20 Ideas to Help Your Company Succeed By Seeing Good in Others At Work

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You’re a Team PlayerCan you find and recognize examples of the good things you and your coworkers do to make a positive impact?

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Help internal departments like IT, finance, and HR see how their efforts connect to the mission.

Applaud Unsung Work Heroes Who Hunker Down

Take ActionIf you manage a team or group, ask them to send you one recent thing they have been involved in that supports the organization's mission and purpose. Ask the same of a handful of people who have interacted with your team from other departments. Make it clear that no "thing" is too small. Summarize and compile comments into a single communications back to your team. Then share it with the most senior people; you can along with a note that says, "These are the things that make me proud." Word will spread. Your team rocks!

Is there someone internal that you want to make sure feels connected to the big picture?

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Don't wait for a formal review to say something good. Do it real-time. And do it a lot.

Take ActionPositive feedback has an immediate impact. If you benefit from someone, don't hold back. Say it in person or send an email – just don't wait. And go beyond "Thank You." Include things that will make a big impact on the person you are acknowledging. For example, create a simple story with keywords so it's memorable. Fill in the blanks for the #challenge you faced, #solution they provided, positive #impact of their efforts, work #values they support, and how it makes you #feel. It doesn't have to be long. It just needs to mean something.

Giving Feedback Should Feel Good, Not Stressful

What did a colleague do in the past few hours to impress you? Smaller the better.

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Motivate teammates to make progress on goals when you recognize the small steps to victory.

Take ActionPassionate home team crowds applaud it all, big and small, even in defeat. The crowd at work can do the same. Ask a few teammates to think hard about the smallest signs of progress related to a project. Give an example to make it clear that you're looking for the small stuff. Consolidate and share them all in an email to everyone saying, "These may seem small, but I want you to know that I absolutely see them as progress, and that's how we succeed." Also consider a game. "Who can find the smallest sign of progress this week?"

Don't Wait Until The Game Is Over To Cheer Your Team

Is there a small achievement over the past week that needs cheering?

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It's cool to be a savvy promoter when your promoting someone else.

Take ActionYou know they rock and others need to know it. Be creative and have fun giving shout-outs in unexpected places. No matter your role or position, once a month take a Post-it note and write "I'm proud of the X team for Y." Include a key word that aligns with what your organization values like #accountability. Stick it on the water cooler or vending machine. Be bold and stick it on the bosses door or the door of a peer in another department. Start a friendly competition. Maybe start a tradition!

Show Pride In Unexpected Places, Like Water Coolers

Set a monthly calendar reminder to give this shoutout!

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Every one of us leads somebody. And every one of us can lead by example.

Take ActionOne way to highlight the leadership traits you stand for is to recognize them in others. Think about the traits that matter to you. When you see others behave in ways that exemplify things that you value, make it a point to connect their actions to meaningful words. A simple note or mention that praises them, also shows what you stand for - "I want to applaud you for taking the time to focus on learning something new. #Learning is leadership, and that's something that I value very much.”

Be A True Leader At Heart, Not In Title

What values are important to you. Can you find an example in the next 24 hours?

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Take ActionA little inspirational kick start can get everyone feeling good about the week ahead. Restate your organization's purpose and mission. Then ask members of your team to volunteer as contributors to a weekly Monday morning "mission-boost." Ask them to share a specific task or objective that your team is focused on and how they see it connecting to the big picture. Everyone, no matter of title or role, should have a voice and the opportunity to participate.

Give Words That Start The Week With A BangGenerate new energy each week by turning Monday into a ready-set-go day.

Don't wait until Monday. Witnessed someone do something that aligns well with your mission?

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Make it clear that everyone plays a role in building something important.

Take ActionKnow your company's strategic priorities. Send an email to teammates highlighting how you think a recent project supports those priorities. Post an update to LinkedIn recognizing your coworkers for making a difference. - "I'm proud today. I had a chance to see how everyone I work with is connected to the things that are important to our mission and strategy." Public recognition and validation does a lot to show your team they are valuable - especially when it's from a peer.

