Things Businesses Can Do NOW to Succeed in the Knowledge Economy 4

4 Things Businesses Can Do NOW to Succeed in the Knowledge Economy

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Things Businesses Can Do NOW to Succeed in the Knowledge Economy


Governments, universities, and businesses must work together for the knowledge economy to fully prosper, but companies must be proactive to ensure

their own success.

1Develop leadersLeadership and management will play a huge role in whether or not a company can envision and execute a plan to succeed.

Investment in leadership training and development will yield

results in financial performance, talent attraction and retention,

organizational agility, and employee productivity.1

Find the Right EmployeesFigure out which key roles your company is missing or where you need additional talent.


Hiring the right talent ensures your business can compete in emerging fields

and markets.

Invest in Current EmployeesEmployees with the right skills keep your company competitive. Moreover, 31% of employees cite training/education as a benefit that would increase engagement and loyalty.2, 3


Grant employees access to courses and certifications or to online libraries and

on-the-job training so they have the skills to drive the

company forward.

Retain Top TalentInvestment in employees will yield no results if a company cannot retain them.


Focus on office culture and employee engagement. Offer

training programs and advancement opportunities. Employees who have opportunities to develop are twice

as likely to say they will spend their careers with that company.3, 4

Taking these steps can put companies far ahead of the competition and be the

impetus to succeed in the knowledge economy.

To learn more about positioning your organization and equipping your staff to excel in the knowledge economy,

check out http://news.wiley.com/LP=1350.

For further information please contact:

Lowri GreggAssociate Market Development [email protected]


1 “Is Leadership Development Worth the Investment.” SlideShare. N.p., 28 May 2015. Web. 26 Aug. 2015. <http://www.slideshare.net/wiley/slideshare-is-leadership-development-worth-the-investment>.

2 Gregory, Adrianna. “What Benefits Increase Employee Loyalty and Engagement?” Workforce 2020. N.p., 08 Dec. 2014. Web. 28 Aug. 2015. <http://2020workforce.com/ 2014/12/08/what-benefits-increase-employee-loyalty-and-engagement/>.

3 Carter, Brandon. “EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT & LOYALTY STATISTICS: THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION.” Access. Access Development, 05 Aug. 2014. Web. 01 Sept. 2015. <http://blog.accessdevelopment.com/index.php/2014/08/employee-engagement-loyalty-statistics-the-ultimate-collection>.

4 Adkins, Amy. “Only 35% of U.S. Managers Are Engaged in Their Jobs.”Gallup.com. N.p., 02 Apr. 2015. Web. 27 Aug. 2015. <http://www.gallup.com/businessjournal/182228/managers-engaged-jobs.aspx>.

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