The British Colonies 1607 Virginia 1618-1648 Thirty Years’ War 1620 Plymouth 1633 Massachusetts 1637 Pequot War 1642-1660 English Civil War 1651 First Navigation Act 1661-1715 Louis XIV is King of France 1663 Carolina 1676 Bacon’s Rebellion 1681 Pennsylvania

HIST-8 lec.3: British Colonies

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Page 1: HIST-8 lec.3: British Colonies

The British Colonies

1607 Virginia

1618-1648 Thirty Years’ War

1620 Plymouth

1633 Massachusetts

1637 Pequot War

1642-1660 English Civil War

1651 First Navigation Act

1661-1715 Louis XIV is King of France

1663 Carolina

1676 Bacon’s Rebellion

1681 Pennsylvania

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We were not a mere mercenary army, hired to serve any arbitrary power of a state, but called forth to the defence of our own and the people’s just rights and liberties.

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1. A nation’s wealth is measured by the amount of bullion in its treasury.

2. Government must strictly regulate trade in order to maximize national wealth.

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European global empires during the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763)

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toiling almost day and night … scarce any thing but Indian corn and salt to eat and that even begrudged nay many Negroes are better used, almost naked no shoes nor stockings to wear, and the comfort after slaving during master’s pleasure, what rest we can get is to wrap ourselves up in a blanket and lie upon the ground

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• for mother England: the good children– enumerated goods English shipping English manufacturers

foreign manufacturers foreign & domestic consumersin 1686:

sugar & tobacco = 86-88% total import value

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He was dressed like those of his persuasion, in a plain coat without pleats in the sides, or buttons on the pockets and sleeves; and had on a beaver, the brims of which were horizontal like those of our clergy. He did not uncover himself when I appeared, and advanced towards me without once stooping his body; but there appeared more politeness in the open, humane air of his countenance, than in the custom of drawing one leg behind the other, and taking that from the head which is made to cover it.

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