Reinforce The Strategic Value Of Others Work

Capture a recent project success or milestone and make the team feel good.

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Keep momentum and positive energy on projects when you recognize the small stuff.

Take ActionIf you're leading an initiative or project of any kind it's important to credit lessons learned and improvements made. Build a team culture that has fun celebrating achievements by designating a few "story-seekers." Ask them to be collectors of meaningful progress. Set a goal for the number of small win stories you want to find. Send a weekly summary of small wins along with how close you are to the goal. When the project is over, send a wrap-up email that reminds people of the efforts made by everyone to get there.

Find Lessons Along The Road to Project Success

Who's the “story seeker” on your team? Give them the greenlight to hunt for everyday good progress.

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A few simple words can remind you of the impact you've made at review time.

Take ActionIt can be hard to recall all of your contributions throughout the year. So take note of important moments right when they happen. Keep a special "my-impact" log on your phone. When you feel like you made a difference write down a few simple story words: #goal, #challenge, #solution, and a simple #lessonlearned. Don't forget the names of others involved. Also take opportunities to help others out - when you see others making positive improvements, send them a few story words. They'll do the same for you. There's nothing more valuable at review time than the ability to communicate a "good job" story.

Make Reviews Easier By Capturing Story Words

Capture a “good job” story that you and others played a role in over the last week.

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You don't have to be a formal mentor to be a good teacher. Pay it forward with a story.

Take ActionIf you've learned lessons the hard way, don't keep them bottled up. It feels good when you pass something along that makes others wiser. We need others to help us see the best in ourselves and mentors can help. Speak up if someone does something and you sense that they do not realize it's a good thing. Share what you saw, and why it matters. Keep it simple. "I want to let you know that I was impressed today by your "X." I can tell you from experience that it matters." This one piece of feedback could be the key to a successful career.

Be The Informal Mentor Everyone Needs

Applaud an example of good work that you believe is key to a successful career.

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Wow them with extra appreciation while they're still learning the ropes.

Take ActionIf you want people to fast-track the settling-in phase, inspire them by recognizing some of the small things they are doing well as a new employee and coworker. After the first week get a few teammates to write keywords inside a card that describes positive traits that they see in the person. And if the new person played a role in something really important to the organization, be sure to recognize it in your next meeting, call or email. Surprise appreciation goes a long way and makes them feel energized at work.

Use Motivating Words To Welcome New Coworkers

Who can you recognize that will make their onboarding a more positive experience?

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Organizations get better when people discover hidden talents and try new things.

Take ActionIt's exciting when others inspire us to explore. Pick a few coworkers and have each add three things on a piece of paper that they want to learn related to work. Each person draws a name and challenges another to try an item on their list. The goal is for everyone to try something new, not to master it. Set a realistic timeframe for everyone to bring back a tip from their new endeavors. When everyone completes the challenge, throw a small celebration. Then summarize what everyone learned and share it with the boss.

Celebrate The Lost Art Of Trying Something New

Can you find an example of someone trying something new and it leading to positive and inspiring outcome?

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Inspire a commitment to community by recognizing those who have.

Take ActionA commitment to community and CSR sends a positive message to employees, candidates, and customers. But getting participation is hard. It's often because people don't see clearly how their efforts connect to the cause. You need peer motivation. Ask past volunteers to share words on what they did, how it made them feel, the impact they saw, and why they want others involved. Share these peer generated testimonials internally. Also ask the charity to write a message to your employees sharing the story of your company's direct impact.

Make Some Noise For Your Community Builders

Someone you know support a good cause? Spread their story and ask how you can help.

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Make sacrifices for the benefit of "Save the Day" work stories worth remembering.

