Zimbabwe Teddi Worrock


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Page 1: Zimbabwe

ZimbabweTeddi Worrock

Page 2: Zimbabwe

The red stripes represent the blood shed for independence from Britain in 1965.The yellow stripes represent the country’s mineral wealth in gold, platinum, nickel, coal, tin, copper and lithium.The green stripes represent the Zimbabwe’s agriculture and land. The black stripe represents the African people. The white area stands for peace. The Great Zimbabwe bird is a national symbol and the red star represents socialism.

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The flag was adopted April 18, 1980. Zimbabwe gained independence from Britain and became Southern Rhodesia in 1965. Fifteen years later, Zimbabwe gained independence from Rhodesia on April 17, 1980.

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Zimbabwe is bordered by Mozambique on the

east, South Africa on the south, Botswana on the west, and Zambia in the


Zimbabwe is a landlocked state.

The capital of Zimbabwe is Harare. The absolute location of Zimbabwe is 20° S and 30° E.total area: 390,580 sq km and land area: 386,670 sq km. Zimbabwe is slightly larger than Montana.

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The population of Zimbabwe is 11,392,629.The median age is 17.6 years old.

- males: 16.3 years old- females: 18.8 years old

The population growth rate is about 1.53 percent.

The life expectancy for the total population is about 45.77 years. - male: 46.36 years - female: 45.16 years

By 2003, the average income per person was less than 400 US dollars.

Robert Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe for nearly three decades and has led it to a fallen state in poverty.

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The crude birth rate is about 31.49 births per 1,000 population. The crude death rate is about 17.29 deaths per 1,000 population. The natural increase rate is about 0.57 percent.

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The total fertility rate is 3.69 children per woman.

The infant mortality rate for the total is 32.31 deaths per 1,000 births.

- male: 34.9 deaths per 1,000 births- female: 29.64 deaths per 1,000 births

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There aren’t any migrants coming into Zimbabwe because of the poor economy and the evil dictator Robert Mugabe.

However, there are many refugees leaving Zimbabwe. There is an increasing flow of migrants to South Africa and Botswana in search of better economic opportunities and freedom from the harsh rule of Mugabe.

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Africans make up 98% of the population and are related to the two Bantu-speaking

groups, the Shona (82%) and Ndebele

(14%). Mixed and Asian ethnicities account for about 1% and whites less than 1%.

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Begun during the eleventh century A.D., the Bantu-speaking Shona ancestors constructed Great Zimbabwe. For more than 300 years, Great Zimbabwe was established and expanded with terrific structure. It has walls as high 36 feet extending 820 feet. Great Zimbabwe is the largest ancient structure south of the Sahara Desert.

In the 1800s, European travelers and English colonizers were amazed by Great Zimbabwe’s structure. There were as many as 1500 European settlers in this area by 1892. On September 12, 1923, Rhodesia became a self-governing crown colony.

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English is the official language. Indo-European Germanic West English

Second is Shona. Niger-Congo Atlantic-Congo Volta-Congo Benue-Congo Bantoid Southern Narrow Bantu Central Shona

Third is Sindebele, language of the Ndebele, also called Ndebele. Niger-Congo Atlantic-Congo Volta-Congo Benue-Congo Bantoid Southern Narrow Bantu Central Nguni

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religions Syncretic religions make up about 50%, meaning they are part Christian but also have indigenous beliefs.

Christians make up about 25%.

Indigenous beliefs make up about 24%.

Muslim and other religions make up about


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The Shona have preserved their ancient customs of prophecy, divination, and rainmaking. They believe in Mwari (“He who is”), a supreme being like a god. Great Zimbabwe has great religious significance and was like a shrine. In the Shona religion, there are evil spirits and witches who communicate with them.

In the last 50 years, Christian mission schools have been established and have had much influence on the country.


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Kirtsy Coventry The 2004 Olympic gold medalist from Zimbabwe.

Sports in Zimbabwe have experienced a growth since 1980. They use sports as a way to put Zimbabwe on the map and to gain business and help the economy.

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In Zimbabwe, there are many national parks to visit. You can go:• bungee jumping• canoeing• gorge swinging/abseiling• scenic flights• river boarding• white water rafting

• elephant riding• horse riding

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Zimbabwe urban music

“You Can’t Go Babey”

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Vice PresidentJ. Msika

President Robert Mugabe Vice President

J.T. Mujuru

On the ZimbabweGovernment website, they call him “His Excellence”

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•Zimbabwe has a parliamentary democracy form of government.

•In the executive branch, the chief of state is Executive President Robert Gabriel Mugabe, since December 31, 1987. There are two vice presidents who assist him, Joyce Mujuru and Joseph Msika.The head of government is Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai.

