Troubled Families Andy Robinson Assistant Chief Executive Mags Walsh Programme Director 29 th June 2012

Listening to Troubled Families

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In December 2010 the Prime Minister set out that he wanted troubled families’ lives to be turned around by the end of this Parliament. The priority was to help families who were stuck with many problems, often responsible for causing problems, and also costing society a large amount of money in terms of services. The report draws upon interviews with families carried out in May and June 2012 by Louise Casey. Six local authorities in England assisted with providing access to families.

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Troubled Families Andy Robinson

Assistant Chief ExecutiveMags Walsh

Programme Director

29th June 2012

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Prime Minister & Leicestershire’s Ambition for Our Troubled Families

“Last year the state spent an estimated £9 billion on just 120,000 families……that is around £75,000 per family.

David Cameron 15th Dec 2011

1. Significantly improving outcomes for families and their children

2. Reducing the current costs of public services

“Our heart tells us we can’t just stand by… Our head tells us we can’t afford to keep footing the

monumental bills for social failure. we have got to take action to turn troubled families around”

David Cameron, 15th December 2011

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Louise Casey Unit Ambition

“Success is bigger than the payment by results model…I want to see real system change…this is about changing the mainstream. The Programme needs to catalyse sustainable reform of services in order to prevent future families from becoming ‘TF’ and to deliver significant cost savings to the State”

“My ‘manna from heaven’ is that a 3 year focus on the family’s needs will result in the number of agencies involved with them will reduce from, say, 17 to 2”

“This will be different because it will focus on individual families and their needs, rather than individual services”


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Founding PrinciplesApproved by Programme Board June 2011

Place’ and ‘citizens’ before ‘organisation’ Place shared vision, objectives and services Pro-active co-design between partners in the place and between the place

& Whitehall Prevention by early and earlier intervention Better outcomes at less cost Fully understand the problem before defining a solution Ambitious & if appropriate radical local innovation Build on good practice /initiatives in place in Leicestershire i.e. Integrated

Offender Model, Children’s Centres, YOS, Systems Change, many others Decommission & reprioritise services when required Pooled /aligned budgets around the theme/place


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National Funding Since the establishment of the Government’s ‘Troubled Families Unit’ a

pooled budget from 4 Government departments totalling nearly £0.5bn has been created to support 152 local authority areas across the Country to improve services to Troubled Families in their areas

Government funding which is partly on a payment by results basis could provide Leicestershire with up to £2.6m over three years but it has been assumed that £2.2m will be achieved – the attachment fee for working with families and 50% of the reward

Leicestershire Target for Payment By Results = 400 families worked with 12/13; min 810 overall – may be opportunities to claim further

Louise Casey supportive of Leicestershire plan to work with 3300 Troubled Families: 1300 Most complex needs, 2000 ‘At Risk’


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Local Funding

Local agencies have indicated funding on an ‘in principle’ basis subject to approval by Cabinets and Boards. This is set out in Appendix 8 of the Cabinet Report. Including the proposed County Council contribution this funding would mean:

– Revenue funding (over three years) of £5.6m– Staff resources equivalent to £2.4m– In kind support providing at least the £300k assumed accommodation

costs and additional support towards management costs


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Ethnography 3 Workshops Individual

family consultation

Customer Journey

Needs Assessment

Customer Journey maps

9 families 21 adults, 13 CYP 9 familiesCraig's story

(Beacon project)Child Poverty Mental Health

Desk based research

Other Insight









CH Evidence base for family models Current/emerging policy

Melton Family Model Mapping Families LIFE - Swindon pilot

Practitioner Insight

Family Insight

Full day practitioner workshop - 135 practitioners, cross agency








Family InsightA comprehensive approach

The detailed Insight report is now published on the Leicestershire Together Website: www.leicestershiretogether.org/partnerships/communitybudgets

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What we learned from the Insight Phase…

Confusing landscape of public services

Poor/overcrowded housing (incl. homelessness)

High risk behaviours (incl. substance misuse)

Poverty (incl. debt & unemployment)

Health (incl. mental health & disability)

Crime (offending and experience of)

Lack of education/ attainment Domestic violence Poor parenting

Difficulties maintaining relationships (incl. family, friends, peers, isolation & social marginalisation)

Lack of resilience (incl. capability, capacity, confidence & inability to cope)

Lack of or limited choice/control Adverse effect on aspirations/

perception of social mobility

Common issues for FCN

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Reoccurring Themes from Evidence Base, Current Literature and National Policy on What