Take ActionWhether you're the boss or a friend, it's important to acknowledge other’s dedication, no matter the circumstances. When a few people are involved, consider sharing a little story that highlights how their sacrifices saved the day. Include what was at #stake, the #positive impact of their actions, and how their actions aligned to your organization's #values. A simple story that expresses appreciation can turn what first felt like a sacrifice into a "taking one for the team." And that's something to be proud of.

Show Pride When Others Make Personal Sacrifices

Recall a personal sacrifice from your team? Call it out as something that mattered.

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Find opportunities to help people focus on what works best and how to get better.

Take ActionWhen those we call upon to help deliver results, it feels great. Unfortunately, far too often those who contribute in smaller roles tend to be disconnected from the end result and unsure of the benefit they provided. Sometimes they receive a “thank you”, but most times they’re left wondering: "Could I have done better? Was the outcome better than expected? Any lessons learned that would help me focus on the right things to help the business?" When you ask for help, give the helper the benefit of knowing their efforts mattered.

Show Coworkers That Their "Just Doing My Job" Helped

Who helped you this week? Say it mattered when they least expect it.

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Bosses and managers like positive feedback and recognition too.

Take ActionAs a coach, it feels good knowing that your players appreciate where you're taking them. But don't assume that everyone up the ladder is getting praise for their work. They're human too and appreciate when the small things get noticed. Take a minute once a week to express to someone above you how it feels to work with them. Tell them you see how their contributions matter to the company and include an example of their actions that impressed you. Happy bosses = happy workplaces.

Give Genuine Upward Kudos

Think of something your boss did to help you succeed and recognize them for it.

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When work is dispersed coworkers can become disconnected and disengaged.

Take ActionIt's hard for those working in locations different than the rest of the team to see how their efforts connect to your mission and culture on a day to day basis. You can do something. First, offer to be a buddy. It's a simple "informal" role to reiterate as much as you can about good stuff going on and to be a sounding board for things on their mind. Second, when you hear about a remote coworker playing a role in making something positive happen, encourage others to recognize it with more than a "good job" email. Tell them how their efforts support values of "X."

Give Distant Coworkers Visibility And A Voice

Do you work with someone remotely? Send a note to say thanks. Copy the team.

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It would be awesome if everyone came home from work saying "that was a fun day”?

Take Action:Sometimes you have to work at having fun. Want to see your team laugh more? Make it clear that having fun is important to you. Ask them to share some ideas for fun at work. Next, set a Fun-Day goal. You can start with at least three times a month and have someone on your team be the unofficial score keeper and fun enforcer to count the number of days your team makes a valiant effort to let loose. Track it in a visible place so others see it. At the end of the day it's the effort that matters.

Tip – Do send a funny and tasteful video clip every once in a while. Showing a sense of humor says, "it's ok to have fun here."

Kick-start Fun At Work

Do you know someone who works hard to bring fun to the office? Tell them to keep it up!

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Take ActionCustomers like the idea of working with a company who makes their employees feel engaged. But it's hard for a lot of employees to realize how their work matters when they never see or hear from customers or clients. Introduce a program to bring customers into your office routinely for lunch. You can also host customer engagement webcasts. The purpose is to give them an opportunity to share what they do and to meet some of your staff. Let your clients experience the people behind your culture and make sure your people see your customers.

Connect Employees To The Customer Experience

Applaud your customers' achievements and show your team that their efforts mattered.

Great things happen when all sides see real people working for a purpose.

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Take ActionWhen we say "Rise to the Occasion" we usually refer to the preparation before the impact. Teams come together, and ideas bubble up. We spend a lot of a lot of time doing it, but quickly forget all the good energy invested. If you are involved in preparing for something important, big or small, make a point to close out each day by recognizing something positive that happened as part of preparing. Challenge different team members to highlight cultural values they see clearly as part of each week's preparation efforts. No matter the outcome, everyone will have something to reflect on, and learn from.

Celebrate Preparation

Are you preparing for anything important with others? Help everyone see the good.

Don't forget the place and time where good habits shine and people rise to the occasion.