Open geo-spatial data Lorenzino Vaccari [email protected] 28 th November 2014 www.jrc.ec.europa.eu Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation

Geo Open Data

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Presentation for the KidF Scientia in varietate, 2nd Knowledge in Diversity Workshop

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Page 1: Geo Open Data

Open geo-spatial data

Lorenzino [email protected]

28th November 2014


Serving society

Stimulating innovation

Supporting legislation

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Open Data

Geo Data



Geo (Open) Data


Open Data

Geo Data



Geo (Open) Data

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HOT: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap TeamHOT: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

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“OpenStreetMap is a free map of theworld, created by someone like you

“OpenStreetMap is a free map of theworld, created by someone like you

OpenStreetMap project creates and provides geographical data, such as road maps, freely available to anyone. Behind the establishment and growth of the project have been restrictions on use or availability of map information across much of the world and the advent of inexpensive portable satellite navigation devices.

OpenStreetMap project creates and provides geographical data, such as road maps, freely available to anyone. Behind the establishment and growth of the project have been restrictions on use or availability of map information across much of the world and the advent of inexpensive portable satellite navigation devices.

http://www.openstreetmap.org/ http://www.openstreetmap.org/

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reuse“open” = redistribution

commercial reuse derivative works

BUT, may require: attribution share alike

“Is data that can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone – subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and


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“Open data can help unlock $3 trillion to $5

trillion in economic value annually across seven sectors…”

“Open data can help unlock $3 trillion to $5

trillion in economic value annually across seven sectors…”

http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/business_technology/open_data_unlocking_innovation_and_performance_with_liquid_information http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/business_technology/open_data_unlocking_innovation_and_performance_with_liquid_information

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5 Stars principles (Tim Bernes Lee)

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Be demand driven

Put data in context

Support conversation around data

Build capacity, skills and networks

Collaborate on data as a com-mon resource

•Data structured, tools and support based on community needs and demands

•Ways of listening to people’s requests for data, and responding with open data?

• Provide metadata (e.g. frequency of updates, data formats and data quality)?

• Include qualitative information such as data creation, or data manuals?\• Link from data catalogue pages to analysis of the data?

• Can people comment on datasets, or create structured conversation around data?• Do you join the conversations?• Easy ways to contact the individual ‘data owner’?• Offline opportunities to have conversations that involve your data?

• Tools for people to work with your datasets?• How To guidance on using open data analysis tools?• Do you go out into the community to run skill-building sessions?• Do you sponsor or engage with capacity building?

• Have feedback loops so people can help you improve your datasets?• Collaborate with the community to create new data resources?• Provide support to people to build and sustain useful tools and services?• Work with other organisations to connect up your data sources.

5 Stars principles (Tim Davies)

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Geographic DataGeographic Data

http://librodigital.oupe.es/ http://librodigital.oupe.es/

Represent either geographical features or phenomenoms: georeferenced & multidimensional, at least two coordinates must be specified to define a location

Represent either geographical features or phenomenoms: georeferenced & multidimensional, at least two coordinates must be specified to define a location

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Geographical coordinates

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_coordinate_system http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_coordinate_system

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Spatial relationships

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spatial_relation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spatial_relation

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GIS: a geographic information system

(GIS) is any manual or

computer based system designed to

store and manipulate

spatially referenced data.

How to manage Geo-Data: GISHow to manage Geo-Data: GIS

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A geographic information system (GIS) integrates hardware, software, data and services to capturing managing, analyzing and displaying geographically referenced information

Computer based GIS

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ArchitectureArchitecture Computer Science

Computer Science

MathematicsMathematics Civil EngineerCivil Engineer

Measurement and Surveying

Measurement and SurveyingStatisticsStatistics


Close range and remote


Close range and remote


Specific Interdisciplinary Knowledge

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Voluminous, Unique analysis methods and data integration

http://www.tuflow.com/ http://www.tuflow.com/

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GIS Data represents real world objects (e.g. roads, land use, elevation, trees, waterways, etc)

Data Representation

There are 2 broad methods used to store data in GIS– Vector data Model– Raster Data Model

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Vector Data Representation

A coordinate based data model that representsgeographic features as points, lines, and polygons

1. Points (location of wells, schools, points of interests, etc

2. Lines (road centerlines, rivers, trails, streets, etc

3. Polygons (parcels, boundaries of cities, lakes, land use, etc)

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Raster Data Representation

A spatial data model that defines space as an array of equally sized cells arranged in rows and columns. Each cell contains an attribute value and location coordinates

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Most Common Spatial Data Formats


– Shape (ESRI)

– GML (Geographic Markup Language)

– RDF (Resource Description Format)

– KML (Keyhole Markup



– Geo TIFF (Geo Tagged Image Format)




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“The SDI provides a basis for spatial data discovery, evaluation, and application for users and providers within all levels of government, the commercial sector,

the non-profit sector, academia and by citizens in general”

-- The SDI Cookbookhttp://www.gsdi.org

Douglas NebertU.S. Federal Geographic

Data Committee Secretariat

What is a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)?What is a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)?

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SDI: Network & spatial data services architecture

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Europe needed a SDINatural Disasters and as well as other environmental phenomena do not stop at national borders!

20% of the EU citizens (115 million) live within50 Km from a border

70% of all fresh water bodies in Europe are part of a trans-boundary river basin !!

