HIGH ROLLER Local senior weighs college offers for bowling scholarship PAGE 12 UPCOMING EVENTS TODAY, 4-6 P.M.: Right Arm Night - Club Meade SATURDAY, 7 P.M.: 1812 Overture and Alumni Concert - Constitution Park WEDNESDAYS, 10 A.M.-2 P.M.: Fort Meade Farmers Market - Smallwood Hall lot AUG. 27-31: Case Lot Sale - Fort Meade Commissary AUG. 28, 11:30 A.M.-1 P.M.: Women’s Equality Day Observance - McGill Training Ctr GO-GETTER Garrison CSM sets sights on helping Soldiers achieve goals PAGE 10 Sound off ! ´ VOL. 66 NO. 33 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community August 21, 2014 PHOTO BY SPC. CHARLES M. BAILEY, 55TH SIGNAL COMPANY (COMBAT CAMERA) Spc. Chase Teats, Bravo Company, 53rd Signal Battalion, Fort Meade fires an M16 rifle in the kneeling position at a qualification range at Fort Meade on Aug. 4. Teats is qualifying with the weapon to build tactical proficiency. Teats was also one of the two overall command winners at this year’s Best Warrior competition for the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command. For more on the qualification range, see Page 6. For more on the Best Warrior competition, see Page 7. SHARP SHOOTER

Sound Off August 21, 2014

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Sound Off August 21, 2014

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HigH rollerLocal senior weighs college offers for bowling scholarship

page 12

UPCoMiNg eVeNTSToday, 4-6 P.M.: Right Arm Night - Club MeadeSaTUrday, 7 P.M.: 1812 Overture and Alumni Concert - Constitution ParkWedNeSdayS, 10 a.M.-2 P.M.: Fort Meade Farmers Market - Smallwood Hall lotaUg. 27-31: Case Lot Sale - Fort Meade CommissaryaUg. 28, 11:30 a.M.-1 P.M.: Women’s Equality Day Observance - McGill Training Ctr

go-geTTerGarrison CSM sets sights on helping Soldiers achieve goals

page 10

Soundoff!́vol. 66 no. 33 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community August 21, 2014

Photo by SPc. charleS M. bailey, 55th Signal coMPany (coMbat caMera)

Spc. Chase Teats, Bravo Company, 53rd Signal Battalion, Fort Meade fires an M16 rifle in the kneeling position at a qualification range at Fort Meade on Aug. 4. Teats is qualifying with the weapon to build tactical proficiency. Teats was also one of the two overall command winners at this year’s Best Warrior competition for the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command. For more on the qualification range, see Page 6. For more on the Best Warrior competition, see Page 7.

Sharp Shooter

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Commander’s Column

Cont ent sNews............................. 3 Sports..................................12

CrimeWatch................. 8 Movies.................................15

Community................. 13 Classified.............................16

Editorial StaffGarrison Commander Col. Brian P. foleyGarrison Command Sgt. Maj. rodwell l. forbesPublic affairs officerChad t. Jones [email protected], Command informationPhilip H. Jones [email protected] Editor & Senior Writer rona S. Hirsch Staff Writer lisa r. rhodesStaff Writer Shari rosendesign Coordinator timothy davis Supplemental photography provided by the Baltimore Sun Media Group

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Printed by offset method of reproduction as a civilian enterprise in the interest of the personnel at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, by The Baltimore Sun Media Group, 501 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21278, every Thursday except the last Thursday of the year in conjunction with the Fort Meade Public Affairs Office. Requests for publication must reach the Public Affairs Office no later than Friday before the desired publication date. Mailing address: Post Public Affairs Office, Soundoff! IMME-MEA-PA, Bldg. 4409, Fort Meade, MD 20755-5025. Telephone: 301-677-5602; DSN: 622-5602.

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Who do you consider to be responsible for safety at your job? Your immediate supervisor? The Human Resources Department? Your organization’s safety committee?

You should answer “yes” to all of these options. But an equally important answer is you!

Organizational leaders must ensure everyone knows DoD and Army safety policy and is given the proper training and materials to know how to work safely. But our leaders will not be with you every minute of the day. It is up to you to make sure that not only you are following all the rules but those around you are as well.

Costs for workplace injuries are high. One statistic showed costs to be an estimated $131.2 billion in 2000, according to the National Safety Council’s Injury Facts 2001. And this doesn’t include the costs that go beyond the monetary value such as disruption to day-to-day living, family life, vacation plans and more.

Many people don’t know that the Installation Safety Office is the designee for the Installation Occupational Safety and Health Program.

The Occupational Safety and Health Program is the installation commander’s program. However, work-place safety and health apply to all of us who work at and for Fort Meade, so it is our responsibility also.

Federal and state laws, the Department of Defense and the Army’s regulations mandate that an Occupa-tional Safety and Health Program be established and maintained on every installation to safeguard military personnel and federal employees.

The federal organization that was established in 1970 to oversee safety in the workplace is the Occu-pational Safety and Health Administration. OSHA regulations mandate that employers provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. This also applies to Fort Meade.

The U.S. Army has regulations that mirror OSHA including Army Regulation 385-10, “The Army Safety Program”; AR 40-5, “Preventive Medicine”; Depart-ment of the Army Pamphlet 40-503, “Army Industrial Hygiene Program”; and many others.

To accomplish these directives, the Army’s OSHA personnel and industrial hygiene personnel conduct workplace surveys and inspections to determine the nature and magnitude of potentially hazardous work-ing conditions.

These conditions may include exposures to chemi-cal, physical, biological, radiological, environmental and ergonomic risks. These same personnel evaluate the effectiveness of existing control measures such as heating ventilation and air conditioning, fume exhaust hoods, and the selection of personal protective equip-ment and protective clothing for the workplace and

work tasks.So what can

you do to reduce accidents and workplace inju-ries?

Take responsi-bility for yourself:

• Develop a positive attitude toward safety.

• Know your organizat ion’s rules and regula-tions and follow them.

• Familiarize yourself with the hazards of your job and know how to avoid them.

• Take your time and don’t take shortcuts.• Wear suitable clothing and use the appropriate

personal-protective equipment.• Use the proper ergonomic techniques, whether

lifting, sitting at a desk or operating a piece of equip-ment.

Help those around you:• Report all accidents and injuries to your supervi-

sor.• Report any observed hazards such as spills,

improperly stored flammables, broken tools or equip-ment.

• Stay calm in an emergency situation.• Don’t partake in unsafe behavior or horseplay.

Instead, encourage others to have a good attitude toward safety.

Following these simple steps and practicing a posi-tive, common-sense approach to safety will help not only you, but your co-workers and your organization.

Managers and supervisors may be doing their part, but the rest depends on you. Remember, safety is everyone’s responsibility.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility

KirK Fechter, director installation Safety office

Commander’s Open DoorGarrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley


employees, family members or communitymembersage18orolderareinvitedtoaddressissuesorconcernstothecommanderdirectlybyvisitingFoley’sofficeonMondays from4to6p.m.atgarrisonheadquartersinHodgesHall,Bldg.4551,LlewellynAvenue.

