1 MIT School of Government: International Tour 20 th May to 10 th June 2008 MIT School of Government is the only institution in India & Asia to train young aspirants in all aspects of Politics and Government. In its one year full time course Masters Program in Government (MPG), it endeavors to develop self motivated, knowledge driven and upright leaders in political sector. As a part of the curriculum, the participants from the third batch of the MPG embarked on an international study tour to get exposure and understanding of the functioning of various Democracies in Europe. The three-week tour to Europe was conducted from 20 th May 08 to 10 th June 08. The participants toured six countries and visited about 25 Democratic Institutions and International Organizations in The United Kingdoms, France, The Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland. The tour started with the United Kingdoms where they first visited International Policy Network (IPN) in London on 21 st May. IPN is a think-tank, which deals with varied subjects like Rule of Law, Property Rights, Free Market, Health, Environment, Regulations and Taxes etc. The delegation was addressed by Ms. Caroline Ben on Environment and Mr. Julian Harris on Public Health, Mr. Mark Baillie, editor IPN, summed up the briefings and narrated the challenges facing the organization, which is active in 35 countries across the world. “MIT-SOG delegation at IPN with Ms. Caroline Ben, Mr. Julian Harris and Mr. Mark Baillie”.

MPG - 03 International Tour Report (MIT SOG)

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MIT School of Government: International Tour

20th May to 10th June 2008

MIT School of Government is the only institution in India & Asia to train

young aspirants in all aspects of Politics and Government. In its one year full time

course – Masters Program in Government (MPG), it endeavors to develop self

motivated, knowledge driven and upright leaders in political sector.

As a part of the curriculum, the participants from the third batch of the

MPG embarked on an international study tour to get exposure and understanding

of the functioning of various Democracies in Europe. The three-week tour to

Europe was conducted from 20th May 08 to 10th June 08. The participants toured

six countries and visited about 25 Democratic Institutions and International

Organizations in The United Kingdoms, France, The Netherlands, Belgium and


The tour started with the United Kingdoms where they first visited

International Policy Network (IPN) in London on 21st May. IPN is a think-tank,

which deals with varied subjects like Rule of Law, Property Rights, Free Market,

Health, Environment, Regulations and Taxes etc. The delegation was addressed

by Ms. Caroline Ben on Environment and Mr. Julian Harris on Public Health, Mr.

Mark Baillie, editor IPN, summed up the briefings and narrated the challenges

facing the organization, which is active in 35 countries across the world.

“MIT-SOG delegation at IPN with

Ms. Caroline Ben, Mr. Julian Harris

and Mr. Mark Baillie”.

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After IPN, the delegation visited the famous London School of Economics

for interaction with their scholars led by Dr. Ruth Kuttumurie, the Associate

Director of India Observatory at LSE. Ms Kuttumuri and her colleagues interacted

with the participants and discussed various disciplines, activities and

collaborations of the school.

Associate Director Ms. Ruth Kuttumuri and her colleagues At the LSE

interacting with the participants.

On 22nd May 08, the delegation had its meeting at National Union of

Journalists with Mr. David Aryton, the Information Officer of the Union. NUJ is the

trade union as well as professional organization which represents almost 50

percent of the entire work force of journalists.

The participants were briefed about its history, activities and challenges.

MIT-SOG Delegation with Mr. David Aryton, at “NUJ” office

The MIT-SOG participants then visited the Commonwealth Secretariat

where they were briefed by Mr. Amitav Banerjee, Director, Head Office of the

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Secretary, Geneva, Mr. Pavan Kapoor, Special Advisor, Head of Asia & Europe

in Political affairs Division and Mr. Edwin Laurent, Advisor, Head of International

and Regional Cooperation in Economic Affairs Division.

Participants At the Commonwealth

Secretariat with Mr. Amitav Banerjee.

The last appointment of the day was with Mr. Edward Davey, Hon’ble MP

from Liberal Democrats Party and Shadow Foreign Secretary. MIT-SOG

participants were surprised to see a senior MP fixing his own appointment,

driving his own car, freely moving and mixing with the delegates without even an

aide or security person. It was a lesson worth emulating by future leaders of


MIT-SOG delegation with Mr. Edward Davey, Hon’ble MP and Shadow

Foreign Secretary at the Liberal Democrats Party office.

On 23rd May 08, the Indian delegation was received at Westminster, the

mother of all democracies, by the Inward Visit Manager. The participants were

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briefed and taken on a conducted tour of the House of Lords and House of


The Faculty members and MIT-SOG Participants at the Westminister

24th May 08 was devoted to visits to places of historical, cultural and

academic interests.

