What can we Expect from 2015

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Page 2: What can we Expect from 2015

I guess it is just much easier to forecast good news than bad ones; for good news occurs rarely by chance and is most often the result of long efforts. It is generally known well in advance when a fortunate development will occur. While bad news (sometimes predictable, such as layoffs, some conflicts or famines) generally occurs by surprise, without notice: It is in fact easier to destroy than to build; to do harm than good; to kill than to give life.

Page 3: What can we Expect from 2015

And yet, we are far more fascinated by dangers than promises; by threats than hopes. Because bad news is information; while good news is stated in general well in advance. This is though not the case for a tsunami, a terrorist attack, or a disease. Some of the good news that I believe will likely occur in 2015.

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What I am really much more concerned is the bad stuff such as: 1. ISIS controlling Baghdad and spreading its influence throughout the Middle East and elsewhere and teaming up with international terrorist organizations with global outreach triggering intercontinental terrorist attacks we cannot predict or contain.

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2. The Ebola epidemic in West Africa establishing itself as an epidemic of major proportions and ultimately reaching the US with a significant impact, leading to significant deceleration in many other forms of exchange. 3. The political and financial situation in China, increasingly unstable, getting out of control and leading to a major economic crisis there, with a considerable impact on the global economy.

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4. The United States headlong flight into debt and printing money, only to achieve a meager growth rate and failing to save a totally unbalanced financial system. The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed.... But as Abraham Lincoln used to say: “The best way to predict your future is to create it”

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What do you plan to do to create your future? Share your thoughts. Thank You, Follow Me @ https://www.facebook.com/ziad.k.abdelnour https://twitter.com/blackhawkinc https://www.linkedin.com/pub/ziad-abdelnour/0/69/588 http://www.pinterest.com/ziadabdelnour