Visitors are seen on a first-come, first-servedbasis.Noappointmentisnecessary.


http://www.ftmeade.army.mil August 21, 2014 SOUNDOFF! �


By Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

Some Fort Meade residents recently experienced a power outage. And while temporary power outages are nothing new for Fort Meade housing areas, residents who live in the 3500 block of Patriot Ridge have frequently experienced more power outages than other post neighborhoods.

The most recent power outage for the 3500 block of Patriot Ridge was on Aug. 7-8. The outage lasted more than 24 hours and caused frustrations for residents who have become irritated with the post’s hous-ing power problem.

The outage was due to a damaged elec-trical cable, which was repaired Aug. 8 by the Directorate of Public Works.

Aimee Stafford, lead development and operations specialist at Residential Com-munities Initiative, said there have been frequent power outages in Fort Meade’s housing areas during the past several years. But the residents of Patriot Ridge, she said, have recently borne “the brunt

of it.”“Fort Meade has an aging infrastruc-

ture,” Stafford said. “There is a privatiza-tion project that is ongoing to replace the aging infrastructure.”

RCI represents the Army and Fort Meade residents in privatized military housing.

“People are frustrated with the out-ages related to the aged infrastructure and planned outages due to privatization,” Stafford said.

In April 2003, Baltimore Gas and Elec-tric Co. was awarded a 50-year con-tract for privatization of the natural gas and electric distribution systems on Fort Meade.

Under the contract, Fort Meade’s aged gas and electric distribution systems are being replaced with new, modernized BGE-owned, operated and maintained systems to provide safer and more reliable service. These upgrades are scheduled for completion by 2018.

All the homes that were newly con-

structed by Corvias were built with new infrastructure. In addition, through BGE privatization, the infrastructure in Heri-tage Park has been completely upgraded. More than 150 homes in Potomac Place and Meuse Forest have been upgraded.

BGE is currently upgrading the sys-tems in Meuse Forest, Potomac Place and Patriot Ridge. This group of upgrades is scheduled to be completed by the spring of 2015.

BGE will begin working in Midway Commons and Normandy Bluffs some-time next year, with a completion date in late 2017.

DPW is responsible for the utilities in neighborhoods that have not been priva-tized, including some areas of Patriot Ridge.

Angela Marcum, communications manager for Corvias, said Patriot Ridge residents began calling about the power outage during the evening of Aug. 7.

“It does take time for the repairmen to understand the extent of the damage and

to give a timeline for repairs,” Stafford said. “The DPW team communicates with us the best they can.”

Stafford and Marcum said one problem during the most recent outage was the breakdown in communication to keep residents informed.

“DPW, the Fort Meade Public Affairs Office, RCI and Corvias are working a better way to communicate with resi-dents,” Stafford said. “We have a meeting planned on this topic.”

Stafford and Marcum remind residents to contact their respective neighborhood center during outages.

“We don’t know that the power is out unless we are informed,” Stafford said. “We know there’s a problem with the infrastructure, and the long-term solution is privatization.

“There is a lot of housing to upgrade, so it’s going to take time. We are work-ing out the details as best we can and we appreciate residents’ patience during this process.”

Fort Meade works to resolve power outages

By Fort Meade Public Affairs OfficeWith August recognized as Antiter-

rorism Awareness Month, the Army is promoting a campaign encouraging and training communities to become exten-sions of the service’s overall force-protec-tion plan.

iWATCH is a nationwide, contempo-rary version of Neighborhood Watch developed by the Los Angeles Police Department to encourage and enable members of the community in identify-ing and reporting suspicious behavior that may be associated with terrorist activities.

The purpose of iWATCH is to promote antiterrorism awareness and leverage every member of the Army community to act as a sensor to help identify and prevent potential terrorist acts.

There are two elements to the initiative: passive and active. The passive element of iWATCH is individual situational aware-ness of a person’s surroundings. The active element requires individuals to take action and report suspicious behavior or activities to law enforcement for further investigation.

An essential component of iWATCH is reporting suspicious activity. iWATCH

aspires to ensure that everyone knows how to report suspicious activity. If you see something, say something.

Report suspicious activity to the Fort Meade Directorate of Emergency Ser-vices at 301-677-6622 or 301-677-6623. In an emergency, call 911.

The key to implementing iWATCH is education: on the initiative itself, on indicators of terrorist activity and on reporting suspicious activity.

Be alert at all times for suspicious activ-ity, including:

• People drawing or measuring impor-tant buildings (religious, government)

• Strangers asking questions about security procedures

• Briefcase, suitcase, backpack or pack-age left unattended

• Vehicles left in no-parking zones out-side important buildings

• Unfamiliar people in secure areas• Persons wearing clothes that are

noticeably too big and/or too hot for the weather (coats or jackets in summertime)

• Chemical smells or fumes that seem out of the ordinary for the specific loca-tion

• People asking questions about sensi-tive information such as building blue-

prints, security plans or VIP travel sched-ules that do not have a need to know

• People purchasing supplies or equip-ment that can be used to make bombs or weapons, or purchasing uniforms without having the proper credentials

Maintain individual situational aware-ness of your surroundings. Everyone can make a difference by recognizing what to report and reporting it to security forces and/or law enforcement.

Law enforcement officials cannot be everywhere; they need the eyes and ears of the entire installation community to assist in quelling terrorism.

Familiarize yourself with the iWATCH awareness tools. Take a minute to review the iWATCH Army posters on bulletin boards, banners and iWATCH Army public service announcements.

Antiterrorism iWATCH products are available at www.iwatcharmy.org/index.html.

For more information on the Army’s Antiterrorism Individual Protection mea-sures, call Mark A. George, antiterror-ism officer for the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security, at 301-677-7310 or go to www.Acsim.army.mil/readyarmy/index.htm.

iWatch promotes antiterrorism awareness Get the insider’s advantage

Join the conversation on Fort Meade’s social media platform for the latest com-munity news.

Connect with more than 21,000 post community members on the installation’s Facebook page. Stay updat-ed with Tweets from Fort Meade’s Twitter feed. Catch the latest episode of Meade Week’s video blog. Visit the installation’s website at www.ftmeade.army.mil and visit the links to add your voice to the conversation.

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By Shari RosenStaff Writer

Cassandra Franklin could not have imagined she would return to Fort Meade after a 13-year absence.

Franklin left her position as the Child Development Center’s program director and training and curriculum specialist on Fort Meade in 2001 to become a child and youth development specialist at the headquarters level.

In her most recent position from 2008 to 2014, Franklin performed unan-nounced inspections of Child, Youth and School Services programs on instal-lations across the country.

She visited Fort Meade twice during the 2012 and 2013 fiscal years.

“It always felt like coming back home,” Franklin said.

Impressed by the quality of Fort Meade’s CYSS programs, Franklin applied for the position of CYSS chief.

She got the job.“You can make more of an impact at

installation level than at headquarters,” Franklin said.

CYSS provides facility-based care, in-home care, and specialty and instruc-tional programs for children ages 6 weeks to 18 years old. These programs include

three Child Development Centers, the School Age Center, Youth Center and middle school program, Teen Center, Youth Sports teams, and a variety of instructional and enrichment classes.

“We are so happy and pleased to have Cassandra Franklin return to Fort Meade as the CYSS chief,” said Martha L. McClary, director of the Fort Meade Directorate of Family and Morale, Wel-fare and Recreation.

