AI with Expert System Preparead by Peshawa Q.Nabi

AI with expert system

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1. AI with Expert System Preparead by Peshawa Q.Nabi 2. Content Introduction AI Overview of AI Introduction Expert System Component of Expert System Capabilities of Expert System Participants in Expert System Expert System Development Evolution of Expert System Software Summary 3. Introduction to AI The branch of computer science concerned with making computers behave like humans. The term was coined in 1956 by John McCarthy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Artificial intelligence includes :- games playing: programming computers to play games such as chess and checkers . expert systems : programming computers to make decisions in real-life . natural language : programming computers to understand natural human languages . 4. Introduction to AI neural networks : Systems that simulate intelligence by attempting to reproduce the types of physical connections that occur in animal brains . robotics : programming computers to see and hear and react to other sensory stimuli . Currently, no computers exhibit full artificial intelligence (that is, are able to simulate human behavior). 5. Introduction of Expert System In arterial intelligent an expert system is a computer system that emulates the decision making ability of a human expert . Expert system are designed to solve complex problems by resoning about knowledge , like a expert. Do not follow the procedure of a developer as the case in convectional programming Divided into two parts , one fixed in depended of the expert system : the inference , and one variable : the knowledge base. In the 80s a third part appeared : a dialog interface to communicate with users. This ability to conduct a conversation with users was latter called conversational . 6. Components and Human Interfaces Knowledge base Stores all relevant information, data, rules, cases, and relationships used by the expert system Inference engine Seeks information and relationships from the knowledge base and provides answers, predictions, and suggestions in the way a human expert would Rule A conditional statement that links given conditions to actions or outcomes 7. Components and Human Interfaces User Interface Inference Engine Knowledge Base 8. Capabilities of Expert SystemCapabilities of Expert Systems Strategic goal setting Decision making Planning Design Quality control and monitoring Diagnosis Explore impact of strategic goals Impact of plans on resources Integrate general design principles and manufacturing limitations Provide advise on decisions Monitor quality and assist in finding solutions Look for causes and suggest solutions 9. Participants in Expert System Domain expert : The in individual or group whose experts and knowledge is captured for use in an expert system. Knowledge user : The in individual or group who uses and benefits form the expert system. Knowledge engineer : Someone trained or experienced in the design ,development, implementation , and maintenance , of an expert system. 10. Participants in Expert System Expert system Domain expert Knowledge engineer Knowledge user 11. Development of Expert System 12. Evolution of Expert Systems Software Expert system shell Collection of software packages & tools to design, develop, implement, and maintain expert systems Easeofuse low high Traditional programming languages Special and 4th generation languages Expert system shells Before 1980 1980s 1990s 13. Advantages of Expert Systems Will never retire . Essay to use . People can the initial diagnosis from home (Saving money) . Easy to develop and modify . The use of heuristics . Etc.. 14. Applications of Expert Systems Credit granting Information management and retrieval AI and expert systems embedded in products Plant layout Hospitals and medical facilities Help desks and assistance Employee performance evaluation Loan analysis Virus detection Repair and maintenance Shipping Marketing Warehouse optimization 15. Summary in this Video ! 16. THANK YOU