The Death of Detroit

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comes in from the local casinos in Detroit. they are one of the largest sources of

revenue for the city of Detroit

11 Mill A Month

The national average for violent crimes per capita.


Will pass, on average, before the police show up on an average 911 response call.

58 Minutes

Number of creditors who are owed money by the

city of Detroit.


Police presence over the last 10 years due to budget cuts. 2/3 of parks in Detroit have been closed since 2008.

40% Smaller

Of the street lights in Detroit are not functional.


Of all crimes in Detroit are ever solved. The murder rate in Detroit is 11 times

higher than in New York.

Less Than 10%

Manufacturing jobs lost since 1950's


Less people live in Detroit than did 60 years ago, a

63% decrease.

1.1 Million

Of children in Detroit live in poverty.


Of residents are functionally



Population decrease over the last 50 years

Abandoned homes through the Detroit metro area.


Will score you one of 15 different houses for

sale in Detroit.


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