“Since her departure in 2001, she has gained a wealth of experience and knowledge in various positions of increased responsibilities in Child and Youth Services. Under Cassandra’s lead-ership, I am sure Fort Meade will con-tinue to be one of the best — if not the best — CYSS programs in the Army.”

Franklin’s goals for CYSS include decreasing the program’s waitlist, cre-ating new facilities and hiring more providers.

“More than 1,000 kids receive facility-based care every day, not even including the instructional programs,” Franklin said. “I’d like to simply enhance the programs and services.”

Prior to her career in child care, Franklin was an elementary school teacher. Her passion changed when she

gave birth to her son Kyle in 1989, the same year the House and Senate passed the Military Child Care Act “to improve the availability, management, quality, and safety of child care provided on military installations.”

As the spouse of retired Signal Officer Larry Franklin, the new CYSS chief frequently had to move. She was able to find management-level CYSS jobs on every installation.

“[My own son] is a product of CYSS services,” Franklin said.

Franklin plans to draw upon her expe-riences from performing inspections and working for a large number of CYSS installation programs.

“There are 72 [CYSS installation] pro-grams,” Franklin said. “I’ve seen more than 60 of them.”

Quick to deflect attention, Franklin used a long list of positive adjectives, such as hard-working and conscientious, to describe her staff.

“It’s a very strong, dedicated and committed staff,” Franklin said.

She referred to five of her key staff members as “the five people who keep me sane.”

Franklin’s bare office will soon have her signature decoration, the oversized

‘Coming back home’New CYSS chief returns to Fort Meade after 13 years

submitted photo

Cassandra Franklin

letters “C” and “F”, hanging on the wall. She said many people think C and F represent her initials, but Franklin uses the letters to highlight her leader-ship style.

“My goal is to be consistent and fair,” Franklin said. “I can’t give you some-thing I’m not willing to give another staff member simply because you want it.”

Now that she’s back at Fort Meade, Franklin does not plan to leave any time soon. Like her predecessor Lida Payne, Franklin wants to end her career here.

“I do plan to call this home and retire out of Fort Meade,” Franklin said.

Kimbrough Ambulatory Care CenterSometimes it is difficult to know

if and when to seek medical help for acute health problems, so having pro-fessional help at a moment’s notice is invaluable.

The Military Health System’s new Nurse Advice Line for TRICARE ben-eficiaries does just that.

Earlier this year, the NAL phase-in began in various areas of the continen-tal United States, Alaska and Hawaii.

Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center joined the NAL on July 31.TRICARE beneficiaries can now call the NAL toll-free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The NAL is a team of registered nurs-es who are available to answer a variety of urgent health care questions. They can help beneficiaries decide whether self-care is the best option, or if it is

better to see a health care provider.There will always be a live person

on the line to address beneficiary con-cerns.

The NAL offers a variety of solu-tions for all TRICARE beneficiaries. For pediatric issues, the NAL will route the beneficiary to a pediatric nurse. If follow-up is necessary or requested, the NAL will call the beneficiary back to check the child’s status a few hours later.

The NAL will make same-day appointments with the beneficiary’s primary care manager for TRICARE Prime beneficiaries enrolled in military treatment facilities.

If a same-day appointment is not available, the NAL will redirect the ben-eficiary to the closest urgent care center, and advise the PCM that an urgent care referral is neccessary so the patient does

Kimbrough’s TRICARE Nurse Advice Line goes live

Connect with Fort meade atFacebook.com/ftmeade

not have to worry about paying any point of service co-pays.

All other TRICARE beneficiaries who are not enrolled to a military treat-ment facility will receive professional health advice about their urgent health concern and when to seek urgent care.

When calling the NAL, a customer service representative will verify the beneficiary’s eligibility through the Defense Enrollment and Eligibility Reporting System.

Beneficiaries with an acute health care concern or question will be put in contact with a registered nurse who will ask the beneficiary a series of standard questions to determine the next steps to take and allow the NAL nurse to provide the best advice possible.

Beneficiaries can still call their PCM or clinic, but the NAL is another option to access care in a timely fashion.

To access the NAL, call 1-800-TRI-CARE (874-2273); Option 1.

http://www.ftmeade.army.mil August 21, 2014 SOUNDOFF! �


Story and photo by Sgt. Class Mark Bell Public Affairs200th MP Command

Thinking outside the box.That’s how Reserve Sgt. Toni

Hurlston described the afternoon’s lunch menu as her cooks prepared grilled Mongolian specialties.

“We take the Army Reserve’s 21-meal plan and think outside the box,” said Hurlston as Soldiers filed through the Mobile Kitchen Trailer during the 200th Military Police Command’s monthly battle assembly weekend on Aug. 3.

It was raining and the unit cooks had access to a large kitchen attached to the dining facility. Hurlston said the cooks train with the MKT every quarter.

“We must be able to adapt to any situation,” Hurlston said. “Kitchens are not always going to be available to Army cooks. They need to have the training to succeed as a cook.”

Chief Warrant Officer Rick Farran said all Soldiers must be ready for the next war or emergency — and that includes Army Reserve cooks.

“A mobilization is not the time to learn how to use the MKT,” he said. “The time is now, and Soldiers at the 200th MPCOM are taking that time seriously.

“The time to maintain their equip-ment is during battle assembly week-ends and not right before an annual training or as they go out the door into harm’s way,” said Hurlston.

Standing in line with several Soldiers was Maj. Gen. Phillip Churn, com-manding general of the Army Reserve’s 200th MPCOM at Fort Meade, where he commands more than 13,000 Sol-diers living in 44 states.

“Outstanding,” Churn told the cooks. “This is great Army training for our cooks, and our Soldiers get some great food.”

After making his selection from sev-eral types of meat, Spc. Joe Slade quickly went into action and added another meal to the field grill.

While cooking the chicken, Churn talked to the cooks to find out the secrets behind the stainless-steel spatu-las.

“These cooks must have passion,” Farran said. “We know they are tech-nically capable of cooking a meal, but our cooks need passion and drive to provide a great meal for the troops. It can definitely show in the food if they don’t have the passion.”

Hurlston said her former noncom-missioned officer-in-charge challenged them to take the ingredients from the meal plan set by the U.S Army Reserve Command and do something special.

“We love to make our customers happy,” she told Churn as she mixed several ingredients into a small bowl.

Hurlston tossed them onto the near-by grill.

“Well, I will soon be very happy after I get to sit down and eat what your troops are preparing,” Churn said.

Churn said having cooks prepare meals is a win-win situation.

“We have the best cooks in the Army Reserve,” Churn told the Sol-diers working behind the small glass barrier. “I appreciate what you are doing today and every day for our command. Never forget that.”

As Slade passed the plate to the senior officer in the command, a sim-ple “thank you” from Churn made a visible difference.

“I always loved to cook,” said Slade, who joined the Reserve six years ago to become an Army cook. “I baked and cooked for my nieces, and now I get to do it for hundreds of Soldiers.”

When the day was over and the MKT was folded back down, Hurlston said she hoped her Soldiers walked away with new knowledge and infor-mation.

“There are different techniques working with an MKT,” said Hurlston. “Today, they demonstrated they could cook on a grill inside an MKT. We love what we do. We make people happy.”

