Film analysis Title: Goodfellas Genre: biographical film, crime fiction, thriller and drama

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Film analysis

Title: Goodfellas

Genre: biographical film, crime fiction, thriller and drama

Cinematography (1)

The lighting in this shot is dark to emphasise the theme of the film. This is a long shot so we can see the car and the lighting is only from the car. The angle shown of the car makes the audience feel as though they're moving with the car.

The transitions between the shots were all jumps.

This is the first time we see the main characters(Henry Hill, Tommy Devito and James Conway). The camera shows us a midshot, this is so we can see that the main characters(Henry Hill, Tommy Devito and James Conway) are tired. The lighting is still dark which makes it unusual that they are driving at night.

In this shot they use a median long shot so we can see the weapons that Tommy Devito and James Conway are holding and Henry Hill, Tommy Devito and James Conway’s clothing. We can see them a little clearer from the light shining from the car.

I think the camera has panned right in this shot and it is a medium shot so we can see that the man(Frank Vincent) is hurt. The lighting is still dark but because the sheet that Frank is wrapped in a white we can see the blood.

Cinematography (2)

This shot is a midshot, we can see Tommy Devito leaning down and he is stabbing Frank in the boot. The angle is eye view, the lighting is still dark because this shows what they're doing is illegal.

We then get a close up shot of the Henry Hill, the angle is eye view. We can see some light from the car shining on his face, this is so we can recognise him later on in the film.

Cinematography (3)


The first setting we see is the car driving in the dark, the road is empty. We then see the three main characters (Henry Hill, Tommy Devito and James Conway) sat in the car, they all look tired which makes it seem curious why they're driving in the middle of the night. The car then pulls over and they're standing in the woods with a man (Frank Vincent) in the boot of their car, through the entire opening the lighting is dark which makes the audience feel that the men are doing something bad and it seems like a mystery.

The clothing own by the main characters (Henry Hill, Tommy Devito and James Conway) makes us see that they’re ‘gangsters’. They are all wearing the same style of clothing which are suits.

The fact that the men and driving are driving at night and look ‘dodgy’ makes the audience want to discover why they're out so late.

We then see the men with weapons which makes the audience feel uneasy but also intrigued into what will happen.


On the opening of the film everything is quiet and we can only hear the noise from the car driving,- it is also the only car driving on the road- this makes the audience feel a little uneasy at how quiet everything is.

When we first see the main characters (Henry Hill, Tommy Devito and James Conway)of the film in the car they're silent and not talking, this may emphasise to us because they’re tired. However when they begin to hear banging coming from the boot the main characters begin to get concerned and worried, this makes the audience begin to question why the panic just from a quiet banging sound from the boot.

When the car is pulled over the men begin to walk to the boot of the car, it is quiet because they're in the middle of the woods. We can hear their footsteps to make the moment more tense. We are then able to hear the banging more clearly from boot, the main characters are not talking instead they’re looking at one another which makes the audience see that the men are close.

When the main characters open the boot we are shown a man (Frank Vincent) covered in blood, again there is silence but we can hear the Frank begin to beg, one of the main characters (Tommy) begins to speak and then starts to stab Frank.

After hearing the knife stabbing another one of the main characters (James) starts to shoot Frank, just to make sure hes dead, we can hear Frank grunting whilst he is being attacked.

When Henry closes the boot we hear a voiceover from Henry that begins narrating his ‘life story’ and then hear "Rags to Riches" by Tony Bennett whilst the title and credit is being shown.

Titles and text

We then see the credits for the film, the background is black and writing is white and bold to make the names stand out more.

The title of the film is black and red, the writing is bold and clear so we can recognise it. The colours of the title is black to show that it will be a dark, mystery film and red is to make is look like blood as the film is based on ‘gangsters’.

The titles change throw a swipe transition.

Target audience

By the language and the violence that is being used in this film I would defiantly say it not aimed at children.

I think it is aged at 16+ because of the themes of the film, this is because the film includes sex/nudity, violence/gore, inappropriate language, alcohol/smoking/drugs and intense scenes.

People that enjoy thrillers, mystery's and gore are defiantly targeted.