Islamic aqidah Belief in Unseen Matters

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Page 1: Islamic aqidah Belief in Unseen Matters




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The Concept Of Unseen In The Qur'an

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1) Belief in the Unseen is central to the message of the Qur’an.

“This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear

Allah; who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out

of what We have provided for them.” (Surah al-Baqarah: 2-3).

2) No one can know the unseen except Allah.

“No one in the heavens and the earth knows the Unseen except Allah.'

They are not aware of when they will be raised. No, their knowledge

respecting the hereafter is slight and hasty. In fact they have doubts

about it. In fact they are blind to it.” (Surat an-Naml, 65-66).

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Meaning of :


Things that cannot be described by human

senses and can only be known through the al-

Quran and al-Hadith.


Unseen things are outside the purview of our

sight or physical senses, and do not affect our

life in any direct manner.

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The belief in Angels

(Mala’ikah, Malak)

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Belief in angels is one of the pillars of faith.

Messenger Angels with wings – two, three and


They never sleep, not born or give birth

Have no passion nor lust

They never disobey Allah and His commands.

“Praise be to Allah, the Bringer into Being of the heavens and earth, He Who made the angels messengers, with wings – two, three or

four. He adds to creation in any way He wills. Allah has power over all things.”

(Surah Fatir, 1)

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*The names of angels and their dutiesNames Duties

Jibrail (Gabriel)

To transmit the Word of God

Mikail (Michael)

To administer life process (controlling rain, and distributing fortune such as food, nourishment and knowledge to all living creatures, particularly to mankind, whether believers or unbelievers.

Israfil (Seraphil)

Blow his trumpet on three occasions: firstly to signal the calamity; secondly, when the earthly world has vanished altogether; and finally, on the day when the dead are resurrected to receive the Final Judgment.

Izrail (Azrael) Taking the soul away from living beings.

Raqib To write down record good deeds.

Atid To write down record bad deeds.

Munkar To examine the dead in their graves

Nakir To examine the dead in their graves

Malik To guard Hellfire

Ridwan To guard Paradise

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Iblis is one of the Jinn who choose disbelief, idolatry

and disobedience of their Lord. Iblis is said a proper

name of Satan.

The Arabic iblis comes from ablasa, meaning, “to

despair, give up hope.

They cannot be seen and some of them are believers

and some infidel.

Actually, Iblis lived in heaven with the angel, but

was then cursed and banished from heaven.

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Jinn are created out of fire and take a beautiful and ugly


They possess intellect, eat, drink and sleep, marry and can

have children.

On earth, jinn occupy haunted places, such as hills, caves,

rivers, rocks, trees, certain lands, long unoccupied houses,

certain bath houses, wells, bridges, lakes and others.

Those who deny the jinn actually deny the Qur’an. They are

denying that there exists beyond the material world an

unseen world that has its own properties.

“We created the jinn before out of the fire of a searing wind.” (Surat al-Hijr, 27).

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Spirit ( Ruh )

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Man is composed of Spirit and Body.

All spirits after death do return to their creator,

and are called to account for their acts both

righteous and evil.

They are sent either to the gardens of bliss or

condemned to the fire of Hell.

Islam considers spirit and body to be two

realities opposed to each other.

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Death, which is the separation of the spirit from the

body, introduces man to another stage of life in which

felicity or disappointment depends upon good or evil

deeds in the stage of life before death.

The Holy Prophet has said:

"You have been created for subsistence, not annihilation. What happens is that you will be transferred from one house to


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* Barzakh

is an Arabic word meaning "obstacle", "hindrance",

"separation" or "barrier".

Generally viewed as the barrier between the

physical and spiritual worlds, in which the soul

awaits after death and before resurrection on

Qiyamah (Judgement Day).

After death, they go through the questioning in the

grave and then experience a second life in the

barzakh. The questioning is nothing other than the

exposure of the reality of the state of their nafs


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Death is inevitable for all creations include man. All

living beings will die at their appointed time, fixed by


Death will come to all who are in the world at the time

appointed in accordance with his word which means,

The form of death can be natural or unnatural.

Property, status, wealth, fame and glory that humans

have nothing to prevent the death.

"Every soul must taste death, and you will be brought back to Us (for judgment)."

(Surat al-'Ankabut: 57)

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Interrogation in the grave

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A couple of angels, called munkar wa nakir,

would carry out this interrogation.

They will ask about the creator, religion and

the Prophet.

(“Who is your Lord?”, “What is your religion?”,

“Who is this man who was sent among you?”,

“What was the source of your knowledge?”).

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Hell and Paradise

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Hell-fire is the abode of punishment and penalty (dar

al-‘azab wa al-‘iqab) reserved for disbelievers (kafirun),

transgressors and evil-doers (‘usah, sing. ‘asi).

Hell Fire has different names in Islamic texts. Each name

gives a separate description. Some of its names are:



Jaheem because of its blazing fire.

Jahannam because of the depth of its pit.

Saqar because of the intensity of its heat.

Haawiyah because the one who is thrown into it is thrown from top to bottom.

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ParadiseParadise (al-jannah) literally means “garden” (bustan).

Technically, it is the abode of reward and blessing

prepared by God for believers.

The names of heavens :

Firdaus, 'Adn, Na'iim, Na'wa, Darussalaam, Daarul

Muaqaamah, Al-Muqqamul Amin and Khuldi.

“Their reward with Allah will be gardens of perpetual residence Beneath Which rivers flow, wherein They will abide forever, Allah being pleased with

Them and They with Him. That is for whoever has Feared his Lord.”(Surat Al-Bayyinah : 8)

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*Punishment in hellfire

The blazing fire of Hell is fueled "with men and stones."

Will be given boiling water to drink.

Whereas the rewards of Heaven include plentiful, fresh

fruits and milk, the inhabitants of Hell will eat from the

Tree of Zaqqum. The Quran describes it:

“...fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones,- which is prepared for those who reject Faith" (2:24).

“In front of such a one is Hell, and he is given, for drink, boiling fetid water" (14:16).

“Verily, the tree of deadly fruit will be the food of the sinful. Like molten lead will it boil in the belly, like the boiling of burning despair" (44:43-46).

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* Some of the Bounties in Paradise

The people in the Jannah would be similar in

shape and height, etc. There would be no

differences between them.

Dressed in fine silk and also in thick silk.

Marry to houris (female fair ones) with wide

and lovely eyes.

Call therein for every kind of fruit in peace and


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The main goal in the belief in unseen matters is to test the

faith of every Muslim to the Almighty. It cannot be achieved

by the human mind which limited and short life.

Every Muslim must believe in the existence of unseen

matters that can not be disputed although can not be seen

clearly through the eye sight. For those who not believe,

the person's faith become fragile because not believe there

will be things supernatural knowledge of God.