Reserve cooks take meals to the next level

Reserve Spc. Joe Slade of the 200th Military Police Command serves a grilled Mongolian meal to a Soldier during the monthly battle assembly weekend on Aug. 3 at Fort Meade. Slade joined the Army Reserve six years ago to continue his passion to cook.

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Photo by SPc. charleS M. bailey, 55th Signal coMPany (coMbat caMera)

A Soldier adjusts the sight post on an M16 rifle.

RIGHT: Sgt. 1st Class Brian Rhodes, assigned to Defense Media Activity, inspects his target at a weapons qualification range at Fort Meade on Aug. 4. Photo by PFc. caMeron J. leto, 55th Signal coMPany (coMbat caMera)

Photo by SPc. charleS M. bailey, 55th Signal coMPany (coMbat caMera)

Sgt. 1st Class Christina DauriaCox, assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, fires an M9 pistol from the prone position at a qualification range at Fort Meade. Cox is qualifying with the weapon to build tactical proficiency.

Home on the Range Headquarters Command Battalion qualifies with M9, M16 weapons

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Photo by Dottie K. White

best warriorSpc. Chase M. Teats, Bravo Company, 53rd Signal Battalion, Fort Meade was one of the two overall command winners at the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command’s Best Warrior competition. The competition took place June 23-26 in Colorado at Fort Carson and Peterson Air Force Base. As part of the competition, Teats, a satellite systems operator and network coordinator, performed Army warrior tasks and battle drills, a 12-mile ruck march, and other physically and mentally challenging tasks. In October, Teats will repre-sent the command in the Department of Army Best Warrior Competition in Fort Lee, Va.

Find the Fort Meadereligious schedule


Look for the “Community” tab then click on “Religious Services” for

schedules, events and contact information.












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http://www.ftmeade.army.mil� SOUNDOFF! August 21, 2014


advances. The strength of the Soldier’s argu-ment may also decline if he waits too long.

A rated Soldier may request a Com-mander or Commandant’s Inquiry. This process is a voluntary option and is not a prerequisite to a formal appeal.

The rated Soldier or anyone with access to the Soldier’s evaluation report may raise issues of error, injustice or illegality with the Soldier’s commander or commandant. The inquiry is to be made by a commander higher in the chain of command than the rating officials and will be in the form of a memorandum to include findings, conclu-sions and recommendations.

Once completed, the inquiry will be sent to the Soldier. If there is fault found with the evaluation and it has not yet been sent to the Department of the Army headquarters, the commander will return the inquiry to the applicable rater for appropriate action.

The amended report will then be sent to HQDA. If the inquiry found fault but the evaluation had already been submitted to HQDA, the inquiry will also be sent to HQDA to be filed with the evaluation report at issue.

The appeals process is the primary meth-od of addressing errors on reports after they have become a part of the Soldier’s permanent record. Appeals are required to be supported by sufficient evidence. Allega-tions of inaccuracy, without more substan-tial evidence, will not prompt correction of an evaluation.

The Soldier bears the burden of proof for his appeal. To succeed, the Soldier must establish (by appropriate statements, docu-ments or other evidence) clearly and con-vincingly that the evaluation is inaccurate or unjust in certain respects.

In deciding whether to appeal an evalu-ation, it is important to consider what evidence you have to support your position, and what evidence you may be able to gath-er. Examples for structuring and formatting appeals are available in DA PAM 623-3.

Claims of substantive error including bias, discrimination, inaccurate or otherwise unjust evaluations are reviewed by the Army Special Review Board, which consists of officers and noncommissioned officers.

If deemed appropriate by the Army Spe-cial Review Board, HQDA will amend the evaluation record. If the appeal is rejected, the Soldier may choose to gather additional evidence and submit another appeal, or he may decide to appeal to the Army Board for Correction of Military Records, an institu-tion governed by AR 15-185.

For more information on this topic, refer

By Carrie CulverIntern, Legal Assistance Division

You’ve just received your evaluation report and you disagree with some of the characterizations of your work perfor-mance. Or perhaps the report contains a clerical or other administrative error.

What should you do?The Army’s Evaluation Report Redress

Program resolves inaccurate or unfair infor-mation that is reflected on a Soldier’s evalu-ation report. The rated Soldier may seek to address the inaccuracy in several ways.

First, the Soldier should read his evalua-tion report carefully. If he catches a clerical, administrative or substantive error before

the report is signed and submitted, he must bring it to his rater’s attention to get it cor-rected.

Once the evaluation has been signed and submitted, it is assumed to be accurate and the Soldier must engage in a formal appeal process to try to address the record.

If the Soldier believes there has been an error, it is important to address it as soon as possible. Special response options are avail-able for referred evaluation reports and for relief-for-cause evaluation reports.

There are different time limitations for different types of appeal, but more impor-tantly, the availability of supporting people and documents generally declines as time

How to appeal an evaluation reportto AR 623-3 and DA PAM 623-3.

If you require advice or assistance with this process, you may schedule an appoint-ment with an attorney at Fort Meade’s Legal Assistance Office at 301-677-9504 or 301-677-9536.

Aug. 10, Failure to obey traffic control device, displaying expired registration, driving while under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol: The Directorate of Emergency Ser-vices was notified that a vehicle entered the gate at a high rate of speed. A traffic stop was initiated on the vehicle, which displayed expired tags.Contact was made with the driver, who had slurred speech, bloodshot eyes and a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath. The driver failed the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. He refused a breath test.During an inventory of the vehicle prior to impoundment, two plastic containers with an unknown amount of a green leafy substance in the trunk were found. The substance tested positive for Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main mind-altering ingredient found in the Cannabis plant.

Aug. 15, Assault, consummated by a battery: Police responded to a domestic assault. The investigation revealed that the victim and subject were involved in a verbal altercation, which turned physical.

CommunityCommunityCrime Watch

Compiled by the Fort Meade Directorate of Emergency Services

For week of Aug. 11-17:• Moving violations: 19• Nonmoving violations: 47• Verbal warnings for traffic stops: 42• Traffic accidents: 8• Driving on suspended license: 2• Driving on suspended registration: 0• Driving without a license: 1

For week of Aug. 4-10:• Moving violations: 42• Nonmoving violations: 10• Verbal warnings for traffic stops: 27• Traffic accidents: 13• Driving on suspended license: 1• Driving on suspended registration: 0• Driving without a license: 2

Learning ThatWorks for You



Fall semesterbegins August 25Noncredit classes are ongoing

• Career skills and credentials

• Online, classroom, or hybrid formats

• Accelerated course options

• Support services

RAJIV“I came out of HCC’s Certi�ed Public Accountant program with the same, if not better, educational foundation to tackle the CPA exam material at a fraction of the cost of 4-year institutions or graduate programs.”

http://www.ftmeade.army.mil August 21, 2014 SOUNDOFF! �


By Lt. Cmdr. Karen E. EifertDefense Information School

One of the 60 graduates of Public Affairs Qualification Course class 050-14 from the Defense Information School hails from the nation of Kuwait.

Lt. Col. Anwar Dashti graduated Aug. 1 from the only course designed to train Department of Defense personnel and allied officers to become government spokespersons.

