Student Magazine Advert Analysis Jake Williams

Student Magazine Advert

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Page 1: Student Magazine Advert

Student Magazine

Advert AnalysisJake Williams

Page 2: Student Magazine Advert

Student Magazine Advert

Page 3: Student Magazine Advert

Has a natural feel .

This complies with the

nature of band it


Includes ratings from

established music

brands, makes it feel more

appealing to a audience and

makes the audience more

likely to purchase the album.

It also makes the magazine

advertmore believable.

Uses same font type

throughout, provides

a continuity feel.

Artists name at the top of advert, in the largest font

style which draws your attention to it immediately.

The white text contrasts with

the blue background, making

clearer and easier to see.

Provides the website of the

artist, allowing people the

opportunity to examine the

band, and increase the

awareness of the sites, along

with the awareness of the artist.

Album name near

centre of advert. This is

ideally placed so it is

easily visible to the