The MPG 03 participants left London for The Hague on 25th May 08 in the

morning. The delegation landed at the International Law City, The Hague in the

Netherlands the next morning.

Participants at the reception organized by GHRD at The Hague

The Hague University (HU) with whom the MIT School of Government has

an informal exchange arrangement, and Global Human Rights Defense

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Organization, The Hague, conducted a one-week academic program and visits to

important institutes. On 26th May 08, the delegation was officially welcomed at

HU by Mr. Ritsart Plantenga, The Director and Dean of the law Department. He

briefed the delegation on the new initiatives about their international programs on

European Law and International Law.

Felicitation of Mr. Ritsart Plantenga at the Law Department, H U.

Participants keenly attending a lecture at The Hague University.

On 26th May 08 in the afternoon, the participants moved to the

International Court of Justice (ICJ) which has been functioning since 1946. The

participants were informed that the 15 judges of ICJ are elected by the General

Assembly of the UN for a 9-year term. The participants were lucky to attend a live

hearing on Crotia at International Court of Justice.

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The International Court of Justice (ICJ)

From the court room, the delegation moved to the Peace Palace located within

the same complex. Mr. Jeroen Vervliet, the Director of the Peace Palace Library

briefed the participants on the ICJ and conducted them around its library.

Mr. Jeroen Vervliet, Director- Peace Palace.

On 27th May 08, the delegation visited the International Criminal Court

where they were briefed by Ms. Jennifer Cohen and Mr. Hans Bevers, the Legal

Advisor in the office of the Prosecutor at the ICC.

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Participants at the ICC.

The party rushed to Amsterdam by bus to meet Ms. Laffeber, International

General Secretary of the Labor Party which is a coalition partner of the ruling

Party of Netherlands. The young leader shared her experiences with future

leaders of India on variety of subjects like Indo – Dutch Relations, Climate

Change, Migration, Food Prices, Animal Rights and Funding of Political Parties


Ms. Laffeber, The International

General Secretary, Labor Party

of The Netherlands

Ms. Laffeber With MIT-SOG


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From Amsterdam the delegation headed straight to Indian Embassy at

The Hague where the Hon’ble Ambassador Mrs. Neelam Sabarwal explained the

policy of the Netherlands and its relation with India in a very simple, interesting

and forthright manner.

Mrs. Neelam Sabarwal, Hon’ble Ambassador of India in the Netherlands.

Felicitation of Her Excellency Mrs. Neelam Sabarwal.

While at the Netherlands, the MIT-SOG team had an opportunity to visit

the port of Rotterdam, which is the busiest harbor in Europe. The participants

were amazed at the engineering and management marvel.

The participants visited The International Criminal Tribunal for former

Yugoslavia (ICTY) at the Hague on 29th May’ 08. The ICTY was established in

1993 by a Security Council Resolution for trials of crimes committed in former

Yugoslavia since 1991. The pace and efficiency of the ICTY is reflected by the

fact that it delivers a judgment in every two months. Total 161 individuals have

been indicted by the ICTY since its inception. The delegation was also briefed on

the ongoing trials by Mr. Arun Kumar Balakrishnan, a former IPS Officer of CBI in

India, who presently is serving as an Investigator in the office of The Prosecutors.

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Participants at ICTY

On 31st May 08, MIT-SOG participants were invited for interaction at

SEVA, an NGO working for the upliftment of the weaker sections of the society in

many parts of the world. Mr.Radj Bhandoe, Director SEVA graciously hosted a

dinner, which was followed by debate on Indian, Dutch and Surinamese culture.

Mr. Bhandoe, impressed every one with his intelligent, pragmatic and strong

views, which perhaps facilitate clear direction to all the dedicated volunteers of

his organization.

Felicitation of Mr.Radj Bhandoe at SEVA

Mr Nizaad anchoring the debate

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The last appointment of this leg of the tour at the Hague was with the

Foreign Press Association of the Netherlands. Ms. Kerstin Schweighofer of

Germany, the Chairperson along with Mr. Douglas Heinganoer from US and Ms.

Claudia Mareu from Romania, freely interacted with the participants. It was an

occasion for a change when the journalists were answering questions of our

enthusiastic students.

