Deepika kritaniya Ph.D scholar Enrol.no-B1382/14 (College of biotechnology) DUVASU

Neuronal stem cellfi

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Deepika kritaniya

Ph.D scholar


(College of biotechnology)


overview Introduction

Location of neural stem cell (NSC)

Development of NSC

Cell signalling pathway for NSC

Markesr’s of NSC

Factor affecting growth and multiplication of NSC

Isolation and culture of NSC

NSC for Therapeutic Use



The term“neural stem cell” is used loosely to describe cells


Can generate neural tissue or are derived from the nervous


Have some capacity for self-renewal, and

Can give rise to cells other than themselves through

asymmetric cell division

Neural stem cell











Astroglia Oligodendroglia

The differentiation of the neuroepithelial stem cells intoneurons and glial then proceeds in a temporal specificmanner and in specific region of the developing neuraltube (McConnell,1995; Rao, 1999)

For decades, it was believed that most neurons in the adultcentral nervous system (CNS) were terminallydifferentiated and usually not replaced when they died

It has been established that active neurogenesis, a processof generating functionally integrated neurons fromundifferentiated, multipotent progenitor cells (Gage, 2000;Temple, 2001)

The concept of NSC plasticity and of their dependence onenvironmental cues is strengthened by transplantation andmanipulation studies in vivo (Gage et al., 1995)

This plasticity may perhaps outstretch the brainboundaries, so that NSCs (neuroectodermal in origin) cangive rise to cells that normally derive from germ layersother than the neuroectoderm (Jiang et al., 2002)

In addition, NSCs have been utilized as one of thepotential sources for the cell replacement therapy of CNSdisorders (Bjorklund et al., 2000; Falk, 2009)

Alternative sources of NSC progenitor cell for

cell therapy

Bone marrow

Blood cord

Hair follicles


Amniotic placental fluid

Human foetus

Location of (NSC)

NSC have been assumed to exist only in the embryonic

nervous system at the beginning of neural tube formation

NSC are present in the central nervous system (CNS), in the

peripheral nervous system (PNS) and in neural crest cell


Germinal regions persist in the adult mammalian brain that is

capable of generating new neurons: the subventricular zone

(SVZ), and the subgranular zone (SGZ)

The spinal cord Progenitor cells in the mammalian fetal CNS

are considered to be concentrated in seven major areas:

Olfactory bulb

Ventricular zone (VZ)

Subventricular zone (SVZ) of the forebrain



Cerebral cortex

Spinal cord

Progenitor cells number and pattern of development vary in

different species (Gage, 2000)

Development of (NSCs)

Postnatal stage








When the neural plate first emerges, does it consist solely of

stem cells ?

Analysis of adherent clone production suggests stem cells are

prevalent at early stages

In spinal neural tube from embryonic day 8 (E8) rat, over 50%

of the viable cells at 24 hours are stem cells (Kalyani et al.,

1997, 1998; Qian et al., 2000)

In telencephalon of E10 mouse, estimates of stem cells range

from 5 to 20% (Kilpatrick and Bartlett, 1993)

But the frequency of stem cells declines rapidly (Kalyani et al.,

1997, 1998)

Stem cells seem to be much rarer when neurosphere production

is used as the assay: only 0.3% of E8.5 mouse anterior neural

plate cells make neurospheres

Perhaps neurosphere-generating cells are a subpopulation of

early stem cells

If stem cells are, or rapidly become, a subset of early neural

progenitor cells in vivo, how are they distributed ?

Clonal studies suggest that most glial, both astrocytes and

oligodendrocytes, originate from stem cells (Rao, 1999)

Neurospheres generated from different CNS regions express

region- specific markers

Regulatory sequences control region-specific expression of the

transcription factor Sox2, so that expression is seen in

telencephalic but not spinal cord stem cells (Zappone, 2000)

Neural stem cells cultured from early to mid-gestation give rise

to more neurons than those cultured at later periods (Qian et al.,


Nestin is an intermediate filament expressed by the

neuroepithelial cells of the neural tube (Lendahl et al., 1990)

Nestin-positive cells make contact with the ventricular surface

and have radially oriented processes

Developmental changes in stem cells are accomplished by

changes in their growth factor

Thus signaling molecules, such as FGF, bone

morphogenetic proteins and Noggin can influence neural

stem cells from neural induction

Growth factor concentrations vary during development of

NSC (Wolpert, 1994)

Cell signalling pathway for neural stem cells

Notch signaling pathway

It has been found that Notch signaling plays a significant rolein neurogenesis in both embryonic and adult brains (Hitoshi etal., 2002; Yoon et al., 2008)

Upon activation of Notch by its ligands, the Notch intracellulardomain (NICD) is released from the membrane andtranslocates to the nucleus

It was reported that subsets of GFAP+ cells function as neuralstem cells in the adult SVZ (Imura et al., 2003)

Transcriptional genes





WNT Signaling Pathway

The Wnt family of signaling proteins participates in multiple

developmental events during embryogenesis

Mitogenic stimulation

Prevent differentiation

Cell fate determination

Removal of Wnt1 results in severe defects of the midbrain,

cerebellum and spinal cord

Marker’s of Neural Stem Cells

Cell specific markers are a valuable tool in tracing neural

stem cells during development

A reliable marker should identify NSC not only in the

embryonic brain but also in the adult brain

Markers have been described which are either cell surface

proteins such as CD133, Nestin, an intermediate filament

molecule, or Musashi, an RNA binding protein


Highly accepted marker for NSC (Frederikson et al., 1988;Naresh k. et al., 2012 )