Before heading to his next phase of training, Dashti reflected upon his time at DINFOS and attributed his success to his instructors, peers and personal faith.

“When I arrived at this course, I was very nervous,” Dashti said. “I knew it would be rapid and intense, and I wasn’t sure how I would do in a fully immersed English-speaking class.”

The 10-week public affairs course teaches entry-level public affairs to mem-bers of the DoD and military officers from nearly 80 allied nations.

Dashti said learning to write in a journalistic style was challenging because English is his third language. He said sometimes it took faith to believe he could master the intense curriculum in the allotted 10 weeks.

In addition to the fast-paced curricu-lum, Dashti recounted becoming ill just a week after arriving in the country and having to be hospitalized.

“The whole time I was in the hospital, I was anxious about possibly losing this opportunity,” Dashti said. “I worked so hard to study in the United States. And I was afraid that even if I got better, I would be so far behind I could never

Kuwaiti officer graduates from DINFOS public affairs course


Kuwait National Guard Lt. Col. Anwar Dashti (second from right) poses with Marine Corps Capt. Dustin Pratico, Army 1st Lt. David Gasperson and Marine Corps Maj. Andrew Bormann, who all graduated Aug. 1 from the Defense Information School’s Public Affairs Qualification Course.

catch up.”Dashti explained the competitive pro-

cess that allowed him to attend DIN-FOS.

“I competed against about 20 other Kuwaiti officers and took a very difficult exam comprised of written and spoken segments,” Dashti said, adding that many people fail the test the first time they take

it. “But I had faith. I believed I would get better, and I believed I would catch up on my studies.”

With the help of his instructors and peers, Dashti did catch up. When he graduated, he joined the ranks of the handful of Kuwaiti officers who have attended PAQC.

“It was such a pleasure working with

Lieutenant Colonel Dashti,” said Keith Oliver, head of the DINFOS Public Affairs Leadership Department, who visited Dashti and encouraged him dur-ing his hospital stay.

“It was inspiring to see someone so committed to continuing his professional training. I can only imagine what an inspiration he must be to others back home.”

During PAQC, Dashti learned every-thing from public affairs doctrinal foun-dations to myriad television, radio and print interviews. The course concluded with a fast-paced, two-day operation-al exercise that mimicked a real-world deployment.

“The DINFOS motto is ‘Strength Through Truth,’ but you quickly learn that you cannot tell the truth if you don’t have a good grasp of the facts before going on the record,” said Dashti, recall-ing some of the interviews he conducted during the operational exercise.

“Our instructors constantly told us that although it’s important to pass, the grades aren’t what matter,” Dashit said. “What matters is being able to perform competently and confidently in the real world.”

Dashti said he now feels confident to providing interviews to international media, as well as the five television chan-nels, three radio stations and countless magazines in Kuwait.

“I’m so happy to have this training under my belt,” he said. “I want to thank DINFOS for positioning me for success as a spokesperson and my future in the Kuwaiti National Guard.”

Water main flushing continues

American Water is continuing its 2014 Annual Water Main Flushing Program on Monday.

The purpose of this program is to provide the best quality water available to you, the customer, by remov-ing any buildup of sediment that may have occurred in the water lines.

Flushing may result in some temporary discoloration and the presence of sediment in your water. These conditions are not harmful and should be of very short duration.

Between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., limit your use of water to help prevent discolored water from reaching the service lines to your residence. Should you notice an increase in discolored water at your residence,

flush all faucets inside for 15 minutes.If the water discoloration does not change, call the

Water Treatment Plant at 443-591-0909. This number is monitored 24/7, should you have any additional ques-tions or concerns.

Areas that may be affected by planned flushing from Monday through Aug. 29:

• Nelson Loop• Nelson Court• Olson Loop• Ray Street• 79th Division Boulevard• Craig Street• 2nd Cavalry Avenue• Highland Road• Jennings Court• Cayer Court

• Mills Court• Cooper Avenue• Riordan Street• Harris Loop• Fowler Street• Boyce Street• Barry Court• Traynor Court• Lawson Loop• Burk Court• Falconer Court• Packard Court• Carson Court

Streets adjacent to Cooper Avenue and 2nd Cavalry Avenue may see a temporary change in their water dur-ing flushing activities. Signs will be posted ahead of any flushing activities to notify customers.

http://www.ftmeade.army.mil10 SOUNDOFF! August 21, 2014


By Philip H. JonesChief, Command Information

To say he has an outgoing personality would be an understatement.

Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Rodwell L. Forbes certainly is extroverted. He is confident, has good manners and, most noticeably, has a way of making every person he meets feel important.

Forbes’ personality is a useful tool as he takes on the wide-ranging responsibili-ties of garrison command sergeant major, a position he assumed on Tuesday.

“Command Sergeant Major Forbes is the right guy for the job and has hit the ground running,” Foley said. “We are very fortunate to have him on the team, and I am looking forward to serving the Fort Meade community with him for the next two years.”

Forbes replaces Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas J. Latter, who has served in the position for the past two years. In September, Latter will begin a one-year deployment as the garrison command sergeant major at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan.

A native of New Orleans, Forbes has 24 years of military service. He initially served four years in the Marine Corps as an embarkation specialist. After a brief period as a civilian, Forbes realized that his true passion was military service and enlisted in the U.S. Army as a signal sup-port system specialist.

When asked how he describes himself, Forbes responded that he considers him-self an open and frank person who really doesn’t like using the word, “no.” He pre-fers to take time to hear people out and then look for resources that will allow him to be helpful to the community.

“I like to always believe there’s a ‘yes’ out there somewhere,” Forbes said. “I’m a very outgoing person that really wants to get to know you. So when I greet you and ask you, ‘How you are doing?’ it’s not a cliché. I really want to know if there is any way I can help you.”

As the garrison command sergeant major, Forbes is the senior enlisted advi-sor to Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley. The position requires Forbes to serve as a liaison to the garrison com-

mander with the responsibility of provid-ing guidance, mentorship, assistance and support to Fort Meade service members and their families.

Forbes recounted one of his early briefings with Latter and said he quickly learned this is a job that one cannot train for using past duty experiences.

“You get in there [at Fort Meade] and you actually can feel the pulse of the community,” Forbes said. “You need to be sincere in your conversations with Fort Meade service members and their fami-lies. That includes conversations I have with all of our partner units.”

Forbes’ most recent assignment was as command sergeant major of the 72nd Expeditionary Signal Battalion in Sch-weinfurt, Germany. Of his 24 years in the military, he has spent nine years in Germany.

His previous duty stations have includ-

CSM Rodwell Forbes takes on role of garrison senior enlisted advisor

ed Camp Courtney, Okinawa, Japan; Katterbach, Germany; Fort Campbell, Ky.; Fort Bragg, N.C.; El Paso, Texas; and Naples, Italy.

Forbes has also participated in Opera-tion Desert Storm/Shield, Bosnia Peace Keeping Mission, Sarajevo (Bosnia) Peace Keeping Mission, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Unified Protec-tor (Libya).

When asked about his philosophy in life and the keys to his success, Forbes sits back in his chair and takes a thoughtful moment before responding.

“The key to my success is due to my relationship with God — that is where

I get my strength,” Forbes said. “God’s words inspire me.”

