Electronic Wall for Assisted Long Living Cristian-Dan Bara Roessingh Research & Development 4.May.2015 Grant agreement no: 610658

The eWALL project - Cristian-Dan Bara

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  1. 1. Electronic Wall for Assisted Long Living Cristian-Dan Bara Roessingh Research & Development 4.May.2015 Grant agreement no: 610658
  2. 2. Consortium
  3. 3. Our aim The ambition of the eWALL project is to develop an interactive, wall-mounted electronic device that helps older users have an active old age with the greatest possible independence. An important goal is to make the system able to adapt to individual needs.
  4. 4. Our aim To enable elderly people with chronic conditions (age related frailty, COPD, mild dementia) to live an independent, normal and social life. To enable relatives of the elderly to give them the necessary care in a dignified way without invading their lives. To enable professional caregivers and relevant organizations to be more effective in their work and have a closer relationship with more people who need them.
  5. 5. Users Primary Users: Elderly ARI COPD Mild Dementia Secondary Users Informal caregivers Visiting nurses Medical practitioners User groups
  6. 6. How ? (basic concept) Using ICT solutions for monitoring coaching and healthcare communication support A smart caring home o A sensing network allows us to monitor elderly living patterns and quality o An array of lifestyle reasoners (algorithms which make decisions based on monitoring data and caregiver settings) will detect recommend coaching sessions o A large (wall mounted) touchscreen provides rich feedback to elderly C.-D. Bara (Enschede) 2015
  7. 7. How? (service model) Infrastructure as a service S. Kyriazakos (Aalborg) 2014
  8. 8. Project Ok, we have the basic idea. Lets make a project out of it :) Before we start, lets remember: every project needs a good plan to begin with. Weve set-up a time goal: It has to happen within 3 years. Weve structured our work into work packages. a work package (WP) is a subset of a project that can be assigned to a specific part for execution. It is commonly known that breaking down work into manageable pieces (work packages) is a process that depends on the project. (wp - wikipedia) Weve assigned groups of partners to work in the work packages according to their strengths/expertise. We made a detail timeplan of deliverables according to each workpackage tasks and aims deliverable is a term used in project management to describe a tangible or intangible object produced as a result of the project that is intended to be delivered to a customer (either internal or external). (deliverable - wikipedia)
  9. 9. Project wps WP Name WP Aim 1. Project management It includes all aspects of project coordination, including organization of progress meetings, general exchanges with the Commission and within the consortium, responsibility for submission of progress reports to the Commission and the distribution of financial support paid by the Commission to the partners. 2. Requirements analysis & use case scenarios This task carefully analyzes the relevant scenarios that are of utmost interest for the eWALL project, i.e. scenarios of ADL support for elderly people with mobility and mild cognitive impairments. It delivers: personas, scenarios, use-cases 3. eWALL devices & processing algorithms A multitude of sensors are installed in the house of the elderly. Building the necessary sensors and interfacing with all of them is handled in this task. 4. eWALL platform Use data from the sensors, context of monitored persons (medical conditions, caregiving support availability,technology supported actions) and best medical practice to enable intelligent decision support, providing optimal supporting actions for the users.
  10. 10. WP Name WP Aim 5. Personalized services & applications Focus is given to the extraction of slow and fast lifestyle changes that can indicate changes (to the better or worse) of the users health condition. We envision applications in the following areas: (i) Increasing the self-care abilities via real time monitoring and education of dangerous actions. (ii) Lifestyle change through coaching ,adapted to the personalized lifestyle & entertainment for healthy living. (iii) Socializing through technology assisted communication 6. Integration, optimization, validation and evaluation Focuses on testing all developed technologie and validates the data communication between all technology parts. Optimizes ICT service quality. 7. Dissemination, exploitation, standardization Activities under this task will support the other work packages in spreading information about the project. e.x.: @eWALLproject eWALL 8. Demonstration This WP is set to deploy and validate on a large scale the eWALL concept in the real life scenario to build-up evidence for the adoption in the healthcare management level. Project wps
  11. 11. RRD participates in 2. Requirements analysis & use case scenarios we started by getting to know our users and made personas RRD presentation, (Vienna) 2014
  12. 12. RRD participates in 2. Requirements analysis & use case scenarios we started by getting to know our users and made personas we made scenarios for each persona where they were using the system eWALL D2.2. 2014
  13. 13. RRD participates in 2. Requirements analysis & use case scenarios we started by getting to know our users and made personas we made scenarios for each persona where they were using the system we detailed the scenarios in use-cases M. Cabrita 2015
  14. 14. RRD participates in 4. eWALL platform we adapted our intelligent decision support system to eWALL requirements H. op den Akker, C.-D. Bara, 2015
  15. 15. RRD participates in 5. Personalized services & applications we designed eWALL prototypes to fit our scenarios The eWALL main screen user interface C.-D. Bara, 2014
  16. 16. RRD participates in 5. Personalized services & applications we designed eWALL prototypes to fit our scenarios The eWALL sleep monitoring application C.-D. Bara, 2015
  17. 17. RRD participates in 5. Personalized services & applications we designed eWALL prototypes to fit our scenarios The eWALL showing a reminder with physical activity goals for the week. This reminder is produced automatically by the goal setting reasoner. C.-D. Bara, 2015
  18. 18. RRD participates in 5. Personalized services & applications we designed eWALL prototypes to fit our scenarios The eWALL showing an alarm (all alarms have specific sounds) C.-D. Bara, 2015
  19. 19. RRD participates in 5. Personalized services & applications we designed eWALL principles of interaction to fit the technology form factor. C.-D. Bara, 2014
  20. 20. Conclusion User centered design is helping us understand the needs and particularities of our target-users, so as the eWALL services achieve successful implementation We are advancing towards creating the smart caring home, elderly will use for their healthy living Thank you :)