Presentation Part 1:The shrinking world: Globalisation, Decoloniality and boarder thinking. Week 3 topic slides 2-6 Part 2:Neoliberalism, politics and society. Week 4 topic. Slides 7-11 Part 3: The disciplinary and Punitive State. Week 5. 12-16 17781972. Tayla Murrin

Politics 1

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Page 1: Politics 1


Part 1:The shrinking world: Globalisation, Decoloniality and boarder thinking.

Week 3 topic slides 2-6

Part 2:Neoliberalism, politics and society. Week 4 topic. Slides 7-11

Part 3: The disciplinary and Punitive State. Week 5. 12-16

17781972. Tayla Murrin

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The Shrinking World

“ ‘Globalisation’ stands out for a large public, across the world, as one of the defining terms of contemporary society”(Scholte,J.A,2005)


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“Many of the studies in Globalization and Poverty in fact suggest that globalization has

been associated with rising inequality, and that the poor do not always share in the

gains from trade” (Nesvisky,M.2005).

Globalisation has helped many people both positive and negative in terms of poverty. Globalisation has changed their circumstances and living standards however, it has also driven many more below the

poverty line around the world. There comes a time when people need to extend their help to others and there is no better time than now there are millions of people in poverty around the world and are living on

less than $2 a day (Harrison,A.2006). This is changeable it can be achieved with pressure from

other countries for better wages e.g. to help to better education and teach people skills so they have a better outlook of their life and have a purpose.

however, it is easier to ignore these issues which millions chose to do on a day to day bases.



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Pro’s & Con’sOf Globalisation

• Economic change • Political change • Social and cultural

change• Technological change

• Increase in poverty due to globalization not being even particularly for low income countries.

• Financial market instability.

• Eexpansion of inequality





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Poverty is a result of the increasing difference between the poor and the rich for this reason there are children who can not eat or afford

clothing or even shelter which shows that the difference is too great between the rich and poor. If the rich donated towards the poor it

would make significant difference the one thing that makes poverty so traumatizing is that it is

preventable.However, it is not enough for these wealthy

countries help more with aid through food and tools. To really help several countries countries out of poverty these people need to be taught skills to get jobs, learn computer skills so they can compete with other countries without the knowledge, education and technology these

countries will forever be in their current situations.



Education and skills

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Without knowing going shopping and purchasing many items the origin of where and how they are made this

knowledge will not be know to the consumer. However, looking and opening your eyes it is clear to see that

corporations are just interested in making profit and have little concern for the workers that make their products.

“The gap between rich and poor has indeed become more glaring in recent decades “ (Lencer,F.2000), more care

needs to be taken to better the lives of the people working in these unsafe environment’s and living







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Hurricane Katrina in New

OrleansAs a result of hurricane Katrina 80% of New Orleans flooded and around 4,081 people lost

their lives form direct and indirect deaths from the storm (Linsday,R.2009). In July 2004, a simulated version of a hurricane as strong

as Katrina named ‘Hurricane Pam’ was developed to show how it would damage

New Orleans. The simulation showed extensive damage and that the levees would

break, but the government did not heed these warnings from specialist and because

of their choices to look away and not pay attention to the specialists, more than 70% of

the problems and damage to the area is because of the Bush government.



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The American government broke the trust and crushed the hopes of all residents of Louisiana and Mississippi with their lack of caring for the people’s lives and their homes during a devastating time. The belief that the government does not want to help the people as it

wishes to use New Orleans to rebuild it into something different is a shared opinion. There is a large population of black and low socioeconomic families in that area it

would be beneficial however, what about those who live there it is their home and the government is being selfish and is let down its people. To see a government treat its

own people in such a manner was disgraceful these people have long heritage in these towns all the way back to the slave era and further and the government just can not leave these people alone and let them live there lives the way they chose too. It is their home and their town and the government let the people down and destroyed all of their integrity towards the black populations when

they chose not to help.


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}{The American government failed the people of New Orleans through the time

in which they responded after the hurricane had passed and the

nonexistence services for the people to escape for those who chose to stay behind

for example; buses, food and water, services to escape their homes and medical assistance. The lack of the

respond e.g. to Katrina called attention to the failures and incompetence of the bush


If there where services available fewer people would have died as a

result of inadequate shelter and safety all in hopes of that the government would help them

escape their homes and the city however, this did not happen until

nearly a week later. The governments failure the people.




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A massive storm covered the gulf of Mexico and over powered Louisiana and

Mississippi costal region.

It took president Bush2 weeks until he touched down

in New Orleans!!FEMA was no where to help

the people.

