Nursing Interventions In The First Aid Action Mª Mercedes Navarro Parra, Mª Luisa Clemente Rabaz, Jara González Iñigo

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Nursing Interventions In The First Aid Action

Mª Mercedes Navarro Parra, Mª Luisa Clemente Rabaz, Jara González Iñigo

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Demonstrate commitment with the life care and health of the injured. Respect medical procedure and the human rights of the patient Have a specific training for the managing of critical situations Be able to act in situations of stress to initiate therapeutic measures and continue them during the movement to the Hospital. Fast evaluation of the user health, critical state or risk of death using protocols and guides of attention efficiency and precision Submit the injured to triage in situations of emergency and disasters, and apply the RAC - Receipt, Reception and Classification

The necessary requirements in order that the nursing professionals could develop their competences as specialists in the Area of Urgencies, Emergencies and Disasters are the following ones:

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TriageThe triage is to take a decision based on a incomplete information executed in a hostile way and under emotional pressure, before an indeterminate number of injured persons of different character and with limited options to maximize the number of survivors.

Objetives To identify the injured persons Classify them in the international code of colors To determine the priority of attention

Patients should be triaged utilizing the START triage system.The START system is based upon three simple parameters.•Respirations ( > or < 30 per minute)•Perfusion (Capillary Refill > or < 2 seconds)• Mental Status (Follow simple commands)

Start Triage System

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Immediate:Life-threatening but treatable injuriesrequiring rapid medical attention

Delayed:Potentially serious injuries, but are stableenough to wait a short while for medicaltreatment

Minimum/Minor:Minor injuries that can wait for longerperiod of time prior to treatment

Morgue/Expectant:Death or injures incompatible with survival

Triage categories

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The start system consider the physiological

differences between children and adults

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This transport is realized principally by ambulance and helicopter.

Medical staff

Transport of patients is done by a team consisting in a doctor and a staff nurse trained in transportation, with a driver or porter.

Transportation of the Injured

Before transport: Secure the Breathing airway Support neck and spinal column Temperature control Stop bleeding.

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An ambulance is a vehicle for transporting sick or injured people to the hospital. The emergency ambulances are equipped with life-support equipment

• Respiratory Support: (intubation set, laryngoscope)• Cardiocirculatory Support (adults) (desfibrillator,• Cardiocirculatory Support (children) • Surgical equipment• Diverse Material (glooves, mask, cervical collar sets, corpse bags)• Medicines

The principal components of the ambulance are:

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• The possibility of access to restricted areas• Speed• Versatility


HELICOPTERS • The light helicopters carry one injure and medical care.• Helicopters that transport between 2 and 6 stretchers .

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• The rescuer who is present in the place of the accident must act with control of the situation supporting serenity

• It is necessary to evaluate the situation rapidly, without rushing.

• The principal actions of the rescuer are three

PROTECT: It´s necessary first of all to separate the injured of danger without succumbing in the attempt.

BE ALERT: the person who calls must speak with clarity and precision. To say from where it calls and to indicate exactly the place of the accident.

HELP: do the first evaluation or verify if the injured breathe or bleeds. Speak To Him to see if it is conscious. Or Takes the pulse if you believes that the heart not late.

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INMOVILIZATIONS Manoeuvre that one person or more people should realized when there is one accident

and somebody need be transported.








8_Vertebral column

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TRACHEOTOMY • The tracheotomy is the opening

of the previous face of the trachea below the level of the vocal cords, is realized before a several breathing difficulty when intubation is not possible or when cardiorespiratory system stops

• You do this when an obstruction in the level of orofaringe, larynx or tracheal

happens Neumotorax is a tracheotomy complication

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RCP (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

RCP is an emergency procedure to save the patient´s lives when they stopped breathing or their heart stopped fluttering


3. Opening of the airway4. Check for presence of

spontaneous ventilation5. Ventilation, not breathing6. Check for presence of pulse7. Start chest compressions if no

pulse8. Continue whith two breaths and

30 pumps until help arrives