20% Time 2016!!

Inquiry project: enzymes!

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20% Time


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Day 1: Making Observations

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How observant are we??


Candy Observations - 30 observations as a team; 7 minutes. GO!!

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Observations -> Categories

On a whiteboard, group your team’s observations into categories - you have 4 minutes!!

As a class, what categories did we come up with?

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SPR Challenge

Your team will be given an object - keep it hidden!! Make 20 observations to describe your object

Let’s see how many other teams can guess your object without looking; based on your observations!!

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20 Questions

I’m thinking of an object in this room - as a class, you can ask yes or no questions until you can guess the object.

-guesses must be used as a question-each student may contribute only one question

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Exit Slip

1.Why are observations important in science?

2.Write 6 observations about your writing utensil

a.3 sensory patterns

b.3 relationship patterns

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Day 2: CER

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and CER

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Watch the video about Sham Wow and listen for the claim that the salesperson is making and what evidence he gives to support his claim.

Sham Wow!

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What does Vince want to convince you is true?

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CLAIMA scientist’s claim is a statement that answers a research question and is supported by evidence.

What could be Vince’s claim related to the Sham Wow?

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EVIDENCEEvidence - data, observations, must be sufficient, supports the claimGood evidence:

can be statements of facts

may be quantitative and/or qualitative data

must be sufficient and relevant

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What data or evidence does the announcer give to convince you that the ShamWow is as cool as he claims?

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“WHY does the ShamWow hold up to 20 times its weight in liquid?” Why would something made with microfibers absorb liquids better?

WHY would the ShamWow be a better deal than paper towels over time?

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Reasoning: statements that explain how the evidence supports the claim by linking it to a specific concept

Good reasoning should:explain why evidence supports the claim using

scientific principles

demonstrate an understanding of science and vocabulary

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What would be two reasoning statements for Vince’s claim?

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Why is evidence and reasoning important to the claim?

Use evidence and reasoning to defend claim through argumentation

Without evidence and reasoning your claim is not credible

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Identify CER Components Practice - 30 min

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Day 2, Part 2: 50 Observations of Enzymes

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Watch This!!

Using your SuPeR chart, make 50 observations of this AMAZING demo…...

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Day 3: Transforming Observations

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Next Step...

Choose 10 QUALITY observations

5 Sensory Patterns

5 Relationship Patterns

Turn your observations into 20 ‘I wonder…’ statements

I wonder if...

I wonder when…

I wonder how…

I wonder why…

I wonder how often...

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S=Substitute: plug in one idea for another you already have, what might you use instead, what would work as well or better; ·

C=Combine: put two or more ideas together, what might work well together

A=Adapt: change one idea that works someplace else to fit your needs, how could you make it fit, what could be changed to fit your

purpose or condition

M=Modify, Minify, Maxify: make your idea or part of your idea bigger, smaller, fit better, what would happen if you changed it slightly-

larger, smaller, greater, stronger, lighter, slower, etc.

P=Put to other uses: use your idea for something else, how could you use it for a different purpose

E=Eliminate: get rid of part of an idea, what could you do without, what could you subtract or take away·

R=Reverse, Rearrange: look at the idea from a different perspective, backwards, on top, sideways, switch pieces around, what would

you have if you turned things around, change the order, parts, layout, sequence

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Problem statement is not testable

without an Independent Variable

and a Dependent Variable

Independent Variable: The thing YOU change (time, material, location, etc)

Dependent Variable: The thing you MEASURE (growth, distance, nutrients, etc)

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Changing “I Wonder” into 10 Problem Statements

The problem is ___________ if X _________ Y.determining changescalculating affectssolving impactsunderstanding findingexplaining

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Grade in each category

5=excellent standing

1=poor standing

WRITE YOUR TOP 2 Problem Statements at the bottom of the page in COMPLETE SENTENCE

Evaluate Top 5 Problem Statements

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What do we need to know?

What is an enzyme - find at least 1 website you’d like to use.

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Day 4: Paraphrasing Research

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Our Guest….Ms. Amant

How is science different than other writing styles?

What is paraphrasing??

Research and begin to write your introduction

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What do we need to know?

Why is our topic relevant to science(therefore, you)?Why do we care about enzymes?

Background information on your problem statement.What is an enzyme?

What is the structure of enzymes?

What is the function of enzymes?

State the independent variable and why you chose it.How does your independent variable change enzyme structure, and

therefore function?

How does your independent variable change the rate of enzyme activity?

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Day 5: Evaluating Sources and Research

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Our guest…..Mr. Gillick!!


Our point system- 10 points total

Encyclopedia: 1 point

Website: 1 point

Magazine: 1 point

Book: 3 points

Journal: 5 points

Other: see teacher for point value

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Day 6: Writing Day and Peer Review

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What do we need to know?

Why is our topic relevant to science(therefore, you)?Why do we care about enzymes?

Background information on your problem statement.What is an enzyme

What is the structure of enzymes?

What is the function of enzymes?

State the independent variable and why you chose it.How does your independent variable change enzyme structure, and

therefore function?

How does your independent variable change the rate of enzyme activity?

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Peer Review


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Day 7: Experimental Design

Spencer Rohlinger
Start here
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Make a plan

Identify your Independent vs Dependent Variable

Do some research - how will you determine your IV? What is it, what does it do, and how does it vary?

How will you measure your DV? What is it, what does it do, and how does it vary?

After researching, make a plan about what you will do when we go outside to gather data.

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What to measure/what supplies do we have?

Measurements:Draw location

Measure height

Count number of plants

Measure tree diameter

Determine soil type

Supplies:Light GunMeter StickIpod (needed for pictures)Soil Moisture ProbeThermometer

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what information did you gather?

must include at least

One chart

One table

One picture?


Why does X change Y?

Requires research

May include images

Sources should be cited


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