Used Fuel Disposition Campaign Preliminary results on comparing conceptual approach of DFN (LANL) and FCM (SNL) models Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04- 94AL85000. SAND2016-nnnnn Hari Viswanathan, Nataliia Makedonska, Satish Karra, Jeffrey Hyman Los Alamos National Laboratory Hadgu Teklu, Elena Kalinina, Yifeng Wang, Emily Stein Sandia National Laboratories 2016 UFDC Annual Working Group Meeting Session, June, 2016 Las Vegas, NV

38 june 8 june 8_comparison of descrete fracture network and fractured continuum modeling approaches for simulating flow and transport through_viswanathan

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  • Used Fuel Disposition Campaign

    Preliminary results on comparing conceptual approach of DFN (LANL) and FCM (SNL) models

    Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energys National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-

    94AL85000. SAND2016-nnnnn

    Hari Viswanathan, Nataliia Makedonska, Satish Karra, Jeffrey Hyman Los Alamos National Laboratory Hadgu Teklu, Elena Kalinina, Yifeng Wang, Emily Stein Sandia National Laboratories 2016 UFDC Annual Working Group Meeting Session, June, 2016 Las Vegas, NV

  • Used Fuel Disposition


    DFN model

    Discrete Fracture Network Fractured Continuum Model

    Discrete Fracture Network Model generates fracture networks similar to those observed on natural sites using site fracture characteristics. DFN undertakes fracture percolation between boundary faces of the simulation domain. DFN provides all necessary information for FCM for the transport and flow comparison.

  • Used Fuel Disposition



    dfnGen Network

    Generation using FRAM

    dfnFlow Flow simulation

    using PFLOTRAN

    dfnTrans Lagrangian

    Transport using a modification of WALKABOUT

  • Used Fuel Disposition

    Step 1: Generate Fracture Networks using DFNWorks

    Three fracture sets are generated based on Forsmark site fracture characteristics (Table 6-75 SKB report TR10-52)

    Fracture transmissivity is defined as function of fracture size

    Fracture aperture is correlated to fracture size and calculated from transmissivity using cubic law


  • Used Fuel Disposition


    Step 1: Generate Fracture Networks using DFNWorks

    Example of DFN realization

    Statistical distributions of fracture network:

    Fracture Size

    Fracture Aperture

    Fracture Permeability

  • Used Fuel Disposition

    Step 2: Mapping DFN into Continuum


  • Used Fuel Disposition

    Step 2: Mapping DFN into Continuum


    The fracture network structure of

    the DFN is mapped into regular voxel mesh.

    Each voxel in the hexahedral mesh has dimensions of 10 m.

    The list of fractures intersecting each voxel is created and passed to FCM team.

    DFN team proceeds with DFN.

  • Used Fuel Disposition

    Step 3: Steady State Flow Solution, PFLOTRAN


    Flow direction: West-East Pressure gradient: 103 Pa

    Compare Effective Permeability of DFNs and FCM: Effective permeability of 5 realizations is in the range: DFN 3.347 e-17 4.242 e-17 m2 FCM 3.68 e-17 4.67 e-17 m2


  • Used Fuel Disposition

    Step 4: Modeling Transport Using Lagrangian Particle Tracking


    3000 particles trajectories colored by their travel time in log scale

  • Used Fuel Disposition


    Step 4: Modeling Transport Using Lagrangian Particle Tracking

    Breakthrough curves of 5 independent DFN realizations with similar characteristics. 250.000 particles contribute to each BTC.

  • Used Fuel Disposition

    Future Steps

    Compare BTC with transport results of FCM model

    Expect differences due to presence of matrix diffusion in FCM


    Estimate the contribution of matrix diffusion and other processes in interface between fractures surface and rock matrix.


    Preliminary results on comparing conceptual approach of DFN (LANL) and FCM (SNL) modelsDFN modelDFNWorksStep 1:Generate Fracture Networks using DFNWorks Step 1:Generate Fracture Networks using DFNWorks Step 2:Mapping DFN into ContinuumStep 2:Mapping DFN into ContinuumStep 3:Steady State Flow Solution, PFLOTRAN Step 4:Modeling Transport Using Lagrangian Particle TrackingStep 4:Modeling Transport Using Lagrangian Particle TrackingFuture Steps