Role Of India In World War I

Role of india in world war i

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Page 1: Role of india in world war i

Role Of India In World War I

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India and World War OneIndia played a significant part in World War One. However, India’s part in the war is frequently overlooked as a result of the horrors experienced in trench warfare

and by Europe’s tendency to home in on battles such as those fought at the Somme and Verdun, which many assume only Europeans fought in.

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The First World War:

•War involving nearly all the nations of the world




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The First World War:• Who?

GermanyAustria-HungaryOttoman EmpireBulgaria

RussiaFranceGreat BritainItalyJapanUnited States (1917)

Central Powers:


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The First World War:• Where?

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The Indian Army during World War I

contributed a number of

divisions and independent

brigades to the European,

Mediterranean and the Middle East

theatres of war in World War I.

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The Indian Corps won 13,000 medals for

gallantry including 12 Victoria Crosses.

Khudadad Khan won the Corps first Victoria Cross.

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Some of the weapons used in

World War 1 by the Indian Soldiers

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Including weapon deadly technology was

used• Machine guns• Grenades• Submarines• Poison Gas• Airplanes• Tanks,etc.

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In all 37 million people were

killed in the war including

military and civilians. In

total,800,000 Indian troops

fought in all the theatres of the war with 1½

million volunteering to


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One million Indian troops served overseas during the war, of these 62,000 died and another 67,000 were wounded. In total, 74,187

Indian soldiers died in World War.

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Within the provincial

governments, ministers of education, health and

public works could be Indians


By the end of the war 26,000 men had served overseas on Imperial Service. About 1 millions Indians were given the right to vote.

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First, the World War I ended up with the defeat of the Central Powers under

the leadership of Germany.

Second, the World War I also saw the collapse of four Empires-German,

Austrian, Turkish and Russian.

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What was the result of the world war I?• Third, the World War I paved the way for the

Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

• Fourth, Russia withdrew from the War by signing the Treaty of Breast-Litovsk by which

she had to accept harsh terms dictated by Germany.

• Fifth, another important result of the World War I was the triumph of democracy in Europe. Democratic governments were

established in different countries of Europe.

• Sixth, as a result of the World War I the trade-union movement started in different

countries at a large scale. The labour became actively conscious about their rights.

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In the Nutshell,

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“In my opinion, I think that our Indian soldiers had done a lot for our country. We should be proud of them and wish that in

future also we get saviors like them.”

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