Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Ernesto Garcia


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CTS 125 final project

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  • 1. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Ernesto Garcia

2. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?InstructionsThe format of this game is based on the same format that debuted whenthe show first aired in the U.S.Answer the questions by clicking on the correct answer. Correctanswers are highlighted with a green background, incorrect answers arehighlighted by a red background. To move to the next question click onthe arrow on the bottom right of the slide below the text Next. Ernesto Garcia 2 3. $100The main character in the 2000 movie Gladiator fights what animal in the arena?A. LeopardB. LionC. Jackal D. TigerNext Ernesto Garcia3 4. $200 Which of the following best describes the taste of a lemon?A. Sweet B. SourC. Salty D. Like chicken Next Ernesto Garcia 4 5. $300Which of the following beverages is carbonated water?A. CoffeeB. SeltzerC. Tea D. ScotchNext Ernesto Garcia5 6. $500 In the 1950s TV series The Little Rascals,who has a cowlick in his hair?A. BuckwheatB. AlfalfaC. Froggy D. StymieNext Ernesto Garcia6 7. $1,000 The now extinct mastodon most resembledwhat modern-day animal?A. Tiger B. Blue whaleC. Black panther D. Elephant Next Ernesto Garcia 7 8. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?Congratulations! Youve reached $1,000 Next Ernesto Garcia 8 9. $2,000A printing press is depicted on which of the following awards?A. TonyB. PulitzerC. GrammyD. Nobel NextErnesto Garcia9 10. $4,000 Which of the following is an Ivy League school?A. MITB. StanfordC. Duke D. Cornell NextErnesto Garcia10 11. $8,000 A small, hard spot in a piece of wood where abranch once joined a tree trunk is called a what?A. KnockB. KnollC. Knot D. KnownNextErnesto Garcia 11 12. $16,000 What animal is represented by the constellation Lepus?A. HareB. DogC. SwanD. Bear NextErnesto Garcia12 13. $32,000 Which of the following characters wasnt seenflying in a plane in the 1986 film Top Gun?A. IcemanB. MerlinC. Charlie D. Goose Next Ernesto Garcia 13 14. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?Congratulations! Youve reached $32,000 Next Ernesto Garcia 14 15. $64,000In Ray Bradburys short-story collection The Martian Chronicles, who are the invaders?A. Martians B. EarthlingsC. Robots D. Giants sandwormsNextErnesto Garcia 15 16. $125,000 Virginia Woolf was part of an intellectual groupthat met regularly in what section of London?A. Notting HillB. SohoC. BloomsburyD. KensingtonNext Ernesto Garcia16 17. $250,000 How many Super Bowl games have gone intoovertime?A. Zero B. 1C. 2D. 3Next Ernesto Garcia17 18. $500,000In Norse mythology, Mjolnir was the name ofwhat?A. Thors hammer B. Odins horseC. Sigmunds sword D. Lokis magic necklaceNextErnesto Garcia 18 19. $1,000,000 What artist painted The Garden of Earthly Delights?A. SalvadorB. Rene MagritteC. Hieronymus BoschD. James EnsorNextErnesto Garcia 19 20. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Ernesto Garcia20