Puravankara Projects in Channai

purva swanlake delay, purva eternity complaint, purva eternity delay-ac

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Projects in Channai

Page 2: purva swanlake delay, purva eternity complaint, purva eternity delay-ac


Res ident ia l Apartments in Pa l l ikaranai , Medavakkam or a l so ca l l ed Manhat tan Condos are des igns that are inspired by the mid-r i se red-br ick bui ld ings o f Manhat tan . Just l ike in Manhattan , where space i s a t a premium, India ’ s pr ime urban centres l ike Chennai carry a s imi lar cha l l enge and hence need inte l l igent des ign o f spaces . S ince these condos are for the luxury aspir ing smal l fami l i es and s ingle men and women of the c i ty , the spaces have been wise ly des igned to be around 61 1 to 620 square fee t wi th a comfortab ly s ized master bedroom, bath , l i v ing room and k i tchen .

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A l l these condos f rom Puravankara come wi th an opt ion o f a “Manhattan inter ior package” . The Manhattan in ter ior package o f f ers the proud owners o f these condos , an opt ion to get the ir apartments furnished pr ior to tak ing possess ion . The In ter ior Package f rom Purva Streaks ( the In ter ior Div is ion o f Puravankara) , o f f ers a modular k i t chen , a ir condit ioner , wardrobe , fans , l ight ing f ix tures and bath-shower cubic le , a l l for a smal l extra cos t . Manhattan condos @ Purva Windermere in Pa l l ikarana i near Ve lachery are loca ted in one o f the hot tes t inves tment dest inat ions in Chennai .

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Purva Evoq

You are in a l eague o f your own, a cut above the res t . Now a l l that remains i s an address that bef i t s your t rue s tature . A res idence so majes t i c , so luxur ious , i t c l ear ly s igna ls your undisputed success to the wor ld . Present ing PURVA EVOQ,a res idence that , l ike you , i s s imply a cut above . Des igned by the wor ld renowned Hadi Teherani and located over look ing the race course , i t ’ s a res idence that ce l ebrates your success .

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Discern ing Address – F ive Fur long Road, Guindy ChennaiDiscern ing Des ign – E levat ion des ign by

the wor ld renowned Hadi Teherani Group, Germany .

Discern ing Space - 3 , 4 and 5 BHK spac ious premium

HomesDiscern ing Ameni t i es – Col l ec t ive ly owned Pr iva te Ar t Col l ec t ion and a S ta l l ion a t the Banga lore Tur f

Club .Discern ing Ne ighbours – Status Pre-Prof i l ing for L ike-Minded Neighbours .

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Discern ing Address – F ive Fur long Road, Guindy ChennaiDiscern ing Des ign – E levat ion des ign by

the wor ld renowned Hadi Teherani Group, Germany .

Discern ing Space - 3 , 4 and 5 BHK spac ious premium

HomesDiscern ing Ameni t i es – Col l ec t ive ly owned Pr iva te Ar t Col l ec t ion and a S ta l l ion a t the Banga lore Tur f

Club .Discern ing Ne ighbours – Status Pre-Prof i l ing for L ike-Minded Neighbours .