Search as Learning 17092 Preben Hansen Claudia Hauff Claus-Peter Klas Kevyn Collins-Thompson

Dagstuhl Search as Learning: seminar introduction

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Search as Learning17092

Preben HansenClaudia HauffClaus-Peter KlasKevyn Collins-Thompson

Page 2: Dagstuhl Search as Learning: seminar introduction

“ this is a new research agenda … it focuses on the impact, influence, and consequences of using search systems as learning technologies rather than information retrieval tools and techniques

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InterdisciplinaryPsychology Information


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3 Critical bottlenecks(our view)

1. Novel algorithms & interfaces are tested in small-scale, short-term laboratory studies with simulated tasks.

2. Lack of awareness among researchers in different disciplines.

3. A shared research infrastructure is missing.

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6 Research themes (based on key challenges)

RT1 ***Understanding search as a human learning process: when and how does learning occur in the search process?

RT2 *********How can learning performance and learning outcomes be measured during search? What search process features can act as indicators of learning?

RT3 *****What is the relationship between the learning process and the context (educational, work-related, etc.) the learning & searches occur in?

RT4 **How do collaborations in the search process influence learning outcomes?

RT5 *********What type of functionalities and interventions on the search system interface level and the search algorithm level foster learning?

RT6 ***How does learning whilst searching manifest itself for different populations such as children and non-experts?

Not set in stone, just a starting point!

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Goals1. To foster cross-discipline ‘search as learning’ collaborations.2. To combine & analyze theoretical and empirical contributions in different

fields to determine gaps, shared issues, and novel research questions.3. To create a shared benchmark dedicated towards the ‘search as learning’

topic, enabling the wider research community to directly benefit from our progress.

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We go with the flow! Changes are possible!

09:15 - 10:45

Session 1

3-minute madness1 slide/participant

1) Who you are & your research background2) One example of your past work related to the seminar topic3) What you would like to get out of this seminar (ideas, collaborations)

10:45 - 11:15 Coffee break

11:15 - 12:15

Session 2

SAL – An interdisciplinary introduction30 minutes/talk

- IR/IIR perspective: Heather O’Brien- Psychology perspective: Yvonne Kammerer

12:15 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30- 15:15

Session 3

SAL – An interdisciplinary introduction, cont'd.30 minutes/talk

- Education perspective: Marc Rittberger- IR/Systems perspective: Yiqun Liu

Breakout: Exploring the challenges

15:15 - 15:45 Coffee break

15:45 - 17:00Session 3 cont’d

Breakout: Exploring the challenges continued

17:00 - 18:00

Session 4

Presentation: New set of challenges for SAL20 minutes/group + questionswrap-up

18:00 - 19:00 Dinner

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