Interview Tips for Security Guards So, you send out your killer resume, and landed that interview for a security guard job. Congratulations, unfortunately, that isn’t the end and it only gets harder from here. The thing you should know about a job interview is that when you get notified that you have an interview, if you haven’t already been researching the company and the job, you are already late in preparing. Your preparation for a job interview should start BEFORE you apply for the job, because why apply to a company that doesn’t match your needs. Research before applying: Check out sites like Glassdoor and Indeed for reviews of the company. Yes, more people will take the time to post a negative review than a positive one, but look at the negative reviews, look for things like “withheld paycheck”, “late paying”, “delayed paychecks”; as those are signs the company might be in trouble. I also like to head over to Yahoo Finance and check the stock on the company, is it going up, is it steady performance, or has it recently been declining. Check LinkedIn for people with the job title you are applying for, if any are currently in your network even better; take this time to message few and ask if they would be interested in speaking with you about their current employer. The following script has helped me in the past:

Interview tips for security guards

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Interview Tips for Security Guards

So, you send out your killer resume, and landed that interview for a security guard job.

Congratulations, unfortunately, that isn’t the end and it only gets harder from here.

The thing you should know about a job interview is that when you get notified that you have an

interview, if you haven’t already been researching the company and the job, you are already late

in preparing. Your preparation for a job interview should start BEFORE you apply for the job,

because why apply to a company that doesn’t match your needs.

Research before applying:

• Check out sites like Glassdoor and Indeed for reviews of the company. Yes, more people

will take the time to post a negative review than a positive one, but look at the negative

reviews, look for things like “withheld paycheck”, “late paying”, “delayed paychecks”;

as those are signs the company might be in trouble.

• I also like to head over to Yahoo Finance and check the stock on the company, is it going

up, is it steady performance, or has it recently been declining.

• Check LinkedIn for people with the job title you are applying for, if any are currently in

your network even better; take this time to message few and ask if they would be

interested in speaking with you about their current employer. The following script has

helped me in the past:

“Hello _____, I see you currently work for _______ Security, I was just looking at the

current opening for ________ in __________. I was wondering if I could talk with you real

quick about your experience with company, I had a couple questions if you don’t mind. Thanks


o Some of the questions to ask:

o “How are the benefits?”

o “How is the scheduling/What sort of work schedule is it?” o “Would you

recommend them” o Or just about anything you are curious about.

So now you know you want to work for this company, and your interview is looming. But you feel

nervous, your stomach is full of butterflies, you don’t know how to calm yourself before the interview.

The following are the things you could do in order for you to ease those feelings:

Images for your ease

Imagine a picture of peace or serenity. This would really give you the peace of mind and the

atmosphere to think and be relaxed. You have to try this method out. A couple of minutes for

this would give a huge benefit.

Breath and smile

Breathe deeply like you exhale the pessimism within you. Do it for several times until you

feel relieved from your nervousness.

Carry a sweet memory

Choose a picture you like that would remind you of an inspiration. You could paste it in a

notebook. Stare at it and recall beautiful memories. This would definitely help you get

inspired for the interview.

Oath of esteem

Remind yourself by being in silence, telling yourself that you are the best for the job, you

could answer the questions and you could be hired. Being positive move mountains and it

could build muscles of hope.

Hopefully you are calming down now, you are ready and know you will master this interview.

When in search for a job, you would definitely need to make it good in a job interview. This

would be a big factor that would determine your future and the security of your future. A job

interview would definitely be putting much pressure on you.

The most difficult part for all is the time when you have to answer questions thrown by the

interviewee. This part would definitely let you gather your thoughts and the best answers you

could ever give. But, if you take it in a pro-active manner, you would definitely feel confident.

The following are additional things to take note of when you are there on the waiting room about

to be interviewed:

Tell yourself that you have prepared well and you must not feel nervous or unready for

the interview.

Review the contents of your resume. You would be asked questions from that so it would

really help if you know what to say.

Think of questions that may be asked to you. Think about brief answers that you may

give to your interviewee.

Feel that you look good. Check if there is something you could improve with how you

look. When you feel good from within, it would exude.

Focus your mind on something or someone that would make you feel inspired. This is a

way of keeping your self relaxed.

Drink water if needed before getting inside the interview room. You would not be

impressive if you sound choked.

Whisper an encouraging line for yourself and take that breathe of confidence before

entering the room for interview.

These simple reminders would definitely boost your esteem as you conquer that new challenge

of your life.

You can find more interview tips for security guards at the Security Guard Career Center