Law of the Future Forum 2011 Law of the Future Conference DAY I Law of the Future Law of the Future Joint Action Programme Joint Action Programme Sam Muller

LOTF2011 | Sam Muller

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Law of the Future 2011 23 & 24 June 2011, Peace Palace, The Hague, The Netherlands title: Opening Law of the Future Conference 2011 www.lawofthefuture.org

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Page 1: LOTF2011 | Sam Muller

Law of the Future Forum 2011

Law of the Future Conference DAY I

Law of the Future Law of the Future

Joint Action ProgrammeJoint Action Programme

Sam Muller

Page 2: LOTF2011 | Sam Muller

Law of the Future Forum 2011

Law of the FutureSignposting the legal space of the future

Page 3: LOTF2011 | Sam Muller

Law of the Future Forum 2011

Law of the Future Conferences

o2011How will law evolve over the next 20 years?

o 2007: Further Conceptualisation and Practical Progress on Building Coherent and Effective Rule of Law Programmes and Strategies

o 2008: The Changing Role of Highest Courts in an Internationalising World

o 2009: Globalisation, the Nation-State and Private Actors: Rethinking public-private cooperation in shaping law and governance

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Page 5: LOTF2011 | Sam Muller

Law of the Future Forum 2011

By creating standards to measure

what we are actually trying to

achieve with rule of law we might

be able to more effectively shape

rule of law in a global environment.

HiiL Research | Internationalisation of rule of law

Page 6: LOTF2011 | Sam Muller

Law of the Future Forum 2011

Private regulation should be considered

more as a complement, or a pre-stage,

of public regulation than an alternative


HiiL Research | Internationalisation and the role of private actors

Page 7: LOTF2011 | Sam Muller

Law of the Future Forum 2011

Highest Courts

Highest national courts should

have more room to apply and

interpret international law.

HiiL Research | Internationalisation and the role of courts

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Law of the Future Forum 2011

Diverging rules, which allow people

to make choices between various

regimes, may satisfy a greater

number of law users

HiiL Research | Internationalisation and constitutionality

Page 9: LOTF2011 | Sam Muller

Law of the Future Forum 2011

The biggest contribution to enhancing the

international criminal justice system lies in

better aligning procedural rules at the

national and international level.

HiiL Research | Internationalisation and international crime

Page 10: LOTF2011 | Sam Muller

Law of the Future Forum 2011

Law of the Future Joint Action Programme

Signposting the legal space of the future

Page 11: LOTF2011 | Sam Muller

Law of the Future Forum 2011

Law of the FutureJoint Action Programme


Page 12: LOTF2011 | Sam Muller

Gralf-Peter Calliess | Hans Corell | Tom Ginsburg | Patrick Glenn |

Richard Goldstone | Jan Klabbers | Willem Konijnenbelt | Kamiel Mortelmans |

Luis Moreno-Ocampo | Randall Peerenboom | Thomas Pogge |

Michel Rosenfeld | Judge Sang-Hyun Song | Peer Zumbansen

Some of the contributors include:

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Law of the Future Forum 2011

Law of the Future Partners


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Law of the Future Forum 2011

Government, Business,

Civil Society and Academia

Exploring and exchanging views

on the challenges of the law of the future

Law of the Future Forum