Improving operations: where, how, when Mario Rapaccini IBIS Lab, Dip. Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Firenze ASAP Service Management Forum www.asapsmf.org 1 18 Aprile 2015 Prato, Museo del Tessuto

Improving operations: where, how, when - Mario Rapaccini, intervento del 18 aprile 2015 Innovation Day

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1. Improving operations: where, how, when Mario Rapaccini IBIS Lab, Dip. Ingegneria Industriale, Universit di Firenze ASAP Service Management Forum www.asapsmf.org 1 18 Aprile 2015 Prato, Museo del Tessuto 2. 2Innovation Day, 18 Aprile 2015, Prato Museo del Tessuto Fragmentation, personalization and servitization of the customers demand in manufacturing firms lead to higher complexity in operations management, inside and outside the firms 3. Industrial revolution timeline: towards the age of Smart Factories 1st REV. Introduction of water- and steam-powered mechanical manufacturing facilities End of 18th century Start of 20th century Start of 1970s By now Introduction of electrically- powered mass production based on the division of labor first mechanical loom 1784 first assembly line 1870 Cincinnati slaughterhouses 2nd REV. 3rd REV. first PLC 1969, Modicon 084 4th REV. Introduction of electronics and IT to achieve automation and control of manufacturing processes Based on cyber-physical systems, new technologies and communication protocols complexity time http://smartfactory.dfki.uni-kl.de/ 4. A cyber-physical system (CPS) is a physical object with an embedded system containing computing power, data storage and network connectivity. Equipped with sensors providing information about status, environmental and working conditions, as well as with M2M and M2H communications, CPSs become Smart Products that can react to changing conditions. Cyber-physical systems 4Innovation Day, 18 Aprile 2015, Prato Museo del Tessuto 5. 5Innovation Day, 18 Aprile 2015, Prato Museo del Tessuto 6. http://www.rethinkrobotics.com 6Innovation Day, 18 Aprile 2015, Prato Museo del Tessuto 7. Decentralized control Data-driven operational excellence Huge amounts of data will be generated upon which scientists will apply mathematical and statistical expertise. Advanced analytics will unlock new insights on how to improve performances and optimize operations along manufacturing processes. Each production module will obtain the information needed to make decisions autonomously. Shop floor will consist of a network of locally optimizing decision-making units, and the entire production environment will self-organize itself through negotiation mechanisms. 7Innovation Day, 18 Aprile 2015, Prato Museo del Tessuto 8. Demand forecasting Capacity management Production management Inventory management 8Innovation Day, 18 Aprile 2015, Prato Museo del Tessuto 9. Concluding remarks Improving operations how: create data lakes and start developing data-driven decision-support tools and optimisation models where: demand forecasting, inventory management, production planning, order scheduling and sequencing, when: by now Critical factors: do not add artificial complexity due to ill-designed/not efficient solutions people, competence and organization come first, then technology investments align operations management with business strategy or viceversa 10Innovation Day, 18 Aprile 2015, Prato Museo del Tessuto 10. Manifattura Maiano: audit criticit organizzative, gestionali e informatiche Visia Imaging: supporto al progetto di introduzione del nuovo sistema informativo: codifica distinte, prelievi magazzino, ordini, MRP AOU Meyer sviluppo e trasferimento soluzione di pianificazione chirurgica per ottimizzare il tasso di utilizzo delle sale chirurgiche Eli Lilly analisi prestazioni linea di produzione insulina e sviluppo proposte di miglioramento 3 M 6 M 9 M 18 M Timescale of some IBISLAB projects 11Innovation Day, 18 Aprile 2015, Prato Museo del Tessuto 11. Mario Rapaccini, Ph.D. DIEF UNIFI Mail: [email protected] Skype: mario_rapaccini, LinkedIn: Mario Rapaccini mob. +39 334 6565465 Short biography: http://www.unifi.it/p-doc-2012-200006-R-3f2a3d31362b31.html About me 12Innovation Day, 18 Aprile 2015, Prato Museo del Tessuto 12. Disclaimer Il presente documento stato steso da Mario Rapaccini. La propriet intellettuale del documento e di tutti i contenuti in esso inseriti appartengono esclusivamente allautore, se non diversamente specificato. Le informazioni contenute in questo documento hanno valore solo con il commento orale dellautore. Lutilizzo e la riproduzione di questo materiale sono consentiti solo con il consenso scritto dellautore. Eventuali abusi potranno essere perseguiti ai sensi delle vigenti leggi. 13Innovation Day, 18 Aprile 2015, Prato Museo del Tessuto