Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS Framework Charlie Owen @sonniesedge

Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS Framework

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Page 1: Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS Framework

Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS

FrameworkCharlie Owen


Page 2: Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS Framework

Who the hell am I?


Page 3: Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS Framework
Page 4: Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS Framework
Page 5: Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS Framework
Page 6: Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS Framework

So, what is a CSS framework?


Page 7: Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS Framework

Kinda like Bootstrap…?


Page 8: Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS Framework

Maybe more like Bourbon..?


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Maybe it’s something… in-between?


Page 10: Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS Framework

Loom frameworkhttps://github.com/sonniesedge/loom


Page 11: Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS Framework

How does it work?


Page 12: Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS Framework

Make variables enforce your design system


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margin-left: get-spacing(large)


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ITCSS prevents specificity wars


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Simple, non-nested classes


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Why build it?


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What did I learn from building Loom?


Page 20: Lessons Learned From Building Your Own CSS Framework

Set an achievable aim.


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Be opinionated. Be proud.


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Don't be too rigid


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Learn from other people’s work


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Don't over-engineer


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@mixin padding($args) {...// allow for processing of various combos of

arguments....// it goes on forever.........@return $padding-values;



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.selector { padding: 1rem 0.5rem;}


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Don't prematurely optimise


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Documentation is amazing


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Get a good name


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Charlie Owen@sonniesedge
