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14th October,2014

Mr. Name , Address.

Sub: Letter of Appointment

Dear Mr. Name,

This has reference to your application and the subsequent interview you had with us. We feel pleasure in

appointing you at M/S RICHA INDUSTRIES LTD as “Designation” in Accounts department with our

organization based at Faridabad on the following terms & conditions:


a) Your date of appointment is effective from Date of joining.

b) You will be on probation for a period of 6 months from the date of your appointment which may be extended at the sole discretion of the Management. If in the opinion of the company you are found

suitable in the appointed post you will be confirmed.

c) You will be liable to be transferred in such capacity as the company may from time to time determine

to any other location, department, function, establishment, or branch of the company or subsidiary, associate, or affiliate company whether at present existing or not in the country/abroad, In such case

you will be governed by the terms and conditions of service applicable to the new assignment.


a) You will be eligible to receive the compensation as per the enclosed ANNEXURE-A.

b) Your salary shall be subject to the deduction of requisite dues as per Govt. norms and the same shall

be reviewed periodically as per company policy.

c) Changes in your compensation are discretionary and will be subject to and on the basis of effective

performance and results during the period and other relevant criteria.

d) Your performance will be reviewed periodically.


a) Leave, holidays and working hours as applicable to your category of employees and location of


b) You will be covered under Employee Provident Fund Schemes, Employee State Insurance Scheme &

Gratuity as well as the existing provisions of Law, (whichever is applicable).


In view of your position and office, you must effectively, diligently and to the best of your ability perform all responsibilities and ensure results. You will be expected to work extra hours to achieve the above whenever the

job so require. In this connection, you are required not to engage in activities that have or will have an adverse

impact on the reputation/image and business Richa Industries Ltd, whether directly or indirectly.

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a) You will be required to undertake travel on company work for which you will be reimbursed travel

expenses as per the company policy applicable to you.

b) You are committed to ensure “integrity” in a ll aspects. Please ensure that you comply with the policies

of the company as they form an integral part of the terms of employment with Richa Industries Ltd.. Consequently, you are required to understand the scope and intent behind these policies and to

comply with the same. These policies are updated/modified on a periodic basis and new policies may be introduced from time to time. As and when this happens, the company will notify on notice board

and you will be required to comply with the same.

c) Consistent with (a) above, any matter or situation or incident that may arise that could potentially

result, or has resulted, in any violation of the policies or this letter shall immediately be brought to the notice of your senior or Management.

d) In connection with your employment during the term of your employment you shall disclose and

assign to Richa Industries Ltd all its I.P. rights as its exclusive property, all processes developed or

conceived by you solely or jointly with others and shall comply with the policies of the company in relation to the Intellectual Property.

e) You should remain in touch with your department/senior during the time of holiday/leaves.


a) During the term of this agreement, you agree to comply with Richa Industries Ltd.’s policies and standards, will devote your full abilities to the performance of your duties and will remain available

during off duties hours (If needed).

b) You shall ensure that you shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in any activity or have any interest in

or perform any services for any person who is involved in activities, which are or shall be in conflict with the interest of Richa Industries Ltd.

c) In the event of an employee leaving the company without serving the agreed notice period or leaving

without intimation, the company shall initiate action in accordance with law of land, and also take up

the issues with all the concerned parties viz: employee, new company/employer etc.

d) The employee shall not join a Company in the industry that competes with Richa Industries Ltd. or distributes and integrates products that compete with products offered by Richa Industries Ltd. for

a period of six months from the date of leaving unless no dues /objection is taken from the HR department of the Company duly signed by Company Secretary of Company.

e) Continued absence from duty for a period of 3 months on account of sickness will also make you liable for termination of your services.

f) If you absent yourself without permission for a period of ten continuous days you will be deemed to

have abandoned your employment thereby bringing about the termination of your services with the

company automatically.

g) Failure on your part to achieve the prescribed work will render your services liable for termination.