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Building a European SDI is complexEurope is a patchwork of several countries with different traditions, cultures and socio-economic models

This is reflected in the different ways in which geo-spatial data is managed

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INSPIRE Directive

• General rules to establish an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe for

• Community environmental policies • Policies or activities which impact on the


• INSPIRE is built on the SDIs established and operated by the Member States

• Spatial data held by/on behalf of public authorities

• Does not require collection of new data

• INSPIRE is a Framework Directive– Detailed technical provisions in

Implementing Rules

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Implementing Rules vs. Technical Guidelines

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Cross-sector data interoperability

TN:Transport networks



PF:Production and industrial facil it ies

AF:Agricultural and aquaculture

facil it ies

ER:Energy Resources

HB:Habitats and biotopes

SD:Species distr ibution

AM:Area management/ restriction/ regulation zones & reporting units

PD: Population Distr ibution

US: Util it ies and Governmental Services (Waste Management)

Urban Planning

Waste Management Plans

Environmental Impact Assessment

Risk Management




INSPIRE dataData from other


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Making data sets interoperable

• Problem: Users may not be able to understand or correctly interpret the used data model or symbology

• Solution: Data is made available according to common interoperability specifications Common (cross- domain) data models Common encodings (formats) Common symbologies

• Reference: INSPIRE Directive, Art. 7-10, IRs on interoperability of spatial data sets and services & INSPIRE data specifications






• Timing: Annex I since Dec 2012 (if newly collected), Dec 2017 (all other data), Annex II+III: Oct 2015/Oct 2020

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INSPIRE thematic scope Annex I

1. Coordinate reference systems

2. Geographical grid systems

3. Geographical names4. Administrative units5. Addresses6. Cadastral parcels7. Transport networks8. Hydrography9. Protected sites

Annex II1. Elevation2. Land cover3. Ortho-imagery4. Geology

Annex I II1. Statistical units2. Buildings3. Soil4. Land use5. Human health and safety6. Utility and governmental

services7. Environmental monitoring

facilities8. Production and industrial

facilities9. Agricultural and

aquaculture facilities10.Population distribution –


11. Area management/ restriction/regulation zones & reporting units

12. Natural risk zones13. Atmospheric conditions14. Meteorological

geographical features15. Oceanographic

geographical features16. Sea regions17. Bio-geographical regions18. Habitats and biotopes19. Species distribution20. Energy Resources21. Mineral resources

Implementation 2012/2017

Implementation 2015/2020

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Conceptual data models Registers

• objects types, properties & relationships

• cross-domain harmonization

• based on a common modelling framework

• managed in a common UML repository

Harmonised vocabularies

• achieve better interoperability than free-text and/or multi-lingual content

• allow additional terms from local vocabularies

• 400 code lists & almost 5000 values in central register


• conceptual models independent of concrete encodings

• standard encoding: GML, but also possible to derive other encodings (e.g. based on RDF)

• provide unique and persistent identifiers for reference to resources

• allow their consistent management and versioning

Key pillars of data interoperability

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• Key infrastructure component provide unique and persistent identifiers for resources allow their consistent management and versioning allow unambiguous references to items

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21th Century Challenges

Geo (Open) Data (at Global level)Geo (Open) Data (at Global level)


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The Group of Earth Observation (2005)

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GEOSS promotes scientific connections and interactions between the observation systems that constitute the system of systems, and addresses some of the 21st Century Challenges

GEOSS also promotes the introduction of innovative scientific techniques and technologies in the federated observing systems.

The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) provides the fundamental framework to integrate the earth observation efforts of the 84 GEO members and 61 Participating organizations on 9 Societal Benefit Areas

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• Full and Open Exchange of Data, recognizing Relevant International Instruments and National Policies

• Data and Products at Minimum Time delay and Minimum Cost

• Free of Charge or minimal Cost for Research and Education

http://www.geoportal.org/web/guest/geo_home http://www.geoportal.org/web/guest/geo_home

GEOSS Data Sharing Principles

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393 Resources


Geo (Open) Data (at JRC)Geo (Open) Data (at JRC)

http://data.jrc.it/ http://data.jrc.it/

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JRC Geo Catalog

Other sourcesOther

sourcesOther JRC sources

JRC Data Catalog (CKAN)

EU Open Data


JRC Geo Providers

CNR Broker

(INSPIRE) Geo Proxy

CSW Virtual



Open Data Portal

Other sourcesOther

sourcesOther JRC GEO sources


CID Repository

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*Source: European Commission Publication Office *Source: European Commission Publication Office

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Data are MINE !

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NOT exactly…

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Juan Pane, Maurizio Napolitano (FBK), Michael Lutz (JRC),Robin Smith (JRC), Andrea Perego (JRC), Anders Friis-Christensen (JRC)

Credits:• https://okfn.org/• https://unsplash.com/ • https://www.rd-alliance.org/• http://pantonprinciples.org/• http://br.freepik.com/• http://epicgraphic.com• http://www.prescribinganalytics.com/ • http://global.census.okfn.org/• http://tt.spendnetwork.com/map.html• http://www.prescribinganalytics.com/• https://opencorporates.com/• http://www.socrata.com/blog/economic-impact-open-data/• http://www.wallpapermania.eu• http://montcomediation.org/images/MCMC_MyWayYourWay.jpg• http://www.icsu.org/• http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/182n8vzdlg1iojpg/original.jpg• http://netdna.webdesignerdepot.com/uploads/photo_manipulation/manipulation-9.jpg• http://www.geoportal.org/web/guest/geo_home • https://opensource.com/education/14/8/open-source-deep-academia?