Forbes also discussed his philosophy on maintaining physicall fitness. He was a high school track star, winning a Louisi-ana state title for the 800-meter race. Now he enjoys running, cycling, mountain climbing and hiking.

Forbes is quick to note that being fit goes beyond preparing for the Army physical fitness test twice a year.

“I believe in staying fit for life,” he said. “That means having consistency in the way you live your life — not only physi-cal fitness but also what you eat. I have a mindset that no matter what, whether it is

‘It is paramount that we make sure that we have an open line of communication with our service members, families, DoD civilians and the contractors that work here.’

Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Rodwell L. Forbes

photo by nate peSCe

Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Rodwell L. Forbes partakes in the change of responsibility ceremony Tuesday at McGlachlin Parade Field, assuming the role of garrison senior enlisted advisor.

http://www.ftmeade.army.mil August 21, 2014 SOUNDOFF! 11

vacation or work, I will always maintain a certain level of fitness where I will never allow my body to digress.”

Forbes is also a committed family man. Forbes and his wife, Patricia, have three adult children and seven grandchildren.

“I am definitely family oriented,” he said. “I enjoy spending time with the family. In addition to there being a Team Meade, there is also a Team Forbes here at Fort Meade.

“My wife and I strive to work together to help meet the needs of the community. She is my sounding board when it comes to serving service members and their

families.”As for his priorities, Forbes said sup-

porting the Army’s SHARP [Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Pre-vention] program will be one of his major focuses at Fort Meade.

“It is paramount that we make sure that we have an open line of communications with our service members, families, DoD civilians and the contractors that work here,” he said. “I want to make sure that anyone who is having an issue can always feel he or she can communicate their problem to us.

“We are here to create a positive climate

and environment of trust and respect.”And like Latter, Forbes plans to con-

tinue to ensure that the garrison is doing everything it can to provide quality service to Fort Meade service members and their families.

“I call it ‘excellence in action,’ ” he said. “I want to make sure service members and their families, our partner organizations, have everything they need so they can live a quality life, relax, have fun and perform their jobs. Being the garrison command sergeant major just gives me a larger plat-form to serve people.”

Forbes, who has a bachelor’s degree

in multidisciplinary studies from Lib-erty University in Virginia, is pursuing a master’s degree in pastoral counseling. For him, earning an advance degree is just a part of his journey in life.

“I wanted to do something that’s going to help develop me more spiritually, as I am moving forward, that I will be able to share with more people,” he said. “My wife and I both served in the gospel service in Germany.

“I want to learn more about the word of God and make sure we are commu-nicating the right things to people when they come and seek counseling.”

photo by Steve eLLMoRe

Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Rodwell L. Forbes, who has been in the military 24 years, now serves as a liaison to the garrison commander, providing guidance, mentorship, assistance and support to Fort Meade service members and their families.

http://www.ftmeade.army.mil12 SOUNDOFF! August 21, 2014


By Shari RosenStaff Writer

Demure and thin, Renee Riffey may not look like a bowling champion but her record tells another story.

The rising senior at North County High School in Glen Burnie, whose home lanes are at Fort Meade, is being recruited by four universities to join their bowling teams and expects more offers to roll in.

Like top football and basketball stu-dent-athletes, Renee has until National Signing Day to consider her options, but must make her decision by April.

“The big factor for me is where I can see myself,” said Renee, who resides in Glen Burnie with her parents, Brian Riffey, chief of garrison security at the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security, and Leslie Riffey, a contracting officer representative at the Defense Information School’s Logistics Directorate.

The 16-year-old will take into account different aspects of each college such as academics, what the campus has to offer and the different majors available.

Renee wants to become a marine biolo-gist and plans to major in biology. She is being recruited by Howard University, a

Division I college in Washington, D.C., Kutztown University, Penn State Altoona and Cheyney University in Pennsylvania.

“It’s academics first, then bowling,” Brian Riffey said. “Bowling is a method to get there.”

Renee began bowling at the age of 7 and after three years of bowling, decided to devote herself to the sport. She trains four days a week, three hours each day. In her best game, Riffey bowled a 250, her highest score.

Her parents were both there to see her success.

Renee, who trains at The Lanes at Fort Meade, said the venue is considered dif-ficult by competitive bowlers. However, Renee appreciates the support she receives at the Lanes.

“Even those who aren’t coaches, who just work there,” she said. “You get to know the people who are there.”

On a recent Dollar Day, Renee bowled 17 straight games, the most she ever bowled at one time.

Renee claims to have no “good luck charms,” but needs at least one of her parents to watch her bowl.

Before each game, Renee likes to get “in

the zone” because she considers bowling to be “a mental game.”

“The first thing I do is listen to music,” she said. “I don’t really worry about who’s around me. It’s just me by the lane until it’s start time.”

Renee recently returned from U.S. Open Nationals in Buffalo, N.Y., where accord-ing to her father, there were 60 wall-to-wall lanes and over 600 girls and 1,500 boys of all ages bowling.

Renee, an only child, and her parents have a busy year ahead of them.

“It’s been a learning curve for us,” Brian Riffey said.

Her mother said the recruiting process was enlightening.

“We found that while there are schol-arships out there, the higher divisions is where the money is,” Leslie Riffey said.

Despite the constant stream of emails and phone calls from recruiters that makes her father feel like he’s being recruited as well, Renee’s parents are proud of her bowling prospects and enjoy watching her compete.

“I get fired up, I get excited,” Brian Riffey said. “[But] trust me, I’m not the only parent who gets fired up.”

Striking It Hot

Fort Meade-based bowler rolls her way to scholarship

submitted photo

Renee Riffey, 16, prepares for the National Bowling Association tournament in New Jersey. The Fort Meade-based bowler is being recruited by Howard University, Kutztown University, Penn State Altoona and Cheyney University’s bowling teams.

By Philip H. JonesChief, Command Information

A Meade Middle School graduate has been selected to play soccer for a regional U.S. Olympic Development Program.

Katie Hoffman, 14, starting center mid-fielder for the Arundel Soccer Association Premier 99 U-15 girl’s soccer team, was selected July 13 as a Region 1 Olympic Development Program player.

According to its website, the U.S. Youth Soccer Olympic Development Program was formed in 1977 to identify a pool of players in each age group from which a national team will be selected for interna-tional competition. The program provides high-level training to benefit and enhance the development of players at all levels.

Following a highly competitive four-day

identification camp at the University of Rhode Island, Katie was one of 48 players selected out of approximately 800 players from the 15 Youth State Soccer Associa-tions that comprise Region 1.

“Playing on the U.S. Women’s National Team is a goal I set for myself a few years ago,” Katie said. “It is one of my dreams, and making the Region 1 Team gets me one step closer to making that dream come true”

Region 1 ODP identifies elite-level play-ers in Maine, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington, D.C., Delaware, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and West Virginia, and facili-tates their selection to U.S. national team programs.

The ODP selection process takes place

through state, regional and national tri-als. The primary benefit to players is the opportunity to train and play against the best players in their age group, to maximize their development.

Katie is the daughter of Joe Hoffman, a watch officer in the Operations Center at the U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group, and Cathy Hoffman, a merchan-diser at the Fort Meade Exchange.

