OPENING PLENARY Inspector-General of Biosecurity Introduction to the role Helen Scott-Orr

Science Exchange opening plenary: Helen Scott-Orr

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Inspector-General of BiosecurityIntroduction to the role

Helen Scott-Orr

Page 2: Science Exchange opening plenary: Helen Scott-Orr

Inspector-General of Biosecurity

Dr Helen Scott-OrrInspector-General of Biosecurity

Introduction to the role

1 May 2023

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• Independently review the performance of functions and exercise of powers under the Biosecurity Act 2015 by DAWR biosecurity staff,

• Publish annual review program, and• Publish reports of each review.

Introduction to the IGB role 3


1 May 2023Inspector-General of Biosecurity

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41 May 2023Inspector-General of Biosecurity Introduction to the IGB role

The role does NOT cover:the assessment and review of:

• human biosecurity,

• international trade issues, or

• market access opportunities.

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Minister Department Director of Biosecurity.

May consider the Minister's or Director of Biosecurity’s request for a review.

Stakeholders must provide reasonable access to documents, staff and facilities


Independent of the:

1 May 2023Inspector-General of Biosecurity Introduction to the IGB role

Page 6: Science Exchange opening plenary: Helen Scott-Orr

61 May 2023Inspector-General of Biosecurity IGB review program

2016‒17 IGB Review Program1. Incursions, border breaches and


2. Vector mosquitoes esp. Aedes spp.

3. Hitchhikers and contaminants

4. Military biosecurity.

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71 May 2023Inspector-General of Biosecurity IGB current reviews

Incursions review will analyse• Recent (↑10 years) incursions, border

breaches and interceptions• Contributing factors to successful

prevention• Actual and potential consequences• Information sharing mechanisms• Response times• System improvements made or needed.

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81 May 2023Inspector-General of Biosecurity IGB current reviews

Vector mosquito review will analyse• Programs to prevent Zika, chikungunya,

dengue or yellow fever viruses establishing in Australia

• DAWR pre-border and border mosquito control and surveillance operations esp. at airports and seaports

• Coordination with Federal and State/ Territory Health Depts and industry stakeholders.

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91 May 2023Inspector-General of Biosecurity IGB current reviews

Hitchhiker and contaminant review will analyse• How DAWR manages biosecurity risks

of cargo containers and vessels• Arrangements between DAWR, ports

and commercial operators in and outside ports

• Impacts of new cargo technologies on biosecurity risk management.

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101 May 2023Inspector-General of Biosecurity IGB current reviews

Military review will analyseFor all returning Australian and visiting international military forces:-• How DAWR achieves each military

group’s commitment to biosecurity principles and practical risk management, and

• How DAWR can ensure their compliance with full implementation of necessary measures.

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111 May 2023Inspector-General of Biosecurity IGB future reviews

Future review – DAWR role in strengthening National plant and animal biosecurity science capability• Skills and expertise

• Improving rapid diagnostics and surveillance methods

• National and international science networking.

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121 May 2023Inspector-General of Biosecurity IGB role and review program