“Being poor an black in America, and especially being poor

and black in a poor southern state, is still hazardous to your health”

( Atkins. D &Moy.E.M,2005)





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How FEMA Failed the people.

Slow reaction to the devastation Poorly organised, plans did not go into

action No food, water or medical supplies

where available when needed Paid for victims who lost their home’s

hotel but stopped after a month Purchased caravans for the affected

however took months to get distributed and then we’re broken or inadequate.

Inadequate help in removal of rubbish and destroyed homes.

No help with the initial evacuation of the people before the hurricane

While there is plenty of blame to go around, hurricane Katrina exposed the disconnection between preparation and response.

The victims of the hurricane Katrina would be better off relying on non

governmental based orgainisations rather than the government for help.



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The disciplinary and Punitive State.

The disciplinary and punitive state intention is to inflict punishment and control. Which is present in todays structure of Australia's society and laws for example

mentally disabled people being imprisoned in jails.


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Aboriginal and Torres strait islanders population

Total population northern territory

Number of people with a mental disorder

39910 175891 5277

• There are no intuitions in NT to help these people compared to other states in Australia

where there is help for those with mental health problems.

This table shows the estimated prevalence of mental health disorders in the NT

NT does not have adequate living standards and help for those who suffer from a mental health disability or mental problems. Many aboriginal people who have

mental problems and can not be carried for by their families are placed in jail for minor offences. In the case of a family unable to provide for other family members

with a disability the government should help.


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It can clear that the government needs to help these people of Australia's society even though aboriginals only represents 3% of the population. However more than 28% of Australia's prison

population are aboriginals (Korff,J.2014)

As a developed nation how can we deny our own people. A statement by the Australian institute of health and welfare that $4.5 billion was spent on state and territory

specialised mental health services, an average annual increase of 4.3% between 2007–08 and 2011–12. If this is true then how are there still aboriginal men in jails in the northern

territory because there is no facility to care for them (AusGov,2012).



Behind Bars

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The mentally ill is one of the sections of the community that needs to be looked after the most alongside of the elderly. The

government needs to place the money adequately to make sure those who need it the most are not missing out because the

government need more adds on TV or a trip overseas. The indigenous people of Australia deserve to be treated with dignity and respect and the same rights as every other person.The facilities in which the aboriginal people who have mental disorders should be revalued the services and opportunities

should not be limited due to their location, the effort to fix said problem or due to political economical reasons.


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Things the government can do to help

• Build sufficient accommodation for the mentally ill in Northern Territory

• Proper staff to care for the people• Transportation for family to these centers as family

and country are extremely important to aboriginal communities and to help if financial issues are at hand.

• Better services for those who wish to care for their family member at home.

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Reference listAustralian Government department of health. (1995)Northern territory five year plan http://www.health.gov.au/internet/publications/publishing.nsf/Content/mental-pubs-w-wayforw-toc~mental-pubs-w-wayforw-pro~mental-pubs-w-wayforw-pro-men~mental-pubs-w-wayforw-pro-men-nt

Australian Government insititue of Heath and welfare.(2012) Expenditure on mental Heath Service https://mhsa.aihw.gov.au/resources/expenditure/

Atkins, D., & Moy, E.M. (2005). Left behind: the legacy of hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina puts the health effects of poverty and race in plain view. BMJ, 331, 916-918 Bigman, D. (2002). Globalization and the Developing Countries: emerging strategies for rural development and poverty alleviation. CABI.(Ed.) Boaz,D.(2005)catastrophe in big easy demonstrates big government’s failure. CATO Institute http://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/catastrophe-big-easy-demonstrates-big-governments-failure

Harrison, A. (2006) Globalization and poverty: Nber working paper series. National bureau of economic research. HBO doc, (2012) When the levees broke. A requiem in four parts-part1 &2. YouTube http://www.nber.org/papers/w12347

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Korff, J.(2014) Creative spirit: Aboriginal prison rates http://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/law/aboriginal-prison-rates

Lencer, F. (2000) The globalisation website: Globalization issues. http://sociology.emory.edu/faculty/globalization/issues03.html

Linsday,R. (2009) Beyond highbrow: Final Katrina death toll at 4,081. http://obertlindsay.wordpress.com/2009/05/30/final-katrina-death-toll-at-4,081

Nesvisky, M. (2014) The national bureau of economic reseach: Globalisation and poverty. http://www.nber.org/digest/mar07/w12347.html Ogloff.J .P.R et al,(2007) (Australian Institute of Criminology,). The Identification of Mental Disorders in the Criminal Justice System

Scholte,J..(2005). Globalization: A critical introduction. Palgrave Macmillan.

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