Sam Sly Beyond Limits (Plymouth)

Introducing Beyond Limits

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Sam Sly explains how Beyond Limits will be working to bring people back home from institutional services.

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Page 1: Introducing Beyond Limits

Sam Sly

Beyond Limits (Plymouth)

Page 2: Introducing Beyond Limits

Social Worker for people with learning disabilities and mental health needs

CSCI (CQC) Change Team Cornwall (changing housing

and support that had gone badly wrong) Cornwall PCT continued to improve quality Bournemouth Campus re-provision United Response improving quality Developed ‘Hands Off Its My Home – a path

to Citizenship’ Director for Beyond Limits with Doreen

Kelly Columnist for Learning Disability Today

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3 year project with NHS Plymouth Personalising Commissioning

Using Individual Service Funds Using Service Design & Working Policy 20 people currently in Hospital placements 20 people with big reputations 20 people who will get a tailor made service 20 people who will get a life that makes

sense to them

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Not a flexible enough provider market Good planning doesn’t happen People are not listened to and understood We don’t share risk (professionals, person,

family and provider) We (professionals) think we know best Its an easy option Systems for commissioning support are too

rigid and look at short term savings

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‘People often end up in expensive out of area placements because local systems have not the flexibility to develop suitable personalised responses. This leads to people being over-supported and cut off from their own communities. There are currently 10,000 people with mental health problems supported in out of area placements and research suggests at least 5,000 of these are without significant clinical justification. The use of individual budgets as part of intentional programme to bring people back to their own communities with personalised support could save £100 million a year.

Vidhya Alkeson & Simon Duffy ‘Health Efficiencies - the possible impact of personalisation in Healthcare ‘ 2011

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Good planning (we usually know who is at risk from childhood)

Services tailor-made for the person People given Budgets, power and control Providers treated as partners and not held at

arms-length Intuitive Commissioning Community connection and contribution seen

as a must Working in partnership with families

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Individualised, local solutions providing good quality of life not those too large to provide individualised support, too far from their homes, and providing good quality of life in the home and as part of the local community.

Direct payments and individual budgets should always be considered and be more widely available.

Closer co-ordination between the commissioners paying for services, the managers providing services and the professional specialist advising on the support people need to ensure advice is both practicable and acted on.

Commissioners should allocate a budget to be used to fund a much wider variety of interventions as an alternative to placement in a special unit.

Jim Mansell ‘Services for people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour or mental health needs’ 2007

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All have been abused Have moved between 6-25 Institutions Youngest 26 Oldest 56 First admission to an Institution aged 14-22 All on MHA Section for between 5-14 years Most have moved to more and more secure

accommodation as they have fought the system All families have felt loss of control, marginalised

and physically unable to stay in touch All people have the same hopes and dreams as all

of us

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Service Design (Partners for Inclusion/Beyond Limits)

‘Every service is designed, from scratch, with only the person in mind, and modified in the light of experience and as things change. Individual service design in rooted in the organisation’s commitment to help everyone achieve citizenship for themselves’.

Personalised Support – Julia Fitzpatrick (2010) Published by the Centre for Welfare Reform

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A good facilitatorThe personFamily and significant people in their lifePeople who know and care about the personPeople with strong relationship with person

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Planning and pre-move transition is funded (one off payment clawed back through reductions from years 2 onward)

Post move transition is funded

On-going budget flexible in first year

Greatest reductions after year two and three

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Take time getting to know person and significant others

In a comfortable environment Telling their story Being in control Direction Money Home Support Contribution (Giving something back)

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What does the person do with their time now (routines)?

What should we keep doing?

What should stop happening?

What should they start doing?

What should we start doing?

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What hours of paid support do they need? What will happen in those hours? What support could help the person become

more independent or develop more natural support?

What do we need to do to keep them and others safe?

(safety mapping and enabling is a natural by-product of service design)

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Who worked well in the past and who didn’t and why?

What kind of person – quiet, busy and lively?

What knowledge, skills and experience?

What contracts are needed?

Leadership skills needed?

What hobbies interests should they have?

Man or woman? Age?

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Being seen as a fellow citizen by others Controlled by the person Provided by who you choose Enables you to do what you want and does

not control what you do Invisible Simon Duffy (2006)

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It enhances the person’s dignity and respect in the community

It helps the person be present in the community

It helps the person participate in community life

It helps the person develop and learn new skills

It gives the person choice and control

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Many great plans are made and fall down because they are not followed up by a detailed ‘how to’ bit.

It is fundamentally important that once a service is designed a ‘how to’ plan is written. Partners for Inclusion and Beyond Limits call this a Working Policy.

Involves the person (if they wish), present and past professionals and family

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Aged 28 25 different placements furthest was 349

miles away from home Went through Criminal Justice System Sectioned for 6 years Physical Intervention from aged 17 Family seen as a problem She was seen as a big problem Always wanted to come home to be part of


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Part of the family (highs and lows!) Has own home Interviews for her team Health problems stable Been to Bristol/Cardiff to visit friends twice Tickets for Peter Andre! Ice skating lessons Been Clubbing loads (first times in 11 years!) Says she never wants to go back to Hospital

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Hospital doesn’t work long or medium term

Being away from family and community is destructive

Planning for a normal life has to start from day one of admission

Matching teams makes the difference

Individual flexible budgets

Cultural change is required

People want lives

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Hospitals Hostels and

Campuses Residential Care

Homes Don’t let

‘supported living’ be the next institutions

People want to live in their own homes just like you and me