Media magazine evaluation

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Page 2: Media magazine evaluation


In what ways does your media product use, develop

or challenge forms and convention of real media?

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I believe my music magazine challenges real media forms and conventions. The way my magazine looks, looks like a music magazine through the use of mise-en-scene and the colours and stories that have been incorporated into the magazine. I think the target audience I have set out to appeal to have been attracted through my magazine and I believe it would be something you would find in a news agents. The magazine

has a clear masthead so it stands out and therefore the readers would be attracted to the magazine.

The flashes down the left hand side of my magazine show the other stories which again would entice the readers into picking up the magazine. The magazine also used the rule of third.

The other pictures that are placed on the front cover advertise other stories which might appeal to a wider range of audience.

My magazine uses a lot of different media techniques to entice the readers into buying my magazine as they would be interested in the look of the magazine and too see what would be enclosed inside.

Competitions might appeal to more people as they would be interested in what they could win.

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How does your media product represent a

particular social group?

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My media magazine represents social groups who would be interested in listening to music and are interested in learning more about different types of music. The music that is represented in my magazine is music which would appeal more to people who are up to date with the music world and what the current music trend it. The would also have to be interested in my magazines type of music (indie/pop) as this is the majority of music enclosed inside. The social group would be able to find out more about the music world and what music is the current “must have” through the use of the top 10 musical charts that I placed inside my magazine. The audience would be able to try out new music from the list inside and this might be able to change their minds to music they hadn’t listened to before.The festivals and concerts would appeal to people

who attend a lot of them in the year and who are interested in finding out who’s on and what’s the latest festival to go to.

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What kind of institution might distribute your media

product and why?

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The type of media institution I think would be interested in distributing my media magazine would be one which has been linked to the music world through other magazines that have been able to sell to the target audience im trying to appeal to. I think it would benefit both the magazine and the institution as the magazine would be advertised in a way it would entice new readers in to buying it and therefor the product would be more successful.

I think the institution which would best distribute my magazine would be Bauer media. They have a great portfolio of magazines which have had a major success in the grabbing the attention of their target audience. They have also had previous experience in distributing music magazines. Their experience would benefit my magazine because it would be distributed in a way that it would target my audience and I think they would be able to advertise it alongside the magazines they have already distributed.

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Who would be your target audience for your media


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I targeted my magazine to the audience of 16-25 year olds who are interested in indie/pop magazine. I believe I have been able to target the audience that I wanted to through the use of the colours and stories which are incorporated inside the magazine. The different types of stories which have been added to my magazine would appeal to the teenagers as they are something they would enjoy reading. The festivals and concerts would attract more music audiences also there are other stories like the embarrassing ones which would attract a wide range of audiences but would still be in the age range of 16-25.The target audience would be very much up to date with all the new music trends and would be interested in learning about new music which they might not have listened to in the past but are interested and keen in listening to different types.

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How did you attract/address your audience?

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The way in which I attracted my target audience was through the clever use of my colours and imagery to entice the readers into picking up the magazine and looking at it.

The bright bold colours stand out from the rest of the magazine. The writing is bold and the titles of the other stories inside are in bigger bolder writing and therefore stand out a lot more. They would attract my target audience as they are something they would enjoy reading.

The flashes down the left hand side of the magazine front cover advertise some of the other stories which my target audience might be interested in reading. They also use the rule of third and therefore while the magazine is sat on the shelf people will be able to clearly see them and this would attract more readers, as they would grab their attention.

The use of my pictures again would appeal to my readers as they are of artist (Bruno mars) who they would be interested in listening to and would be interested in seeing what the story was that matched the photo.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

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I have learnt a lot through the process of doing my magazine. I learnt different programs to use for different editing techniques I learnt how to target my audience through the use of certain programs and the way I edited everything on my magazine.

The main image of my magazine did have a background on it off a plain white wall. However when I added an effect on to the photo the wall turned a yellow colour which made the magazine look less sleek and professional. I took the background off the photo and placed the photo on the plain page with no background on it.

I tried out many different fonts and sizes of writing and different colours and therefore I made a positive choice of fonts and colours to use for my magazine to target the target audience.

For my masthead I used fireworks to produce the writing. I think it stand out and looks professional and its not over powering. The red first letter is something people will remember and look out for when buying the magazine

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in

the progression from it to the full product?

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From finishing my preliminary task and finishing my music magazine I feel I have improved dramatically. I think the techniques I used in this magazine compared to the techniques I used in my practice magazine have improved which allowed my music magazine too look more professional and sleeker looking. The photos I edited in my prelim task were not as creative and didn’t really sit well on the page. The feedback I got from this magazine was that it could have easily be improved however it was pretty much the whole front cover that people didn’t really like. However now I have finished my music magazine people who previously didn’t like my fashion magazine cover said how they liked my music magazine front cover contents page and double page spread. The programs I used to edit my magazine and the specific things inside the magazine were the same as my preliminary task. The fact my magazine looks better this time around is because I have familiarised myself with the programs so I know how to use them a little more then I did in the practice task. I think the preliminary task helped me to improve on my magazine because I could see where I went wrong and what I needed to change I order to make my magazine the best it could be.

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