000

• Priority:1

UNESCO Participation Programme

Cabo Verde 2014-15

• Proposal for a Casa da Sciencia do Mindelo

• Funding: $20,000

• Priority:1

Project Examples The Programme5

Project example: Developing Countries

UNESCO Participation Programme

South Africa 2014-15

• An African regional project to organise and manage an

international conference on information ethics

• Funding: $31,000

• Priority:1

Guyana 2014-15

• Country gap analysis: Sciences, technology and innovation

(STI) needs

• Funding: $26,000

• Priority:3

The Participation Programme

How to Apply

How to apply The Programme

a) Assistance is limited to


How to Apply - Basic Principles

• Member States (MS)

• Associate members or territories

• International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs)

having formal relations with UNESCO

UNESCO Participation Programme

b) Requests

• Requests to be submitted through the National Commission


• or in case no NC, through designated government channel.

How to apply The Programme

Application of international NGOs


How to Apply - Basic Principles

• International non-governmental organisations in an official

partnership with UNESCO, may submit up to two requests

under the Participation Programme for projects with national,

subregional, regional or interregional impact

• Their request is required to be supported by at least the

Member State where the project is to be implemented and

another Member State concerned by the request

• In the absence of supporting letters, no such requests may be


UNESCO Participation Programme

How to apply The Programme

Priority groups indicated in 37 C/Resolution 72

and 38 C/Resolutions 76 in particular for


Who is the Participation Programme for?

• Least developed countries (LDCs)

• Developing countries

• Post-conflict and post-disaster countries

• Small island developing states (SIDS)

• Countries in transition

• Middle-income countries

As a cross-cutting theme, gender equality is a major goal of

UNESCO and therefore requires to be included as a priority of

the project

UNESCO Participation Programme

How to apply The Programme

How many requests are issued every year?


Number of Requests

• General Conference decides on max. number of requests per


• Member states are allowed to submit a maximum of seven


• INGOs may submit up to two requests

• Requires to be numbered in order of priority (from 1 to7

or 1 to 2)

UNESCO Participation Programme

How to apply The Programme

Type of Projects Supported


Type of Projects

• Preparation of large-scale national projects (in turn supported

by international funding or national budget)

• Organising meeting, seminar or training courses

• Recruiting consultant or specialist

• Purchasing equipment

• Fellowships or study grants

• Financing for publications or documentations

UNESCO Participation Programme

How to apply The Programme

a) Application Form


How to Apply?

• Requests should be submitted in electronic form


UNESCO Participation Programme

b) Deadline for Submission set by the General Conference

• 28 February 2016 for African countries, least

developed countries (LDCs) and small island

developing states (SIDS)

• 31 August 2016 for all other eligible countries and non-

governmental organisations in official partnership with


Thank you!

For more information on the programme, please


Casimiro [email protected]

Alex Da [email protected]

UNESCO Participation Programme