The Federal Budget Process Developed and presented by: The Navajo Nation Washington Office February 7, 2011

Federal Budget Process

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Page 1: Federal Budget Process

The Federal Budget Process

Developed and presented by:The Navajo Nation Washington Office

February 7, 2011

Page 2: Federal Budget Process

Short Review

• General Description of the Federal Budget Process

• Navajo Nation Participation in the Federal Budget Process

• Opportunities for the Navajo Nation to Affect the Process

• Congressional Overview

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Budget Terminology

• Budget Formulation and the President’s Budget Request

• House and Senate Budget Resolutions• Congressional Appropriations• Budget Execution

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The Federal BudgetFY 2011

Oct. 2010 Sept.2011

FY 2012

Oct. 2010-Sept.2011

FY 2013

Oct. 2012-Sept.2013

(a) Oct.2010–Sept.2011,

Congress still working on


(b) First Monday in Feb.2011

(c) Dec 2010-June 2011

(a) Budget Execution until March 4, 2011

• Continuing Resolution• Mini-omnibus• Government

Shutdown?• House 2008 Levels?

Navajo Nation Spends Federal Money

(b) President’s Budget Request to Congress Feb. 2011•Freeze at 2010 Levels•Freeze at 2011 Levels

Navajo Nation Washington Office presents summary of President’s Request to Navajo Nation

(c) Administration Budget Planning and Formulation

Navajo Nation presents NN budget requests to federal agencies (BIA, IHS,HUD,etc.)

(a) Mar 2011–Sept 2011

(b) First Monday in Feb. 2012

(a) Congressional Appropriations

Navajo Nation Washington Office Advocates the NN budget request to U.S. Congress

(b) President’s Budget Request to Congress Feb. 2012

Navajo Nation Washington Office presents summary of President’s Request to Navajo Nation

(a) Oct 2011-Sept 2012

(b) Mar 2013-Sep 2013

(a) Budget Execution

Navajo Nation Spend Federal Money

(b) Congressional Appropriations

Navajo Nation Washington Office Advocates the NN budget request to U.S. Congress

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Formulating the President’s Budget Request for FY2013

• Admin. Planning and Formulation (March 2011)

– Establishes goals and objectives – Sets priorities – Identifies key programs – Establishes budget targets

• Navajo Nation Involvement– Navajo Nation sets priorities (Feb. 2011)– Attend BIA and IHS Budget Formulation Meetings– Regional BIA Budget Consultations and Tribal/Interior

Budget Council taken into account by Agency and incorporated into FY 13 Budget

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Step 1The President proposes a budget for

FY2012The first Monday of February - The president presents

Congress with a budget request for the next fiscal year. The budget projects revenue and provides a plan for how that revenue will be used.  The president's request signals his priorities to Congress and how much funding the president thinks is needed in each budget area.

The Navajo Nation Washington Office provides a summary of the President’s Request (approximately 1-2 days after released) to the Navajo Nation.

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Step 2Congress passes a Budget

Resolution for FY2012March through May - The Senate Budget Committee and

the House Budget Committee each develop their own separate budget resolution. The budget resolution does not have the force of law but provides a blueprint and a target for spending.

The Navajo Nation Washington Office along with the Navajo Nation Divisions develop testimony responding to the President’s Request and advocates the Navajo Nation budget requests

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Step 3Appropriations Committees Propose Annual Funding Levels for FY2012

  April through September - Based on the budget resolution, the House and Senate Appropriations chairmen allocate a funding level for each discretionary spending bill. The 12 appropriation subcommittees in the Senate and 10 in the House then draft an appropriations bill.  It is up to each of these subcommittees to decide, within its spending limit, the funding levels for different programs in its jurisdiction. Once the subcommittee approves the spending bill, the bill moves to the full House and Senate appropriations committees for approval.

The Navajo Nation Washington Office provides advocacy, an Appropriations update/summary to the Navajo Nation.

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Step 4The House and the Senate each pass their appropriation bills for FY2012

Summer through Fall - Each chamber must approve each of the appropriations bills.  Senators and Representatives can increase specific funding levels by offering or voting for amendments when the appropriations bills go to the House or Senate floor for debate and final passage.

The Navajo Nation Washington Office continuously meet with Senators and Representatives to advocate the Navajo Nation budget request.

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Step 5Congress approves all

appropriations bills for FY2012 Toward the Fall - Congress is supposed to

complete action on all the spending bills by September 30, which is the end of the fiscal year. If any bills are not finished by then, Congress can pass a Continuing Resolution which defines funding levels until final agreements are reached.  The appropriations process is complete when the president signs each of the appropriations bills into law.

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What happens during the Congressional review?

• The House and Senate hold hearings on the President’s Request

• The House and Senate invite Administration witnesses and Public witnesses

• The House and Senate Budget Committees develop a budget resolution

• The House and Senate Budget Resolutions are non-binding, but set targets for the Appropriations Subcommittees.

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What happens during the Congressional review? (cont.)

• House Appropriations Subcommittee– Subcommittees hold

hearings– Subcommittees “mark-up”

and send to full Approps. Committee

• House Appropriations Committee– “Mark-up” the

subcommittee (consider amendments)

– Submit a House Report to the full House for vote

• Senate Appropriations Subcommittee– Subcommittees hold

hearings– Subcommittees “mark-up”

and send to full Approps. Committee

• Senate Appropriations Committee– “Mark-up” the

subcommittee version (consider amendments)

– Submit a Senate Report to the full Senate for vote

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At every step of the process, the Navajo Nation can make a difference.

The Navajo Nation must present its UNITED-ONE VOICE position to Congress

Let us work together to communicate the Navajo Nation position

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AZ/NM/UT Congressional Delegation

• AZ Senators-Republicans John McCain, Jon Kyl (not seeking re-election)

• NM Senators-Democrats Tom Udall and Jeff Bingaman• UT Senators-Republicans Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee


• AZ Cong. Dist. 1-Republican Paul Gosar (New)• NM Cong. Dist. 3-Democrat Ben R. Lujan (New

Committee Assignment-House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Natives)

• UT Cong. Dist. 2-Democrat Jim Matheson

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Paul Gosar (D-1st Dist. AZ)

• New Arizona Congressman for 1st District is Republican Paul Gosar

• Dentist-Small Business Owner • Fiscally Conservative-Wants to Reduce the Federal

Deficit • Serves on three House Natural Resources

Subcommittees: (1) Indian and Alaska Natives Affairs, (2) Energy and Mineral Resources, and (3) Water and Power

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Senator Mike Lee (R-UT)

• New Utah Senator is Republican Mike Lee• Constitutional Lawyer • Fiscally Conservative-Wants to Reduce the Federal

Deficit • 2nd Cousin to fellow Senators Tom and Mark Udall• Will serve on three Senate Committees: (1) Foreign

Relations, (2) Judiciary and (3) Energy and Natural Resources

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Other Significant Congressional Assignments

• New Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs is Daniel Akaka (D-HI)

• New Chairman of House Natural Resources is Doc Hastings (R-WA)

• Chairman of Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native affairs is Don Young (R-Alaska