Real Estate Appraiser Video Marketing As A Local “Trust Agent” Video That “Builds Trust” Is Video YOU Are Personally In!

Real Estate Appraiser Video Marketing As A Local Trust Agent

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Real Estate Appraiser Video Marketing As A

Local “Trust Agent”

Video That “Builds Trust” Is Video YOU Are Personally In!

At the beginning of 2010, there are two powerful marketing forces coming together

that Real Estate Appraisers can take advantage of: Video Marketing and Becoming

Your Local Housing Market’s Trust Agent! Video Marketing has been popular for many years and has already been proven to have a

massive impact on the public.

An example would be the “United Breaks Guitars”

video with 7,029,283 views as of this writing.

In the advent of the housing market unraveling,

locals are looking for a local “Trust Agent” that will consistently keep them informed about their largest

investment, their home.

And, they love to watch video.


online when clients need your services:

The Benefits Are That Viewers get to see you, hear you, get to know

you, begin to trust you before they need your services,

view you as the wise local professional

with the answers to their questions, you are viewed as the valuation expert, you are giving away information in order to gain an audience, you are a real human being just like them and the image of a

grumpy stuffy appraiser dissipates when a viewer sees you on video.



In 2009, Chris Brogan and Julien Smith released “Trust Agents: Using The Web To Build Influence, Improve Reputation, And Earn Trust”! The revelation is that it used

to take decades for an appraiser to develop the trust of their local market and peers.

Today, by using just one blog and

incorporating video market commentary and video of you in action, the trust of potential local and

national clients takes far less time to earn.

Good, creative content along with consistent delivery

is the key to building their trust.

Becoming a trust agent is more about continuously offering value than it is continuously advertising

your business.

Offer the value first and when they need your services, they will remember you and your appraisal


Appraisers beginning with video marketing will find that it’s never been easier and cheaper to do so.

In fact, with a little knowledge, an appraiser can get started in video marketing for zero cost and not have to leave their desk in creating

their videos from their Fannie Mae 1004 MC (Market Conditions)


The next step up is a $100 to $180 pocket camcorder with built in

video editing software to produce videos quick and easy for the web and published to your appraiser

video blog.

Become Creative With Appraiser Video Marketing.

Here are some potential creative ideas for appraiser video creation.

Harris County Housing Stats Fourth Quarter 2009.

Seattle Washington Appraiser Video From The Field.

Houston Texas Appraiser Video Of The Week.

Top 10 Most Memorable Dallas Texas Appraisal Assignments Of


Top 10 Atlanta Georgia Subdivisions With The Most Home


A day in the life of a Your Town real estate appraiser. (Your Town Is

Where You Live!)

What about creating videos for your Pre-Listing, Estate Settlement and

Divorce Appraisal Services.

And, on a Pre-Listing Appraisal assignment, you could add an additional revenue stream by

offering an online video for those wanting to sell by owner.

Add Syndication For Them And Create More Revenue! Or, Add Video Marketing And Give Your

Potential Clients The Reason To Use Your Appraisal Services Over That

Of Your Competition!

Author’s Bio: Bill Cobb

Bill Cobb is and has been a residential appraiser in the Louisiana Market for

18 years.

Bill operates his own local appraiser blogs as well as the national Real Estate Appraiser Tips
