Analysis of Music Magazine 2- Top of the Pops Sophie

Top of the pops analysis

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Page 1: Top of the pops analysis

Analysis of Music Magazine 2- Top of the Pops


Page 2: Top of the pops analysis

Background History of Top of the Pops Magazine

• It is a monthly publication, published by Immediate Media Company

• It was a supplementary magazine which went along with the TV show broadcasted on BBC until the show was cancelled in 2006. However, the magazine still runs.

• It was first launched in February 1995• It is most famous for giving the spice girls their

nicknames (Baby, Scary, Sporty, Posh and Ginger)

Page 3: Top of the pops analysis

Front CoverThe masthead of the magazine (Top of the Pops) is in the top left hand corner and takes up about half of the width of the cover. This will attract the reader to the magazine as it will be noticeable on newsstands as it part of the left third/magic C. The masthead is a pale pink colour suggesting that the magazine aims to get preteen/teenage girl readers.


Main Image

The main image is right in the centre of the magazine cover. The background of the image is plain white drawing even more attention to the artist as there is nothing of the reader to be draw to in the background. The body language of the artist, Jessie J, is happy and friendly. This body language is needed for pop artists and pop magazines because they are appealing to slightly younger audiences compared to other music magazines. They need their artists on the covers to look like good role models to attract not only the primary readers (preteen/teen) but also a secondary audience of parents who may buy the magazine for their children. The yellows bikini top that Jessie J is wearing fits in with the attraction for preteen/teenage girls and makes the magazine and the artist look vibrant.


The flash on this magazine has been used to show a real life story included in the magazine. It has also been placed on the left third of the page meaning that it will attract readers. It uses dramatic words such as ‘Blinded’ to make the reader shocked and want to pick the magazine up and read about the story inside. Also the word ‘Bullies’ maybe relatable for some readers suggesting that they might want advice from the story on what to do if they are that situation.

Main cover line/Pull QuoteThe main cover line on the front of this cover is the artists name, who is the main feature this issue. It has a big, bright font which also has been highlighted to suggest that it is an important part of the magazine.The pull quote is used as part of the main interview inside the magazine. Also this pull quote relates to what the artists main image is and what she is also famous for. The reader will see this and will be able to relate that directly to the artist and will be intrigued to find out more.


The barcode area of the cover is nearer the bottom of the page but in the middle of the cover. This suggests that the primary audience of teens will be more interested in the cover whereas the barcode will be more drawn to by the secondary audience of parents who may be asked to buy the magazine for them. Left Third

The left third of this magazine contains small snippets of interviews with the biggest pop stars. They use very small pieces of interviews in order to attract readers on newsstands because they may be shocked by the information such as Justin Bieber saying ‘I get self-concious and insecure’. It also contains the masthead again being visable on the newsstand.


The footer of this magazine shows an inside look of One Direction’s party pad. This shows readers that they will be getting something extra that other pop magazines may not be able to offer. Also putting the words ‘1D’ in the left third will attract many preteens/teens to the magazine as Top of the Pops know that die hard fans will buy the magazine just because they are in it.


The header of the magazine shows a new band that has just entered the charts. Using them as the header of their magazine suggests that they might have an exclusive interview for people to read which other pop magazines might not have, suggesting it’s exclusive to them.

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Contents PageMasthead/Contents

The heading for the contents page is right at the top of the page. However, it is quite small compared to other music magazines. This suggests that the audience it is aimed at (preteens/teens) would rather just get into the magazine rather than looking at the contents. Also it suggests that this is not of importance to this age group whereas others may find it vital. Also included is an ‘Inside your mag’. This is informal which this audience will be able to relate with making it more interesting for them than just ‘contents’


The editorial of this magazine straight up addressed the required audience (girls). Using the word “Girls” will make the reader feel like they know and can relate to the editor due to its informal and familiar tone. Also using the phrase ‘Love Zoe x’ again makes the reader feel like they know the editor personally. Including pictures of the editor and current pop stars relates to the magazine what ever issue it is but also relates to the reader as it suggests that the editor is showing a particular reader her personal photos again allowing the reader to feel like they know her.


The contents of the magazine is near the bottom of the page underneath a smaller version of the cover and the editorial. The headings on the contents and the page numbers are in the colour green whereas the subheadings are in black. The colour draws the reader in because the background is just plain white allowing them to be drawn/attracted to the headings/page numbers. Also the headings use informal text such as ‘Celebs’ again allowing the audience to relate to the magazine. The contents page includes a smaller version of the front cover but with the page numbers of articles next to it. The page numbers this time are different to the one underneath. They are white inside black bubbles. This suggests that these are the main and most important articles in the whole magazine showing why these page numbers stand out more.

Main ImageThere are no main, stand out images on this contents page. However there are smaller images dotted around the contents list. This suggest that the articles that they link to are some what important but not of full importance to have a main image. They also have the black bubble/white font page numbers next to them again suggesting that they are slightly more important than the other items on the contents list/rest of magazine.

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Double Page Spread

Main Image

The main image for the double page spread take up a whole A4 page and part of the opposite page; leaving little room for text.Jessie J is wearing minimal makeup, a pair of gold hoop earrings and a bright orange top. The colour of the top again suggests her vibrant, happy personality . Also the minimal makeup she is seen wearing also links to the quote beside her that says ‘I’m happy to be seen in no make-up at all’ This suggests to the reader that she is happy with herself and confident enough not to have to cover herself up and that she wants younger girls to do the same. This also links to her being a good role model for preteens/teens. This image also links to the heading of the article, ‘Barefaced Beauty’ further strengthening the meaning of the image (not needing to wear make-up).


.The heading of the article ‘Barefaced Beauty’ links and enforces the message behind the meaning of the image. The heading is quite big and bold and used bright colours to draw the reader in. The colours used not only contrast the colours used in the background but fit in with the theme and house style of the magazine overall. The word ‘beauty’ is in block capitals again enhancing the meaning of the interview but also highlighting the word. The background of the interview is all about nature and natural colours and linked with the block capitals of ‘beauty’ suggests that readers should stick with their natural beauty rather than using make-up products.

Colours/Top Images

The top images in the article are different coloured butterflies. This links to the article written about Jessie J as it suggests that Butterflies are natural just like the image and the heading are suggesting readers should be barefaced and natural (wear no make up). Also the colours used are also very natural and calming again reinforcing the strong message shown through the double page spread. The colours also contrast the colour of Jessie J’s outfit allowing her to stand out on the page. This is also done by blurring the background and only focusing on Jessie J.

StructureThe structure of the article is a 3 column structure.

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• The main target audience of Top of the Pops is preteen/teenager girls.

• To attract this audience Top of the Pops magazine uses bright, vivid colours to make the magazine stand out to them, popular/current artists etc

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• The elements that link the magazine together is the:• Text: The same font is used throughout the cover,

contents and double page spread• Colours: Vivid and bright colours are used throughout

the 3 different pages. The main colours used throughout are greens, oranges and yellows (along with black and white for text on the contents page)

• Informal Tone: An informal tone is not only used in the editorial, but is used throughout the cover, contents and double page spread to relate to the target audience.