Extroverted Klostergarden A study and proposal for Europan13 Location: Lund. Sweden © Bogdan Chipara. 2015, www.bogdanchipara.com

Extroverted Klostergarden

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Page 1: Extroverted Klostergarden

Extroverted KlostergardenA study and proposal for Europan13Location: Lund. Sweden© Bogdan Chipara. 2015, www.bogdanchipara.com

Page 2: Extroverted Klostergarden


City plan showing the residential land use and the location of the proposedresidential clusters (7.3ha)

The roads of Lund (in black) and the proposed connections (in red). The new roads have 5m wide sidewalks that incorporate bicycle paths and plantation.


The project site is situated between Vaster and Klostergarden, an area which now lacks a proper connection to the city and fails to link the two neighbor-hoods. Total site area is about 60 hectares.

In order to find a coherent solution that relates to the city and nearby areas, an urban analysis was conducted as follows:

The residential land and the roads were extracted from the Lund city plan. They clearly show the lack of urban fabric in the area and the vast surface that can be restructured. On the East and South, Klostergarden residential complex build in the 60s, could offer a good opportunity for new urban rela-

tions. On the West and North, on the contrary, the land is occupied by large industry related areas or green fields (Lund Business Park and Wastewater treatment plant).

New major roads were drawn in the continuation of Nordanvag, Sunnanvag and Skanevagen in order to insure a proper South - South - West connec-tion. Of special importance is Vastanvag connected to Hogevallsgatan which could offer a good NE - SW connection and a direct link to the city center trough Stadsparken.A good location for residential plots was found to be in the center and South - West of the site area, following the major directions of the 8 storey apart-ments built in the 60s. They can get up to 7.3ha.

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A study of the nearby neighborhoods: Vaster, Klostergarden and Jarnakra-Nilstorp. (The residential buildings are marked in black).

A further study of the nearby neighborhoods, Vaster, Klostergarden and Jar-nakra-Nilstorp was conducted in order to clarify their character, defined by density and proportions between land usage.Vaster and Jarnakra-Nilstorp appear to be similar in this sense with 36% of the land occupied by residential plots with a relatively low density. The floor area ratio (FAR), which was calculated based on the number of levels that residential buildings have, is also low: 0.64, 0.5. Industry and green areas (parks, gardens, etc) are to be found in equal proportions. The Klostergarden neighborhood stands in contrast, with more than half of its surface occupied by green land and no industry. Even though the residential land use is less than a quarter, the density is much higher, situated around 1.1.

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The proposal takes into consideration these coefficients and relates mostly to Klostergarden when it comes to residential buildings. The main character-istics of this neighborhood are: high volumes, large green areas and urban clusters screened from the wind.

The project structures and occupies the wide territory by using a strategy of punctual densification. Slender towers that minimize land use and maximize densification are complemented with low, street - level clusters that integrate urban plazas and activity areas. This grid of public spaces can accommodate complex, urban environments, with increased program flexibility. Being in a close relation with the future inhabitants, those spaces can create a sense of community and define a character for the area.

Klostergarden residential complex, which occupies 15ha of land, has an overall FAR of 1.83.The proposed residential clusters, which occupy 7.3ha have a similar FAR of 1.66.Klostergarden residential complex is composed of 2072 apartments, owned or rented by 4018 people. The proposed residential clusters are composed by 738 apartments that could host 1476 people.

In addition to the residential spaces, the proposal assigns 39692 sqm of GFA to mixed pro-gram, commerce services etc, situated on the lower levels. This areas are meant to serve the new residents, the existing Klostergarden residents and possible new visitors from the city.

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Link to the center of the city throughout Stadsparken and continued on the Vastanvag which is slightly adjusted. Along this NE - SW connection on each side, a series of buildings and areas of public interest (marked in yel-low) already exist or can be proposed in the future.

Distribution of 6 residential clusters. They keep a distance of 100m from the railtracks.















Info center and passage

Comercial center

urban park

Sport center





ne A






s P





urban plaza

View over the future Rail Station, that can become a crossing point over the railtracks for pedestrians and bikes. Lund Business Park could be partially transformed to host a green garden on the roof.A large urban plaza spanning perpendicular to the rail tracks connects the NW-SE areas with an underground passage.

The proposed volumetric typology differs from the old residential complex: more per-meable and extroverted, meant to become attractive not only for the local residents but also for the whole city.