The teen will attend Seton Keough High School in Baltimore this fall. She plans to play for the Arundel Soccer Association and her high school soccer team.

In January, Katie will travel to Boca Raton, Fla., where she will compete in the national ID camp for a position on the Olympic Development Program U.S. National Team Pool.

Meade Middle School graduate selected for soccer development program

submitted photo

Katie Hoffmann

To all of the average recreational bowl-ers who cannot even dream of bowling a 250, Renee offers straight-forward advice: “Just try to go down the middle of the lane.”

http://www.ftmeade.army.mil August 21, 2014 SOUNDOFF! 13

Community news & notes

The deadline for Soundoff! community “News and Notes” is Friday at noon. All submissions are posted at the editor’s discretion and may be edited for space and grammar. Look for additional community events on the Fort Meade website at www.ftmeade.army.mil and the Fort Meade Facebook page at facebook.com/ftmeade.

For more information or to submit an announcement, email Philip Jones at [email protected] or call 301-677-5602.

TAP office movingThe Soldier for Life: Transition

Assistance Program (formerly ACAP) office moved Monday from 4216 Roberts Ave. to 8501 Simonds St.

The new office is located on the corner of Simonds Street and Zimborski Avenue, next to the Freedom Inn.

For more information, call the office at 301-677-9871 or the 24/7 SFL-TAP Call Center at 1-800-325-4715.

Women’s Equality DayThe 704th Military Intelligence

Brigade and the Fort Meade garrison command are hosting the annual Women’s Equality Day observance on Aug. 28 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at McGill Training Center, 8542 Zimborski Ave.

Admission is free and open to the public.The theme is “Women: Back to the

Future.”The event will feature a musical perfor-

mance by Kate Campbell-Stevenson, who was named to the list of Maryland’s Top 100 Women in 2012.

Maj. (P) Jacqueline Barcomb, deputy commanding officer, 704th MI, will give opening remarks.

All Fort Meade service members and civilian employees are encouraged to attend with supervisory approval and without charge to annual leave. Administrative leave

is authorized.For more information, call Master Sgt.

Tuthill-Rusinko at 301-677-7419 or Sgt. 1st Class Palmore at 301-677-6687.

Schedule school/ sports physicals

Appointments for school/sports physicals are now available for enrollees of Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center.

A number of Saturday appointments also are available.

To schedule an appointment, call the Appointment Line between 6 and 6:30 a.m. at 301-677-8800 or 1-866-511-8748.

Raccoon rabies vaccinations

Anne Arundel County will conduct a Raccoon Oral Rabies Vaccination, or ORV, campaign across the county, including at Fort Meade.

The purpose of this program is to reduce the spread of rabies among wild animals in the county.

From Sept. 3 through the end of the month, two types of rabies bait will be dropped via ground and air.

The Fishmeal Polymer bait is approximately 0.75 inches thick and 1.25 inches square. The Coated Sachet bait resembles a ketchup packet. Both are marked with a toll-free phone number for information about the ORV project.

Pet owners should keep their pets confined or on a leash during the baiting campaign and for two weeks after.

It is probable that some pets will still encounter and may even eat the bait, as it has a fish scent that can be attractive to dogs and cats. Any animal that eats the bait is not assumed to be vaccinated.

A common side effect is diarrhea due to the bait’s high fat content.

Immunocompromized individuals, including those with a history of exfoliative skin conditions, children and pregnant women should avoid handling the bait.

Any instances where a person or animal is exposed to the bait should be reported to the Anne Arundel County Department of Health at 410-222-0056, ext. 3025.

Reports also can be faxed to 410-222-6076.

VCC extended hoursThe Demps Visitor Control Center,

located at 902 Reece Road, is now open for full, customer service functions on the third Saturday of the month from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The Saturday service will continue, based on customer demand and staff availability.

For more information, call 301-677-1064 or 301-677-1065.

Kimbrough town hallDr. (Col.) Michael J. Zapor, deputy

chief of Clinical Services for the Fort Meade Medical Department Activity, will conduct a mini town hall meeting today from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center pharmacy lobby.

The purpose of this forum is to disseminate information, answer questions and discuss concerns regarding Kimbrough.

All beneficiaries are invited to attend.

Summer Concert SeriesThe finale´concert of the U.S. Army

Field Band’s free Summer Concert Series will be presented Saturday at 7 p.m. at Constitution Park.

The concert will feature every performing component of the Army Field Band: The Concert Band & Soldiers’ Chorus, Jazz Ambassadors and The Volunteers.

In keeping with Army Field Band tradition, the concert will include returning alumni from across the U.S. and will feature Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture.”

No tickets are required. Bring a folding chair or blanket for seating.

In inclement weather, the performance will take place at the Fort Meade Pavilion. The decision will be made at 3 p.m. on the day of the performance.

For updates, check armyfieldband.com or the Fort Meade Facebook page at facebook.com/ftmeade.

All visitors should enter Fort Meade via the main gate at Route 175 and Reece Road. Visitors are subject to an identification check and vehicle inspection.

For more information, call 301-677-6586.

Farmers marketThe Fort Meade Farmers Market

is held every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. through Nov. 12 in the Smallwood Hall parking lot, across from McGlachlin Parade Field.

For more information, go to ftmeademwr.com.

Cooking Matters toursFort Meade is launching Cooking

Matters at the commissary to improve the health and well-being of service members, their families, retirees and DoD civilians.

To kick off the initiative, a series of interactive grocery store tours for military families is being offered.

The next tour is Aug. 29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the commissary.

Cooking Matters, the newest Healthy Base Initiative program, serves families through hands-on cooking courses and interactive grocery store tours in which participants learn to shop smarter, use nutrition information to make healthier choices and cook delicious, affordable meals.

Tours start every 30 minutes and last approximately 45 minutes. Tours will be limited to eight people per tour.

Volunteer tour leaders are needed. Join Cooking Matters at the commissary

tour and receive an opportunity to take home $10 worth of healthy groceries of your choice, using the skills learned on the tour.

RSVP online for a tour at www.cmatscommissaryfm.eventbrite.com (Walk-ins are welcome.)

Social media workshopThe Army Community Service Employ-

ment Readiness Team, Rose Holland and Ana Brown, have created a workshop encompassing a variety of social media platforms geared toward military families.

The workshop will be conducted Sept. 4 from 9 a.m. to noon at ACS, 830 Chisholm Ave.

The workshop will cover creating strong, professional profiles; searching for jobs using various platforms; researching companies; and improving your online visibility and presence while maintaining your safety and security.

To register, go to www.ftmeademwr.com/acs/erp.php or call ACS at 301-677-5590.

Free classesThe Navy Fleet and Family Support

Center offers a variety of classes at its

Public Affairs Officer Chad T. Jones, author of Jibber Jabber, is out of the office.

As always, if you have any comments about Jibber Jabber or anything to do with the world of sports, e-mail [email protected] or follow him on Twitter @CTJibber.





http://www.ftmeade.army.mil14 SOUNDOFF! August 21, 2014

Community news & notes

new facility at 2212 Chisholm Ave.The free classes are open to DoD

identification cardholders including active-duty service members, retirees and their family members, DoD civilian employees and contractors.