Early intervention Building resilience Stability, continuity and

transitions Effective parenting and

supporting families Tackling educational performance

Tackling worklessness Tackling poor health Tackling poverty Involving communities and

building social capital Building capabilities, resilience

and skills development


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What Parents said they want most from Services

Stability, support, encouragement, consistency To be listened to and acknowledged People to do what they say they’re going to do and to get

back to them Freedom from prejudice/social marginalisation Services to work for and not against them Have their own needs addressed as well as their children’s

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FIP Intervention Family Experience

“I moved from one end of the town to the other and my whole life changed. It got better. The kids changed just like that when we moved. We had rules on the walls. They’d (FIP) check on me at 8 clock in the morning and 8 at night..otherwise we’d have got evicted but we stuck to it. When you live in a wrecked house you don’t want to do anything in it do you? It’s a nice house here”.

“If they hadn’t jumped in I’d probably be in the gutter somewhere, my kids would be in care”.


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Family Quotes

“I struggle day to day. I’m that stressed… struggling, you don’t meet the criteria…”

“Am I talking to myself all the time? There’s no help for the parents…”

“We’d need the same worker –someone who knows my child and me”

“it can work, it will depend on the person – they will need to be able to listen to both sides”


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NAT CEN FIP RESEARCH: Outcomes for families exiting FIP

Outcome Improvements Recorded:

Families involved in ASB A Reduction of 58% to 34%

Families involved in Crime A Reduction of 41% to 20%

Children with behavioural /truancy problems A Reduction of 53% to 28%

Risks from poor family functioning (DV, family breakdown, child protection) A Reduction of 47% to 16%

Child protection plans A Reduction of 34% to 18%

Health risks including mental, physical health and substance misuse problems A Reduction of 34%

In worklessness (ETE) A Reduction of 14% to 58%


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Evaluation Highlighted 8 Core Features Viewed as Critical to FIP Success

1. Recruitment and retention of high quality staff who can work in an empathetic way, build trust whilst maintaining professional boundaries (the relationship with families is key)

2. Small caseloads (no more than 6 at any one time)3. Dedicated key worker who works intensively with each family in the

home & community and outside of ‘office hours’4. A whole family approach5. Consistency of key worker with family and longevity6. Having the scope to use resources creatively i.e.. personal/flexible

budget7. Using sanctions alongside support/incentives for families8. Effective multi-agency relationships/working and information sharing


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The Design: Leicestershire’s Family Model


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Targeted Services

Universal Services

Specialist Services


Improved outcomesIncreased resilience, strengths &


Co-located locality service:

• Permanent core team members inc. Family

Worker• P/t Co-opted team

members• Personalised family



Shift -> <-Act Family->

<-Cultural Shift -> <-Act Family->

Approved Family Model


Whole family approach• Delivers direct support

• Co-ordinates other services• Outreach in home/community• Assertive intensive support

• Small caseloads


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Partnership approach: multi-agency & families for better outcomes for


•Highly trained workforce – learn together•Robust training, supervision and support will be key•The right skills/competencies/attitude •Supportive systems, policies, training & mutual respect

An Enabling Culture

•The new family model and approach needs to be part of a fundamental wider cultural change and policy review cross organisationally to address the policy constraints & barriers•Staff will need to have the freedoms and flexibility to make decisions about support needs / solutions •No blame culture but ‘learning’ culture within and across services/organisations will be critical to the success of the approach•Move away from “this is the service we offer” culture to “what is required” culture

Core Set of Outcomes

•All services for families should be commissioned on a core agreed set of outcomes

Sustainability & The Role of the

Wider Community

•Including businesses, voluntary sector, churches and local community will be core to achieving optimal outcomes

Needs to be everyone’s responsibility

Enablers for the Family Model

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A. Team around the family approach with dedicated family key worker Role is outreach working in family homes and communities small caseloads and intensive approach as required by family circumstances/needs In some families may require an additional separate worker to directly support the

children Builds family capacity, resilience & recognises strengths within the family Builds self esteem, skills, relationships and aspirations

B. Co-located services in localities Local integrated core multi-agency teams Locality partnership solutions and delivery

C. Working with families for better outcomes for their families Single Family Plan (owned/developed by family with support) Honest conversations Empowering families will be key In partnership with team/key worker - with empathy but clear boundaries It will be important to work with families to agree objectives – this will require an

understanding of what their drivers / priorities are Realistic expectations on outcomes for the most long term ‘troubled’ families Access to required services key

