5 Things That Have NOT Changed in Retail. By: Avi Mizrahi

5 Things That Have Not Changed In Retail

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5 Things That HaveNOT Changed inRetail.By: Avi Mizrahi

Technology has changed retail.

However, thefollowing five

retail principlesstill hold true.

Customers Are Number One.1

Social media and mobile technologyenable customers to access informationfreely and communicate directly withretailers and brands. Customers are inthe driver's seat!

2 Merchandising Teams PowerRetailers.

Pre-canned reports rarely provide theinsights that Category Managersneed. Automate the insightsdiscovery process for faster decisionmaking.

3 Price Matters.Value Matters More.

Pricing alone will not differentiateyour business. Begin offering retail

experiences that your customers value.Use data from across organizationalsilos to learn what customers want.

Then, give it to them.

4 Supply Chain & Store OperationsAre As Important As Ever.

In an omni-channelworld, ensuring thatyou have the rightproduct available at theright place at the righttime will require strongcoordination and real-time information.

5 Location, Location, Location!

80-90% of retail commerce stillhappens in a physical store.Stores must be easy to accessand navigate. Digitaltechnology can enhance thein-store customer experience.

Despite ever-evolving technology,core retail fundamentals

remain constant.

This SlideShare is basedon a LinkedIn Post I wrote.To read it, click here.

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