Saxo Bank Our roadmap to an aligned and consistent employer value proposition for Saxo Bank IT

Køreplanen til en konsistent employer branding for Saxo Bank IT - Eva Hansen, Saxo Bank

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En kort gennemgang af den rejse vi har været på i Saxo Bank IT i løbet af 2014 på vores vej til at definere en Employer Branding strategi.

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Page 1: Køreplanen til en konsistent employer branding for Saxo Bank IT - Eva Hansen, Saxo Bank

Saxo BankOur roadmap to an aligned and consistent employer value proposition for Saxo Bank IT

Page 2: Køreplanen til en konsistent employer branding for Saxo Bank IT - Eva Hansen, Saxo Bank


What we strive to achieve

Understand Decide Plan Act

To retain and engage our existing talent

The most powerful brand ambassadors we could wish for:

●offers a personal and public endorsement of the company he/she works for

●believe in our company’s products and service

●feel excited about going to work and performing their best

●will try to encourage their friends to join them i.e. brilliant people know other brilliant people

By building a strong brand based on a value proposition that is:






Page 3: Køreplanen til en konsistent employer branding for Saxo Bank IT - Eva Hansen, Saxo Bank


The employer value proposition: development process


Decide Implement

Research enables us to see the reality of the employee experience in Saxo Bank and which employer attributes they find attractive.In order to know who to research, we must ask ourselves which competencies we find most relevant now and in the future.

An Employer Value Proposition is the foundation for all external and internal communication with talent. Optimizing the EVP means ensuring that it includes attributes and communication themes that are attractive, credible, sustainable and that allow for differentiation in the long term

Based on the EVP and the selected communication channels, organizations now need to develop communication ideas that will have the greatest possible impact on the target groups and set the company apart from the competition

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Understand: assessing the as-is

We surveyed Specialists, Technical Leads and Managers in IT

We asked for input on:

●what attributes they find to be important in order to attract and retain talent

●what is the current state within Saxo Bank IT with regards to the mentioned attributes.

●our top talent competitors and which attributes they associate with those

Aim was to:

●create a strong overlap between Identity, Profile and Image

●Ensure that our EVP would speak to our target talent pool

●Find out more about the EVP of our talent competitors to find out how to differentiate

●Ensure that our employees find us capable of delivering on our EVP effectively

Understand Decide Plan Act


What you are trying to



The image, career and

opportunities your company

can offer


The external view and

position of your company

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Decide: guiding principles

Based on the outcome of our survey we defined a number of principles to guide us when pin-pointing short term initiatives and to form the basis for our people strategy

●Technical/Domain specialists have comparable career opportunities to management and will be equally rewarded in terms of pay, benefits and respect

●We will focus more on leadership potential and motivation to lead rather than technical skills alone when selecting future leaders

●We will safeguard internal development opportunities and give internal candidates priority over external candidates for any upcoming vacancies

●We will make internal career choices independent of manager facilitation by committing ourselves and our managers to posting all vacancies on the internal job portal

●We will focus our attention on retaining and developing our staff by creating more development opportunities and targeted development initiatives

●We will support people in enhancing their ability to work in distributed teams and increase the level of cultural awareness

●All employees will be evaluated against the same standards and we will ensure that good behavior/performance is appropriately acknowledged and rewarded

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Implement: Aligning to guiding principles

Based on the guiding principles we aligned HR processes and communication initiatives across IT

●Attraction, Referral Program and Recruitment

●Talent Management, Career Progression and Succession Planning

●Training, Learning and Development

●Performance Management, Compensation and Benefits

●Internal and External Communication

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Implement: Attracting the talent segment

Saxo Bank’s in-house trading systems handles…

• over 25,000 concurrent online trading clients 24 hours per day / 5.5 trading days per week

• more than 160,000 unique monthly users to our social trading portal

• in excess of 400,000 price feed updates per second

• intraday execution and booking of up to 900 trades per second

• over 500,000 trade transactions processed daily

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Implement: Showcase our technology and innovation

• FedEx Day

• 24-hour Innovation Competition

• GOTO Copenhagen Platinum Sponsors

• Speaking Opportunities

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Implement: Showcase ourselves as employer

• Articles in relevant medias

• Offering our facilities for network meetings and training sessions

• Social media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn

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• Any activities that affects existing employees have had the most significant impact (on achieving our initial objectives) – especially when we enable our employees to communicate it externally

• The above activities are also the most difficult and time consuming to execute on

• We would never have been able to make any significant impact without the buy in and active involvement of top management

• Same goes for cross functional collaboration between HR, PR and Marketing

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