Foreign policy of China By Asif raza wazir 12/25/2015 NUML

The foreign policy of china

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Page 1: The foreign policy of china

Foreign policy of China By Asif raza wazir


Page 2: The foreign policy of china

The foreign policy of chinaChina’s foreign policy contain… Three yes’s Three no’s and Seven C’s

China say cordially welcomed to peace, to development, and to co-operation. In brief china does n’t want any type of instability in the region? China focuses on the benefits of each and every country whether it is developed or under develop [such as Pakistan, Sri lanka, Nepal etc.].China has great role in the vast peaceful history of the region. China believed in negotiations than on arms language. The Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Saturday on the BOAO forum at china “what china most needs a harmonious and stable domestic environment and peaceful and tranquil international environment”. More he said “any turmoil or war does not accord with the basic interest of the Chinese’s people”. He added “china has in the past 100 years or more suffered turmoil and war, and the Chinese people will never impose upon other countries or people the tragic history our own people have experienced”. Xi added farther about the development of china and specially proclaims the neighboring counties for the co. Operation. He said “China was ready to sign more friendship treaties with its neighbors and proposed holding dialogue among Asian civilizations”.

The thrust of peace is not only in the behaviors of Chinese governmental institutions but the political and philosophical school of thoughts had too. The four major schools of thoughts named Confucianism, Legalism, Monism, and Daoism. All these schools of thought focus any of the following virtues of the society or state “filial piety, rituals, ceremony, benevolence, core moral principles of compassion, moderation and humility, the proper governance of the state, legalism, by contrast, argues that the well-being of the state would be best guaranteed by clear-cut rules rather than any reliance on private morality.

If war is not preventable – how war should be fought.

The entire above first, emphasized that: “To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting”; and further that, “The skillful leader subdues the enemy’s troops without any fighting; he captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field”.

If we look the foreign policy of china towards our own country Pakistan, we can get a set of three socio-economic policies, first China signed great developmental agreements, secondly Chinese government worked with Pakistani government on coop rational bases and thirdly china want peaceful Pakistan because it’s not her need but it is the most significance need of the region.eg the Karakorum express way from

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Pakistan to china is one of the great friendship contribution between Pak army and Chinese engineers.

On the other hand China says no to expansion, to alliances and to hegemony. China drew its economical status as a third world country, I mean that China more emphasized on its economic development than the territorial expansion and hegemonic character. The Chinese president Xi said “Looking broadly at history, any country trying to use force to achieve its own developmental goals will in the end only fail” He added more “I’m willing to use this opportunity to repeat that on the path ahead, China will unswervingly develop peacefully”.

China says no to all such types of alliances as the power of United States or the socialist block of Soviet Union. Independence means that china does n’t want to tie itself with any such type of alliances. She does cooperation to each and every county but not want to make them allies. The Chinese authorities all time said that they want peace so they concentrated on development instead of alliances and allies.

China makes five principles of its foreign policy for peaceful co-existence; Mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, Mutual non-aggression, Non-interference in each other's internal affairs Equality and mutual benefit, and Peaceful coexistence.

China foreign policy is unipolar means that china treats each country on same bases. She has no separate and well defines policies for any country whether it’s a powers block member or developing country. Today, the above Principles still has useful purpose. They are much different from the American style — one in which America has its own values and means, limit the rights of sovereign states to develop and sell weapons of mass destruction, repress opposition and violate human rights, and damage the environment. Another Chinese term for such a system is "multipolarity." The Five Principles explain why America should not be able to impose its values on weaker nations. Thus the core idea behind the Five Principles as interpreted by China today is sovereignty – which one state has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of another state.

China's alternative design for the world stresses the equal, uninfringeable sovereignty of all states large and small, Western and non-Western, rich and poor, democratic and authoritarian, each to run its own system as it sees fit, whether its methods suit Western standards or not.

The word hegemony first time use in 1960s for Soviet Union expansionism, China never seeks hegemony internationally not even regionally; even she has the largest

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world economy. Today, the Chinese official refers the word hegemony for one country will power enforcement whether it may be regionally or internationally. Such as America’s will on other countries in such matters as trade practices, weapon proliferation and human rights. China empower to hers small neighbors that China’s economic development and growing might, will not turn the country into a regional hegemon.

China official position in UN is much important, in most disputes around the world, she always force on the solution through negotiations. She has the same view on the war between Iran and Iraq, the struggle between Israel and Arabs, the rivalry between North and South Korea. At UN China prevent or stain many resolutions of the power blocks against the weaker. As a permanent member of the Security Council, in many processes, China negative votes make the process veto and make the countries angering who favor intervention.

China has seven C’s in her foreign policy 1. Co-existence. 2. Cooperation. 3 Contributions. 4. Competition. 5. Containment. 6. Confrontation. 7. Conflict.

China is so much optative in her foreign policy. She faced all types of situations with a smiling face whether these are bad or good, from power block members or developing countries. She elaborate that coexistence of each country is, its right, no other country has any type of sovereignty to interfere in any country in its internal interest. As for instance she was against the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territory.

China also gives more values to mutual cooperation between the countries than the interferences. The Chinese president Xi “reassures on Asian investments”. China expanding its financial clout in Asia with the founding of a “belt and road” scheme as well as the “Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank”. The Chinese president invited all countries along the route of Asia as well as the china’s friends and partners around the world to take part in the “Belt and Road” scheme and AIIB.

China aims to bring harmony and peace to the world. Without the contribution of the power block, world peace is unreachable. China wants competition but in economy not in warhead. As today china’s foreign policy is for everyone, mean that to come and get benefits from Chinese economical experiences. Even today Chinese products are the shelves beauties in Europe and America markets.

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China has a policy of creating strategic alliances in order to check the expansion of a hostile power or ideology or force it to negotiate peacefully. In order to welcomed world peace. Due the containment policy, part of foreign policy of china, many time the Elite Power angry with her.

China has also confrontation policy, that each country has a right to make its decisions in their own ways. There is no right to the other countries to intrepid, in any country internal policies. This is true that each country has different view about the same phenomena; it does not means, that country is on conflict bases, so china say that say welcome to each country views whether it offensive or defensive.

I have watched carefully the evolution of China’s concept of a “New Type of Great Power Relationship.” This has been a core element of President Xi Jinping’s foreign policy towards the United States. I am a strong supporter of this concept.

I am well aware of President Xi Jinping’s description of the key aspects of what he means by a “New Type of Great Power Relationship”:

– No Conflict– No Confrontation– Mutual Respect– A “Win-Win” Approach To Mutual Cooperation

Of course, these articulated moral principles do not mean that Chinese foreign policy is not realistic or strategic. In many cases, the announced principles actually fit the needs of Chinese strategy. Especially in places relatively far from China, such as the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, a few simple principles actually reflect Chinese interests most of the time. To oppose great-power intervention and defend sovereignty and equality among states is not only high-minded but represents China's national interest in regions where China cannot intervene itself.