h) In case of any conflict or doubt please discuss the matter with your senior, Understand the position of Richa Industries Ltd. and resolve the conflict.

i) You shall ensure that you shall not directly or indirectly, misuse or mishandle any of the facilities as

and when provided by the company such as Mobile Phone, Laptop, Data card, Computer system,

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Vehicle etc. During the tenure of your services you are supposed not to take any project, consultancy,

services etc. Whether paid or unpaid from any of your friend, relative etc.


a. Both during employment and after employee’s employment with the company, an employee shall

regard and preserve as confidential and shall not disclose, publish, communicate or make

available to any person(other than to the persons, clients or other entities as directed by duly

authorized representative of the company) or use employee’s personal purpose, any confidential

information that employee receives, obtains or otherwise becomes aware during employee’s

employment by the company that relates to, pertains to the operations, business or financial

affairs or un -published know- how, processes techniques, customers (including the names of the

company’s customers, past/present or perspective and terms of any contract by company with its

customers, including fees)employees trade secrets, products, services, properties, plans or

projections of the company or any of its affiliated clients or of any supplier, joint venture or

licensor, licensee of the Company. Any data or information that is not readily available to the

public shall be considered by the employee to be confidential and therefore within the scope of

this agreement / unless company advises otherwise in writing. In case of violation of the above

said clause the company reserves its right to initiate the legal actions against the employee and to

recover the damages and other losses caused to the company due to such acts.

b. That the employee shall also be bind not to disclose or discuss his/her salary to others employees,

colleagues of the Company.

c. It is also be mandatory to the employee not to involve in trading, directly or indirectly, the share

of the company. If some one make any such acts without the information to the company, he shall

be liable for all cost, damages and penalties which shall be borne by the company in respect to


d. For all the above points i.e. a,b & c Employee need to execute an affidavit in favour of the



a. We trust you have not provided us any false declarations or willfully suppressed any material

information. if you have, you will be liable for removal from the services without any notice and no

compensation in lieu of that be paid to you.

b. Please note that you are required to inform us if there are any other agreement, oral or written

which you have entered into and which relate to your commitments under this agreement.

c. Your employment terms may be specifically enforced legally, if required. In this connection, if any

of the provision of this agreement are declared or found to be void or unenforceable due to any

reason whatsoever, the remaining provisions of this agreement shall continue full force and effect.


You shall keep the company informed of any changes in your residential address or civil status.

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The age of Superannuation is fixed at 58 years. Your employment will cease on your attaining the above age 58

years. However, the Management shall have the discretion to grant you an extension for period or to re -employ



You will devote full time to the work of the company and shall not undertake any direct/indirect business or work,

honorary or remunerative, either during or after office hours.


a. This contract of employment is terminable, during the period of probation/training by giving 7 days by an employee & 7 days from Management.

b. After confirmation, your services with the company may be terminated by 30 days Notice on

either side.

c. Richa reserves the right to pay or recover salary in lieu of notice period. Further, the company

may at its discretion relieve you from such date as it may deem fit even prior to the expiry of the notice period.

d. In event of termination (voluntary or Other wise) of Employee’s employment with company, Employee agrees, promptly and without the necessity of request, to deliver or inform company,

as appropriate, all documents and data pertaining to confidential information, whether prepared by Employee or otherwise coming into Employee’s possession or control. Employee w ill not retain

any written or tangible material containing any information concerning or disclosing any of the confidential information, databank, leads, and contacts of Company.

We wish you success in all your endeavors and we hope you would exhibit a ve ry high sense of ownership in your

work and depending on your achievement. Richa Industries Ltd. will ensure a stupendous career growth for

you. Please sign the attached copy of this letter and return it to us a token of your acceptance.

Your Sincerely,


Authorised Signatory

I agree to accept employment on the terms and condition mentioned in the above letters

Place: ___________________________

Signature of employee

Date : ___________________________ Name