Leicestershire’s Family Support Model


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Family Feedback on the Family Model

17 Families across 2 district areas attended a number of focus groups

The findings from the original FCN insight were reinforced

• This included the importance of :

o Early years and early/earlier interventiono having a joined up whole family approach that was family led (listening to families

needs, trying to help them and not judge them) o Family designed (choice, flexibility and a language families understand) o Sustainability (to enable families to be independent of services) o Workers who are well trained with a good awareness of the issues and challenges

families face o Quality services that meets families needs (advocacy and practical support) o Appropriate information sharing o Ensuring families do not feel any professional or social stigma when fighting for

their families needs 19

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Family Feedback on the Family Model

Highlighted the importance of the following elements in a family support worker:

• the softer skills needed by staff• the ability to build a relationship, trust and mediate• not to be critical or judgemental• a consistent person• knowledge on how to get things done• authority to get things done • choice (i.e. about time in the home or community, the nature of the help)

• easily contactable or available in a crisis• sharing data amongst the team around the family• understanding the professional’s ‘language’


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Current Work

Establish Governance Developing a Financial Budget (profile income & costs)

Impact of Government funding Impact of contributions from partners

Establishing a Senior Officer group to design delivery model & ‘quick start’ opportunities to deliver Year 1 Targets

Making appropriate links into other relevant Initiatives/Priorities i.e. Worklessness; Economic Development/Employers Engagement; Voluntary Sector Initiatives etc

Planning Implementation Delivery Model/Service, infrastructure, staffing, systems, policies, performance

framework , Information Systems, Communications Strategy etc.– Programme Plan…


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Project Lead

April – June 2012 (Q1)

July – September 2012 (Q2)

Oct – Dec 2012 (Q3)

Jan – March 2013 (Q4) 2013/14

Define/Agree Community Budget £• Establish Costs• Partner contributions• Budget Management • Establish Benefits Plan for


Establish Governance:• Member & Exec• Stakeholder group incl families• Programme

Mobilise Programme:• Programme Plan• Resource Plan• Programme Budget • Recruitment

Design/Approval for Central & Locality Delivery Models :• Individual locality models• MOA/Agreement • Central Management

Structures/Interface• Alignment of central related


Develop Early Start Phase• Establish Framework to Capture

performance around current work with TF

• Idenfity Opps for existing services to work with wider family

• Explore opps to refer PBR TF to Working Links

• Review existing commissioning opps to align

• Implement Early Start

Troubled Families High Level Plan: Phase 1 Implementation – DRAFT V1

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Project Lead April – June 2012

(Q1)July – September

2012 (Q2)Oct – Dec 2012

(Q3)Jan – March 2013 (Q4) 2013/14

Establish TF Staff infrastructure• Staffing : FSW• Supervision/Management• Accommodation and related issues • Workforce Development• Team around the Family

Develop & Agree Interface/Integration with Family services

Implement National TF Programme:• Develop Plan/Process es for PBR

families year 1• Establish Audit & Claim Process• Comms/relationship management

with TF Unit• Implement PBR

Design Model Detail• Working practice/processes &

policies• Design/Approve protocols for

interface to Statutory services

Develop Schools Interface/ Role:• Targeted approach

Develop Systems:• Information • Performance/Evaluation• Case Management• Management Information• Interim system for Early Start

Communications Strategy• Develop Strategy & Mapping• Implement Plan 23TF Draft Plan Phase 1 - Mags Walsh

Early Start/Phase 1 Optimal Solution

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Project Lead

April – June 2012 (Q1)

July – September 2012 (Q2)

Oct – Dec 2012 (Q3)

Jan – March 2013 (Q4) 2013/14

Develop , Manage, Integrate & Report on Related Programmes:• ESF• Exemplars• JCP

Manage Interdependencies/ Interface to Related Programmes/ Initiatives:• Community Budget• Branch• LCC Change Management• Leicestershire Together• Other TF Places etc.

Whole Community Pilot re: TF• Targeted approach• Communities/third sector• Business/Worklessness

Wider Cultural Change Programme for Service Reform• Develop Champions

Programme• Whole Workforce Training &

Development for TAF• Review of Policies, Processes,


Develop Second Phase• Review Commissioning

Opportunities• Options Appraisal Etc.. 24

TF Draft Plan Phase 1 - Mags Walsh

Agree Target Communities

Strategy & Plan Implement