•In the legislative branch, the Parliament consists of a Senate with 93 seats and a House of Assembly with 210 seats.

•In the judicial branch, there is a Supreme Court and a High Court.

•There are many political parties, including: 1. African National Party or ANP2. Movement for Democratic Change or MDC3. Peace Action is Freedom for All or PAFA4. United People’s Party or UPP5. Zimbabwe African National Union-Ndonga or ZANU-Ndonga6. Zimbabwe African Peoples Union or ZAPU7. Zimbabwe Youth in Alliance or ZIYA

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“Over 25,000 people had been killed in the struggle for independence whose main objective was to create a unitary state.”

-From the article “Zimbabwe: One Nation, Two Leaders”

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•The government of Zimbabwe is facing economic problems as the Zimbabwean dollar is overvalued, hyperinflation, and store shelves are bare. •In 1998-2002, its involvement with the war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo drained hundreds of millions of dollars from the economy. •The EU and the US provide food aid on humanitarian grounds, meaning to help the bad living conditions and prevent unfair treatment to people.

30,000 Zimbabwean dollars is equal to 1 US dollar (September 2007.)

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ZIMBABWE IS AN LDC. •GDP (official exchange rate): $4.548 billion•GDI: 0.505•HDI: 0.513, ranking it 151st out of 177 countries•Zimbabwe’s adult literacy rate is 89.4% (ages 15

and older. •There are about 227 airports, only 20 are paved.•There are 3,077 km of railways. •There are 97,267 km of roadways, with only 18,481 km paved. •There is a waterway on

Lake Kariba.

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HARARE, Zimbabwe (CNN) -- Zimbabwe's health system, once the envy of many African nations, is "in a state of collapse" -- with many hospitals either completely shut down or unable to admit new patients, a leading doctors' group said Thursday. The failure of medical services has

forced doctors to turn away pregnant women and the sick. And with a cholera epidemic sweeping through the capital city of Harare and surrounding areas, medical officials say they fear they will be faced with hundreds of normally preventable deaths in the coming days.

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Agriculture accounts for about18.1% of the GDP,

industry about 22.6%, and services about 59.3%.

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Agriculturecorn, cotton, tobacco, wheat, coffee, sugarcane, peanuts; sheep, goats, pigs

Industrymining (coal, gold, platinum, copper, nickel, tin, clay, numerous metallic and nonmetallic ores), steel; wood products, cement, chemicals, fertilizer, clothing and footwear, foodstuffs, beverages

ServicesZimbabwe has a growing tourism industry, with a number of world-class hotels, including the Victoria Falls Hotel.

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Zimbabwe exports platinum, cotton, tobacco, gold, ferroalloys, and textiles/clothing.

They import machinery and transport equipment, other manufactures, chemicals, and fuels.

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The urban growth rate has increased since 1955 up to 1990, but then decreased drastically in 2000 and is still decreasing.

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“The spread of HIV/AIDS will not be stopped unless the human rights of women and girls are at the centre of the response.”– UNICEF

“Growing evidence shows that getting and keeping young people in school, particularly girls, dramatically lowers their vulnerability to HIV... Evidence from Zimbabwe shows that among 15-18 year old girls, those who are enrolled in school are more than five times less likely to have HIV than those who have dropped out.” – Global Coalition on Women and AIDS

“Girls and young women are highly vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, and a lack of education makes them more so. Girls are at greater risk than boys because of gender inequalities in status, power, and access to resources.” – World Bank

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WORKS CITED1. http://www.worldwide.co.za/africa-holiday/zimbabwe-holiday.html2. http://www.worldflags101.com/z/zimbabwe-flag.aspx3. http://www.uiowa.edu/~africart/toc/countries/Zimbabwe.html4. http://www.mapsofworld.com/lat_long/zimbabwe-lat-long.html5. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/zi.html6. http://www.inthenews.co.uk/news/features/view-from-abroad/zimbabwe-%E2%80%93-

fallen-state-$1139607.htm7. http://www.statistiques-mondiales.com/en/zimbabwe.htm8. http://www.nationmaster.com/country/zi-zimbabwe/imm-immigration9. http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/Africa/Zimbabwe-ETHNIC-GROUPS.html10. http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?historyid=ad2811. http://www.wayfaring.info/tag/zimbabwe/12. http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=Zimbabwe13. http://www.postcolonialweb.org/zimbabwe/religion/arntsen1.html14. http://www.src.org.zw/default.cfm?pid=1415. http://www.zimonline.co.za/Article.aspx?ArticleId=362416. http://hdrstats.undp.org/countries/country_fact_sheets/cty_fs_ZWE.html17. http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/africa/11/20/zimbabwe.health.crisis/index.html