To create interest at urban scale, a series of measures are proposed: Create a link to the center of the city throughout Stadsparken and continued on the Vastanvag which is slightly adjusted. Along this NE - SW connection on each side, a series of buildings and areas of public interest already exist or can be proposed in the future.

At the beginning of this new route stands Stadsparken and the Högeval-lsbadet. They are followed by an existing commercial point which can be developed into an information center and pietonal/bike passage over the rail tracks. Next, the route passes by the existing Sparbanken Skåne Arena and Klostergårdsskolan. On the opposite side, a large commercial center is pro-posed. The existing green area which stands between the Klostergårdss-kolan and the Klostergarden residential complex could be transformed into an urban park, spanning in the NW-SE direction, followed by the future Rail Station. The Rail Station itself should become a crossing point for bikes and pedestrians moving West. Towards the end of this route a multifunctional building is proposed, together with a large urban plaza spanning perpendic-ular to the rail tracks connecting the NW-SE areas.

Beyond the last proposed residential plots, the route ends with an Activity Park hosting a flower garden, the existing bathhouse, a greenhouse com-plex, a large sports club to the West and some additional sport fields to the East. This could become a good spot for a Ferris Wheel with a wide view over the natural wild area surrounding the Höje River.

Along this main direction are situated the proposed residential clusters 1,2 and 4.

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View over the residential towers within the territory:12 rectangular footprint volumes of 11 storeys10 square footprint volumes of 13 storeys6 square footprint volumes of 17 storeys

In total, 6 residential clusters are proposed, consisting of 28 high buildings (of 11, 13 and 17 levels) and sev-eral low buildings and temporary structures at street level. Together they define interior plazas, sheltered from the wind and partially covered by shaders and pergolas. The street levels of all buildings are meant to host shops, restaurants, street kitchens. urban markets, etc. Cluster 3 is composed together with two office buildings and clusters 5 and 6 are dedicated to gardening activities. All buildings have a minimum distance of 100 meters from the rail tracks. The main vertical circulation is oriented towards the noise source.

There are 2 types of building floor plans proposed that can accommodate several configurations of apartments.1. Square (15m x15m) with perimetral core. Can accommodate 2 apartments per level, each apartment with 3 rooms + kitchen.2. Square (15mx15m) with central core. Can accommodate 3 apartments per level: 1 apartment of 3 rooms + kitchen, 1 apart-ment of 2 rooms + kitchen and 1 apartment of 1 room with kitchen.3. Rectangular (25m x 10m). Can accom-modate 3 apartments per level each of them with 2 rooms + kitchen.4. Rectangular (25m x 10m). Can accom-modate 3 apartments per level. 2 of them of 3 rooms + kitchen and one apartment of one room + kitchen. The apartments with just one orientation are facing the quiet side. The ones with double or triple orientation have at least half of the rooms (mostly the bedrooms) facing the quiet side.

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39692 sqm of GFA to mixed program, commerce services etc, situat-ed on the lower levels. This areas are meant to serve the new resi-dents, the existing Klostergarden residents and possible new visitors from the city. This grid of public spaces can accommodate complex, urban environments, with increased program flexibility. Being in a close relation with the future inhabitants, those spaces create a sense of community and define a character for the area.

The 6 residential clusters are surrounded by buildings and areas of pub-lic interests (yellow) . The gardens, which now are to be found on the site, were relocated within the old Klostergarden residential complex. If they be-come available for rent, gardening could bring people from around the city to Klostergarden.

Lund Business Park could be partially transformed to host a green garden on the roof, and more public spaces on the side facing the rail track and fu-ture Rail Station. Nearby, a new office buildings are proposed. Together they could encourage movement of pedestrians and bikes over the rail tracks and facilitate future development towards Vaster.

The rail tracks can be crossed in 5 points: - One light bridge for bikes and pedestrian on the NE extremity of the site. - Three underground passages for cars, bikes and pedestrians, situated on the Nordanvag, Sunnanvag and Skanevagen.- One above connection trough the future Rail Station

View over the clusters 1,2 and 4 on the NE- SW axis ending with a flower garden as an homage to Carl von Linné and a wild natural park close to the river.

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Buildings of public interest


Other green areas

Proposed residential buildings Pietonal areas and sidewalks

Proposed mixed program buildings Roads

Proposed office buildings Railtracks

Existent Buildings


Roof garden

Urban parks

Natural wild park

Sport areas

Football field

Flower park

0m 50m 100m 250m 500m


Sport center

Rail station

Commercial center

Info Center and passage

Multifunctional building


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