Is what you first see with Candidates what you get? A discussion with C-me Colour Profiling. (London 07/03/17) Last week we held the first of our 2017 NFP Networking & Lunch events at a brand new venue, The Balls Brothers, Minster Court. We got together with some new and old friends for a spot of lunch and some great discussions about the ‘Common challenges NFP Recruiters face’ and whether ‘what you first see with candidates is what you get?’ New Venue, New Beginnings So as you have already heard, we decided to move our event to somewhere new this time just to shake things up a little. What a great experience it was. With a friendly environment and the room

Is what you first see with Candidates what you get? A discussion with C-me Colour Profiling. (London 07/03/2017)

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Is what you first see with Candidates what you get? A discussion with C-me Colour Profiling. (London 07/03/17) Last week we held the first of our 2017 NFP Networking & Lunch events at a brand new venue, The Balls Brothers, Minster Court. We got together with some new and old friends for a spot of lunch and some great discussions about the ‘Common challenges NFP Recruiters face’ and whether ‘what you first see with candidates is what you get?’ New Venue, New Beginnings So as you have already heard, we decided to move our event to somewhere new this time just to shake things up a little. What a great experience it was. With a friendly environment and the room

being just what we like, intimate and relaxed, it helped get the event off to a great start. With a little more room and the perfect layout for the morning, it was great for our guest’s networking.

How it happens… The morning begins as our guests turn up, helping themselves to a well needed morning beverage, from fresh orange juice to a strong filter coffee (for those of us who just aren’t morning people). Everyone gets to network and find out more about people who do what they do every day. Claire, our Head of NFP was our MC for the morning, kickstarting the discussion amongst our guests in the room and bringing the event together.

“Common Challenges facing NFP Recruiters”– Claire Dalton (Head of NFP, EasyWeb NFP Recruitment)

With the morning in full swing, and our guests content with their networking so far, Claire took us into the first of our presentations and knowledge-share session, ‘Common Challenges facing NFP Recruiters’. Throwing us straight into her talk, she covered some great examples of challenges she often finds her Not-for-Profit clients face, as well as taking us through points brought up from our wonderful guests, such as Time & Efficiency and Budget restraints - we heard some great stories from organisations who had been able to overcome some of these challenges.

‘C-me Profiling – Is what you first see with Candidates what you get?’ –Sonia Home (Chief Executive, C-me Colour Profiling)

Sonia Home is the Chief Executive of C-me Colour Profiling, an online process that helps organisations assess individual employee preferences and provide an insight into an individual’s characteristics in the workplace and beyond. Before our networking morning, Sonia provided our guests with a free trial of C-me Profiling and at the beginning of her presentation gave us all a little networking game to get started. So stand up, grab yourself some C-me Colour Profiling cards and get to work! The cards represented different coloured behavioural preferences, and before long we’d separated the room into green, blue, yellow and red - and let us tell you, it was fun! We then got to discover the different types of behavioural traits that came with each colour, understanding each colour’s strengths and weaknesses.

Sonia then took us through her presentation for the morning, with a little background of C-me, followed by how C-me Profiling actually works and how it can benefit your organisation and aid team work.

Food, Network, More Food, More Network, Peer Focus? Once everyone had been fed we moved on to one of our favourite parts. Peer focus time! This event’s Non-Profit peer focus was for the great organisation, City Year, and finding out more about the challenges they faced when it came to their recruitment. This included many of the challenges all Non-Profits face, wsuch as upkeeping their Employer Brand, remembering company values when recruiting and how they were finding it difficult to process their applicants to create a candidate pool. We heard from both our head of NFP, Claire, and Craig, City Year’s Head of HR on how EasyWeb’s flexible advertising options and Applicant Tracking System has helped City Year achieve their recruitment goals.

They then took us through into our charity raffle, which we’re pleased to announce raised £85, which EasyWeb have now doubled to £170 for City Year. We’re really glad everyone enjoyed the event and couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to network with and get to know a little better. A big thank you goes out to the wonderful Sonia for her great talk and introduction of C-me Colour Profiling and also to Claire and the EasyWeb team for the great work they put in to make a successful and fun-filled event.

“It was my first event and I really enjoyed it. I found the first session particularly valuable where Claire took themes from the cards we had completed and audience members expanded on what they had said and good case studies and examples were given.” - MacIntyre

Thanks also to all 50 of our guests, we look forward to seeing you when we return to London towards the end of the year. In the meantime, we look forward to meeting more new friends at our second event this year, which will be in a new location - Birmingham - on Tuesday 6th June! Our events aren’t live yet, but keep a look out on our brand new website for upcoming events: http://www.easywebnfp.com/training/. Written by Becky Cellupica, Marketing & Events Executive with the help of EasyWeb’s Marketing Team.