The vector of life (A Cybernetic view) Cyprus Neuroscience & Technology Institute thways to Indefinite Lifespans prus 24 May 2014 Yiannis Laouris

Cybernetic concepts-Yiannis Laouris

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Page 1: Cybernetic concepts-Yiannis Laouris

The vector of life(A Cybernetic view)

Cyprus Neuroscience & Technology Institute

Pathways to Indefinite LifespansCyprus 24 May 2014

Yiannis Laouris

Page 2: Cybernetic concepts-Yiannis Laouris

Soon we will live almost for ever


Page 3: Cybernetic concepts-Yiannis Laouris


Page 4: Cybernetic concepts-Yiannis Laouris

Many answers to the “why”

1. Because we (many) want it

2. Because the emerging Global Brain will “expect” its “cells” to live as long as itself

3. Because it will simply happen

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Page 6: Cybernetic concepts-Yiannis Laouris

Many Pathways to Immortality

# 1 Stop the biological clock# 2 Cybernetic (artificial) organs# 3 Regeneration (re-programming)# 4 Stem Cells/Cloning# 5 Manufacturing organs# 6 Transfer the Mind to a Machine# 7 Extending the vector of life

Page 7: Cybernetic concepts-Yiannis Laouris

# 1 Stop the biological clock

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Many approaches to delay aging

• Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy

• Metabolism

• “Cleaning up”

• Telomerase

• Anti-oxidants

• Resetting circadian rhythms

• Etc.

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# 2 Artificial organs(Cyborgs?)

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# 3 Regeneration in-out

The study of regeneration is ultimately about how our bodies produce patterns – how our cells know where they are, and how they organize themselves to make organs.

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# 4 Stem Cells/Cloning

Page 13: Cybernetic concepts-Yiannis Laouris

# 5 Manufacturing organs

Page 14: Cybernetic concepts-Yiannis Laouris

# 6 Mind Transfer is Key to Immortality

Page 15: Cybernetic concepts-Yiannis Laouris

# 7 Extending the vector life

What is life about??

How do we measure the ‘quantity’ called human life span?

Page 16: Cybernetic concepts-Yiannis Laouris

The final frontier


Page 17: Cybernetic concepts-Yiannis Laouris


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