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Risk assessment – a sure solution for overcoming risks in the mining industry

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Page 1: Risk assessment – a sure solution for overcoming risks in the mining industry


There is risk everywhere, it is for every individual, every business whether it be a small business or a full-fledged business, in every field, and so on………In short there is neither a single place nor a single profession which is risk free. But, because of the risks one cannot stop its progress or advancements. We all have to face it in our surroundings, our lives and take precautions to overcome it. There are ofcourse, certain traits that can lessen or erase the factor of risk. Now, what is risk? In a layman’s language – “risk is the uncertainty of achieving or setting a goal without having a proper knowledge of the pros and cons of the same” , meaning to say that while setting up a business, a person may not be sure of its success or failure, but still he /she takes ‘the risk’ of setting up the business irrespective of the consequences – this is risk. If there is a problem, there ought to be a solution too for the same.

Image Source :- www.crowley.com The all together other area of risk is in the business of mining industry which is very difficult and time consuming making the mining service very rare. Since the risk involved in it are regular and occur daily, risk assessment is a must. Once the risk assessment is done for the mining services, the management is sure to run smoothly and efficiently. For this, a thorough supervision of the machinery and a watchful eye over the working hours of the employees is of much importance because long hours of work may result into accidents and may have a negative effect on their performance .Mining services also need to have a check over the machinery for testing its utility in terms of it being old or being maintained from time to time.

Page 2: Risk assessment – a sure solution for overcoming risks in the mining industry

Image Source :- www.lampson.com.au The risk assessment also helps in providing the density report for the mining services to help them to deal with the safety measures that are to be taken for preventing from further threats. Once the factors causing risk are known and its precautions are taken, the mining services make sure that the danger has been overcome and the employers are in a much safer and a comfort zone. In order to keep the show going, a peep into the work of the mining services and the risk involved in it is essential as it will remove all the hazards coming in the way of the mining industry and paving a smooth path for them.