The Future of Talent In the Contingent Workforce Your stakeholders are counting on you to keep on top of workforce trends for them. They don't know what "supertemps" are and how to best utilize their talents, how to keep Millennials happy and productive, or why they just lost that exceptional employee to a job with lower pay. Do you?

The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

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Your stakeholders are counting on you to keep on top of workforce trends for them. They don't know what "supertemps" are and how to best utilize their talents, how to keep Millennials happy and productive, or why they just lost that exceptional employee to a job with lower pay. Do you? Get a preview of the new publication here, then grab the full version (free) at http://www.zenithtalent.com/future-of-contingent-workforce-talent . We cover: - What really motivates the best workers of today and tomorrow and how to capitalize on that drive. - Why "clusters" result in higher levels of performance, more cost-effective talent management, and greater worker satisfaction. - How "Millennials" are effectively shaping the chaos-tolerant workforce of today and tomorrow. - Why online staffing platforms appeal to independent, entrepreneurial workers. - Why cross-cultural competency and virtual collaboration are invaluable. You must be prepared for the coming workforce to thrive and have success. Enjoy the preview, then get the ebook, and in 30 minutes you'll be looking forward to this new world that's already well on its way.

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Page 1: The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

The Future of TalentIn the Contingent WorkforceYour stakeholders are counting on you to keepon top of workforce trends for them. Theydon't know what "supertemps" are and how tobest utilize their talents, how to keepMillennials happy and productive, or why theyjust lost that exceptional employee to a job withlower pay. Do you?

Page 2: The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

"Future talent born from Gen Z will reachunsurpassed levels of mobility anddemand socialized communicationvehicles to support their nomadiclifestyles. They want interaction anddialog but not intrusion."

Page 3: The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

"Companies that have abandonedtop-down hierarchical structuresempower their talent to exercise greaterdegrees of initiative... and... alignmentwith internal and external customerneeds."

Page 4: The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

"We are seeing a renaissance of valuesthat emphasize freedom andentrepreneurialism."

Page 5: The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

"Online staffing platforms have becomethe next frontier in the journey to thefuture."

Page 6: The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

"Supertemps are growing in number, and we think they’re on the verge ofchanging how business works."

Page 7: The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

"Staffing providers and Managed ServiceProviders (MSP) will function as clientliaisons while supporting contingenttalent teams as communicators, mentorsand advocates..."

Page 8: The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

"Interconnectivity between countries willbring diversity and adaptability to theforefront of organizational operations,bolstering the need for cross-culturalcompetency and virtual collaboration."

Page 9: The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

"Talent will be mobile – always connectedand online, immediately deployable,delivering services around the worldfrom a virtual office."

Page 10: The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

"One-third of today’s Americanworkforce is populated by varyingiterations of indirect workers: contractors,agency temps, independent consultants,freelancers and others."

Page 11: The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

"Millennials lack the same attachment tothe idea of a career or the willingness tooperate in static corporate environs."

Page 12: The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

"People are returning to the doctrine ofworking to live, not living to work.Project-based work, for many, hasbecome more attractive than the acceptedalternative."

Page 13: The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

"Capturing the interest of our futuretalent will require piquing their attention,keeping them engaged and presenting anoffer alluring enough to win them overwithout breaking the bank."

Page 14: The Future of Talent in the Contingent Workforce

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