Registration is required for each class.• Stress Management: Sept. 4, 9-11

a.m.• Resume Workshop: Sept. 9, 9 a.m.

to noonThis workshop will provide tips on

winning resumes.• Effective communication: Sept. 10,

9-11 a.m.• Anger Management: Sept. 11, 9-11

a.m.• Medical Record Review: Have

your medical records reviewed by an AMVETS representative. Appointment required.

To register or for more information, call 301-677-9017 or 301-677-9018.

Storytime“It’s A Zoo In Here,” a zoo-themed

Storytime and stuffed animal sleepover for children of all ages, will be held Friday at 3 p.m. in the Post Library Annex at Kuhn Hall.

For more information, call 301-677-5677.

Out & About• Join the Chesapeake Chorale for its

34th season. An open rehearsal will be held Sept. 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Christian Com-munity Presbyterian Church, 3120 Belair Drive, Bowie.

Highlights of the 2014-2015 season include: Poulenc Gloria, pops concert of music from the ’80s and Schubert Mass in E Flat.

Membership is by audition. For more information, go to chesapeakechorale.org.

• The Bowie Baysox Fan Appreciation Weekend will be held Aug. 30-31 at Prince George’s Stadium.

On Aug. 30, Kids Appreciation Night begins at 6:35 p.m. when the Baysox take on the Altoona Curve. The first 500 children, ages 3-12, will receive a free Youth Baysox Mini Bat.

The event also will feature fireworks and a Kids Halloween Party. Children are encouraged to dress in costume for trick-or-treating before the game.

On Aug. 31, Fan Appreciation Day will be celebrated as the Baysox take on the Rock Cats at 2:05 p.m. Gates open at 12:30 p.m. Players and coaches will sign auto-graphs and pose for photos between 12:30 and 1:15 p.m.

The first 500 fans, ages 13 and older, will be given a Baysox knit cap.

After the game, children ages 12 and under will be invited onto the field for the Baysox Helicopter Candy Drop of 150 pounds of candy for youngsters to col-lect.

Tickets are available online at baysox.com or by calling the box office at 301-464-4865.

• Abundant Life Church will host its 24th annual Super Saturday Kids Carnival and Family Fun Day on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 7305 E. Furnace Branch Road, Glen Burnie.

The free outdoor carnival will feature pony rides, a petting zoo, midway games, a Black Ops Obstacle Course, 18-foot Big Kahuna Water Slide (wear a bathing suit and bring a towel), a 32-foot Rock Wall, a 3D Luau Moon Bounce and a dunk tank.

Inside the air-conditioned building will be face painting, a tattoo parlor (for tem-porary tattoos), hair salon, Kinect and JustDance games, and costumed characters. Community organizations will offer free services and goodies.

Free school supplies will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Free lunch and refreshments, including hot dogs, popcorn, snow cones and ice cream, will be provided.

Limited parking at the church and satel-lite parking lots will be available. A free shuttle service begins at 10 a.m.

For more information, call the church office at 410-761-9075 or visit abundantlife-church.us.

• Leisure Travel Services is offering its next monthly bus trip to New York City on Saturday, with discounts to attractions. Bus cost is $60. For more information, call 301-677-7354 or visit ftmeademwr.com.

• Society of Military Widows meets for brunch the fourth Sunday of the month at 1 p.m. at the Lanes. The next meeting is Sunday. For more information, call Betty Jones at 410-730-0127.

• Marriage Enrichment Group, sponsored by Army Community Service, meets the second and fourth Monday of every

month from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave. The next meeting is Monday. For more information, call Celena Flowers or Jessica Hobgood at 301-677-5590.

• Calling All Dads meets the second and fourth Monday of every month from 4 to 5 p.m. at Potomac Place Neighborhood Center, 4998 2nd Corps Blvd. The next meeting is Monday.

The group is for expecting fathers, and fathers with children of all ages. Children welcome. For more information, call 301-677-5590 or email [email protected].

• Air Force Sergeants Association Chapter 254 meets the fourth Wednesday of the month from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room of Building 9801 at the National Security Agency. The next meeting is Wednesday. For more information, call 443-534-5170 or visit afsa254.org.

• Fort Meade Officers’ Spouses’ Club is starting its new season with a Super Sign-up on Aug. 28 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Potomac Place Neighborhood Center. Join in some fun, and meet the board.

The OSC has a history of supporting the spouses of Fort Meade and the Fort Meade community. The board has planned new and exciting luncheons including a murder mystery, winter luau and a party hosting, as well as bingo and annual Holiday Bazaar.

Membership is from June to May, and is open to spouses of active-duty and Reserve officers and warrant officers of the U.S. Armed Services as well as retiree spouses of the same ranks. Associate membership is open to DoD civilians GS-9 and above.

• Retired Officers’ Wives’ Club is sponsoring its opening brunch on Sept. 2 at 11 a.m. at Club Meade. As part of its opening program, the ROWC will feature information from other clubs, community organizations and the garrison commander’s office. Cost of brunch is $20. Reservations are required by Aug. 28 at noon. Call your area representative or Betty Wade at 410-551-7082.

• Monthly Prayer Breakfast, hosted by the Garrison Chaplain’s Office, is held the first Thursday of every month at 7 a.m. at Club Meade.

The next prayer breakfast is Sept. 4.There is no cost for the buffet; donations

are optional. All Fort Meade employees, family members, and civilian and military personnel are invited.

For more information, call 301-677-6703.• Meade Rod and Gun Club meets the

first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at Perry’s Restaurant and Odie’s Pub at 1210 Annapolis Road, Odenton, in the banquet hall in back of the building. The next meeting is Sept. 4. Dinner is served at 6

moviesThe movie schedule is subject to change. For

a recorded announcement of showings, call 301-677-5324. Further listings are available on the Army and Air Force Exchange Service website at www.aafes.com.

Movies start Fridays and Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. (The Fort Meade Theater will no longer be open on Wednesdays and Thursdays.)

PRICES: Tickets are $5.50 for adults (12 and older) and $3 for children. 3D Movies: $7.50 adults, $5 children.

Today through Aug. 31

Today & Saturday: “Planes: Fire & Rescue” (PG). When Dusty learns that his engine is damaged and he may never race again, he joins a forest fire and rescue unit to be trained as a firefighter. With the voices of Dane Cook, Ed Harris, Julie Bowen. (3D Friday)

Sunday: “The Purge: Anarchy” (R). A young couple works to survive on the streets after their car breaks down right as the annual purge commences. With Frank Grillo, Carmen Ejogo, Zach Gilford.

Aug. 29 & 30: “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” (PG-13). In the wake of a disaster that changed the world, the growing and genetically evolving apes find themselves at a critical point with the human race. With Gary Oldman, Keri Russell, Andy Serkis.

Aug. 31: “Sex Tape” (R). A married couple wake up to discover that the sex tape they made the evening before has gone missing, leading to a frantic search for its whereabouts. With Jason Segel, Cameron Diaz, Rob Corddry.

p.m. For more information, call 410-674-4000.

• National Alliance on Mental Illness of Anne Arundel County offers a free support group for families with a loved one suffering from mental illness on the first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Odenton (West County) Library, 1325 Annapolis Road. The next meeting is Sept. 4. For more information, visit namiaac.org.