Lysergic Lysergic acid, otherwise known as (+)-lysergic acid and D- lysergic acid is a known precursor for wide category of the ergoline alkaloids synthesized by ergot fungus and is also traced in the seeds of tlitliltzin, morning glories(Ipomoea tricolor), Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa), Ololiuhqui (Turbina corymbosa).


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Page 1: Lysergic


Lysergic acid, otherwise known as (+)-lysergic acid and D-lysergic acid is a known precursor for wide category of the ergoline alkaloids synthesized by ergot fungus and is also traced in the seeds of tlitliltzin, morning glories(Ipomoea tricolor), Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa), Ololiuhqui (Turbina corymbosa).

Page 2: Lysergic

The IUPAC name of this lysergic acid is the 7-Methyl – 4, 6, 6a, 7, 8, 9-hexahydroindolo (4,3-fg) quinoline – 9 – carboxylic acid. The other name of this lysergic acid is the 6 – methyl – 9, 10 –didehydroergoline – 8 –carboxylic acid. The chemical formula of this lysergic acid is C16H16N2O2. Its molar mass is 268.32 g mol-1. The melting point of this lysergic acid is between 238 and 240 degree Celsius. The amide form of this lysergic acid, known by the term lysergamides is widely used in the field of pharmaceuticals as psychedelic drug. This Lysergic acid got its name as it was derived from the lysis of the ergot alkaloids.

Natural lysergamides on hydrolysis yield lysergic acid. Lysergic acid can also get synthesized in lab conditions in lizardlabs.co.uk by complex process of total synthesis. The process was first carried out by team headed by Woodward in the year 1956. Ohno and Fujji in the year 2011 described an enantio selective complete synthesis depending on the palladium crystallized reaction of domino cyclization.

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