Nestin expression, neither restricted to the embryonic CNS, northe progenitor cells of neurons, but can be found in the PNS

Nestin seems to play a role in the structural organisation ofcells where it probably participates in remodelling processesand isolated from human fetal striatum and from rat brain(Michalczyk and Ziman, 2005,Li et al. 2005, Zhanget al. 2006)


Sox2 is a “founder member” of the Sox gene family

Sox2 can also re-establish pluripotency in terminallydifferentiated cells reprogramming them to induced pluripotentstem cells (iPS) (Silva J et al.,2009)

Sox2 express in the developing central nervous system (CNS)(Ellis et al., 2004, Collignon etal., 1996)

Regulate the Notch pathway which is responsible formaintenance of neural stem cells (Bani-Yaghoub et al., 2006)

RNA-binding protein Musashi-1

Musashi is an evolutionarily conserved family of RNA-binding

proteins that is expressed in the nervous system (Okano et al.,


Level of expression is selectively higher in NSCs than in neural

precursor cells (Kaneko et al., 2000)

Musashi-1 protein has been found to function in cooperation

with Musashi-2 protein to activate Notch signaling

Pax 6

Members of Pax family proteins are HD (homeodomain)containing transcription factors

Transcription factor Pax6 plays an important role in fatedetermination of neural progenitor cells in animal models(Gehring and Ikeo, 1999)

Pax6 is expressed in ventral region (Spinal Cord) andplays crucial roles in generation of ventral neurons(Kuldeep k. et al., 2014)

CD 133

Widely used as a marker for identification and isolation ofneural precursor cells from normal brain or tumor tissue (Sunet al.,2009)

CD133 five membrane domain glycoprotein and is expressedon immature hematopoietic and progenitor cells (Uchida et al.,2000)

When these CD133+cells were isolated, they were able to formClonal neurospheres and produce new tumours after serialtransplantation (Yuan et al., 2004; Li et al., 2005)

Genes Primers Product

No Temp(°C) (bp)













Factor Affecting Growth And Multiplication Of

Neural Stem Cells

The most commonly used methods for the isolation and cultureof stem cells use serum-free culture medium supplementedwith various hormones and nutrients and mitogenic growthfactors EGF or FGF-2 (Bottenstein and Sato, 1979, Naresh k.et al., 2012 )

EGF has been used to culture forebrain stem cells asneurospheres from embryonic and adult mouse (Reynolds etal., 1992)

A combination of EGF and FGF-2 is needed to cultureembryonic and adult mouse spinal cord, striatum andsubventricular zone (SVZ) derived progenitor cells asneurospheres (Gritti et al.,1999; Kuldeep k. et al., 2014)

Neurospheres, are kept proliferating by adding growth

factors (EGF), (bFGF) and (LIF) (Palmer et al., 2001)

It also suggest signaling of FGF together with Wnt

signaling regulates late features of the dorsal

telencephalon (Gunhaga et al., 2003)

Isolation and culture of fetal

brain stem cells

Structure of Neurospheres Karyotype of NSC CELL (P6)

Neural Stem Cells for Therapeutic Use

In the nervous system, replacement of neurons is often

considered to be the main goal of cell therapy

But cells, including stem cells, are already being used as gene

delivery tools and for rescuing neurons rather than replacing


NSC can be genetically transduced currently, by the most

efficient and popular way of introducing genes into NSC is by

means of mutagenesis

Clinical trials of neural stem cells

Stem cell


Disease Delivery Year References Current

state of the


Fetal neural

stem cells

Batten disease,

or neuronal





2006 Taupin





stem cell-




Spinal cord


Spinal cord


2009 Alper



because of

risk of



Fetal neural

stem cells







injection into


spinal cord

2010 Raore


ongoing (14



Stem cell source Disease Delivery Year References Current state of

the art





Stroke Brain

neurosurgery2010 Stroemer


Under way




neural stem

cells (Seung

U. Kim,


of British


Glioma Intravenous


2010 Aboody





Neural fetal

stem cells


Cell Factory,

Hospital S.


Terni, Italy)






into the

spinal cord

2012 Vescovi



of patients

Cell Therapy Treatments in Development

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Spinal Cord Injury

Ischemic Stroke

Multiple Sclerosis

Alzheimer’s Disease

Traumatic Brain Injury

Peripheral Nerve Injury

Parkinson’s Disease

Drug Treatments in Development

Major Depressive Disorder

Alzheimer’s Disease


Traumatic Brain Injury

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


CONCLUSION The development of methods to establish NSC lines in vitro has

been one of the main goals of researchers since the discovery ofactive neurogenesis in the adult mammalian CNS

Current preclinical studies strongly suggest that the therapeuticefficacy of stem cell transplantation

For clinical application, it is important that these protective strategiesare proven safe and effective in humans

Several clinical trials using human embryonic stem-derived NSCs orfetal NSCs are currently under way

Our greatest limitation in treating many neurodegenerative disorders is

the lack of understanding of what causes the onset or drives the

progression of sporadic and idiopathic pathologies

They show tropism towards brain pathology, which appears to be

mediated at least in part by chemokines

We will be benefit from repetive and unconvential concept and

unexpected result that will lead us to future discoveries that we cannot

imagine today


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