How to speak so that people want to listen Shubham Goswami (Jadavpur University)

Shubham Goswami, Jadavpur University. Module 1 PPT 1

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How to speak so that people want to listen

Shubham Goswami(Jadavpur University)

The instrument we all play…..Perhaps the most powerful sound in the world.

The only one that can……


There’s a problem many people encounter while speaking

The people they address do not listen to them

How can we speak powerfully so that people listen to us?

Julian Treasure asks us to abstain from the

Of speaking








The complete list

Can we look at this more positively?



Of powerful speech

HAILTo greet or claim enthusiastically

HAILTo greet or claim enthusiastically

That’s how people react when we speak powerfully

We all have an amazing vocal toolbox

Take a look inside it

RegisterUse your vocal register to locate your voice

Depth of voice can be associated with authority

TimbreDistinguishes one kind of sound from another

We like voices that are rich, smooth and warm like HOT CHOCOLATE

ProsodyBreak away from monotony

PaceSpeak fast to show excitementSlow down to emphasizeUse pauses judiciously

SILENCEIt is powerful

PitchVarying your pitch subtly varies the meaning associated with your speech

VolumeUse high volume to startleUse low volume to draw attention

But avoid ‘Sod-Casting’

Register Timbre

Prosody Pace

Pitch Volume

Speaking well may specially matter to you when you are…….


Proposing Marriage

Or asking for a raise

Your voice is like an engineIt needs to warm up in order to perform well

Warm up your throat, tongue and lips by doing Julian Treasure’s exercises

So, where are we now?

Let’s create a beautiful world with great acoustics where understanding is the norm



Created byShubham Goswami, Jadavpur University, during an internship byProf. Sameer Mathur, IIM Lucknowwww.IIMInternship.com