The next leg of the trip was a visit to Brussels and Geneva via Paris from

2nd June to 7th June 08. At Brussels, the delegation was briefed at Head Quarters

of NATO, the most powerful and successful politico military alliance. The three

briefings by Ms. Megan Minnion, Mr. Eilles Vander Ehinst and Mr. Daniele Riggio

covered the entire spectrum of NATO’s activities like NATO history, organization,

budget, expansion, Georgia / Ukraine membership, operations in Afghanistan,

US role and recent developments.

3rd June 08 was dedicated to the visits to places of historical cultural and

academic interests in the beautiful city ‘Paris’.

Sight seeing at Paris

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The participants arrived at Geneva at 0900 hrs 4th June 08 and rushed to

be on time for appointment at the WTO. Mr. Joseph Bosch, Information and

Media Relations officer, interacted with the participants for over two hours. He

intimated that WTO was an Inter Governmental member-driven Organization

representing 152 countries. All decisions are arrived at by consensus only. The

briefing also covered matters like DOHA Round, Brazil-India-China. Group, Fair

Trade Practice and dispute settlement body.

Felicitation of Mr. Joseph Bosch at WTO

Mr. Joseph Interacting with the delegation

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From WTO, the MIT-SOG team headed for South Centre. South Centre is

an Inter Governmental organization and think tank comprising of 50 members.

Prime-Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh has been the Chairman of South Centre.

Here the participants had an informal but educative interaction with Mr. Vikas

Nath and his team. The three major programs of South Centre are Trade for

development Program, Innovation, Access to Knowledge – Program and Global

Governance for Development Program.

Participants at the South Centre

The last and the most valuable appointment of the day was with Mr.

Swashpawan Singh, Hon’ble Ambassador and Permanent Representative of

India at the UN. He came to the hostel where our delegation was staying and

interacted with participants. His was one of the most educative, interesting and

motivating talk of the tour. His message to the young politicians was that we have

to solve our own problems, we are capable of it and very soon we will catch up

with the developed world.

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Felicitation of His Excellency Shri. Swashpawan Singh The

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of India in UN

On 5th June 08, the delegation visited the office of the UN High

Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR) where they were briefed by Mr.

Shervin Majlessi and his colleague. The briefings covered what are Human

Rights, what does the UN do for protection of Human Rights and how does

OHCHR function.

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Mr. Shervin Majlessi With MIT-SOG Delegation

This was followed by a visit to International Committee of the Red Cross

(ICRC) where they were conducted around and briefed by Ms. Bea Vanhove. Mr.

Udo Wagner Meige, Deputy Head Operations in South Asia also shared his

experiences while he was in India and during recent tragedies like the Sri-Lanka

conflicts, Nepal unrest, Tsunami in South East Asia and Pakistan Earthquakes.

MIT-SOG Delegation at the ‘International Committee of the Red Cross’ (ICRC)

Right across the road, the UN offices in Geneva was the next destination

where the participants were taken around on a two hour guided tour.

Guided tour and briefings

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At UN Offices in Geneva

On 6th June 08, the participants called on Mr. Ajaneesh Kumar, Charge

d’Affaires of Indian Embassy at Bern. He even recalled the International Tour of

the first batch of MPG in 2006 when he was posted at London. He had an open

and informal interaction with the students on all issues between India and

Switzerland / EU.

Mr Ajaneesh Kumar with

the participants at the

Indian Embassy at

Bern, Switzerland.

On 9th June 08, The HU and the GHRD Organized closing ceremony

attended by various dignitaries including Mr. Baldev Singh, The Dy. Mayor of The

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Hague. The event began with dinner hosted by GHRD. The four groups of MPG

– 03 participants, made their presentations on “Equal Rights for Sexual


Red team giving presentation The Panel of Judges

The Red team won and Medals were awarded to the winners. Later, the

HU organized a Graduation Ceremony in which the delegates in graduation

Robes were awarded certificates of participation in “Public Management and

Law” Program.

The level of understanding and cooperation reached between the HU, the

GHRD and MIT-SOG is worth emulating by all those planning collaborations or

exchange programs.

The MIT-SOG participants returned home on 10th June 08.

Acknowledgements:- We acknowledge with thanks the efforts taken by the

following people in making this International Tour successful. They took special

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efforts in coordinating various appointments, travel itineraries, arranged for

volunteers and in general, left no stone unturned in making this trip memorable.

Mr. Bimal Patel & Mrs. Rupal Patel, The Hague.

Mr. Ritstart Plantenga & Ms. Olivia Balak from The Hague University.

Mr. S. Sital & Mr. B. Nizaad from GHRD, The Hague.

Shri. Swaminarayan Temple Trust, London.