Extreme Islam It is impossible to successfully defeat a violent ideological movement without understanding the ideology motivating it

Extreme islam

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Extreme IslamIt is impossible to successfully defeat a violent ideological movement without understanding the ideology motivating it

Page 2: Extreme islam


Action: Identify Key Aspects Of Extreme Islam

Conditions: Given Student Notes

Standard: Successfully Identified 6 Key Aspects Of Extreme Islam

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AgendaIncrease post 9/11 understanding of:

Conditions that promote Islamic extremism

Extremist Mindset (what they see and why)

Extremist Ideology

Major radical philosophers, their enduring works, and their reinterpretations of mainstream Islamic thought

How Muslim world perceives us, and why many hate us

*May help to save American lives, prevent future attacks

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Origins of Discontent Internal conditions in the Arab/Muslim world: - Corrupt, authoritarian, unrepresentative regimes - Repression, economic failure and disenfranchisement - Continuing lack of opportunities and hope

Threats from outside of the Islamic “nation”: - Arrival of European colonialism, economic exploitation, - Political and economic domination - Invasion of alien ideas: secularism, nationalism, democracy and

“human rights” - Continued Western support to Israel and to unpopular Middle

`Eastern governments

*US perceived as leader of the West

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Roots of Extreme Islam

Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328)• In Ibn Taymiyyah’s time, Mongols had conquered

Baghdad and converted to Islam.

• Because Mongols ruled by Mongol tribal law, Ibn Taymiyyah branded them disbelievers (kafir) and argued legitimacy of waging jihad against them.

• Stirred Mamluks in 1303 to fight against the Mongols.

• Ibn Taymiyyah also asserted the supremacy of outer jihad over inner jihad. Inner jihad: training for outer jihad.

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Muhammad Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab and Salafism

Founded movement to cleanse Islam of innovations (bid’ah), deviances, heresies; based on Hanbali school of law; inspired by the ideas of Ibn Taymiyya

Advocated strict return to fundamentals of the faith, rejected any behavior not conducted or supported by the Prophet Muhammad, and referred to themselves as Muwahhidun – “Unitarians”, not Wahhabis

Expanded the concept of jahiliyya to include Muslim societies of the 18th century that had diverted from pure Islamic practice to sin (idolatry, veneration of saints by the Sufis)

Labeled “sinful Muslims” as apostates, thus allowing for jihad against them

Known outside Saudi Arabia as Salafis (“Forefathers”): At the most extreme, Salafis reject nation states and all manmade laws; many Sunni radicals are products of this sect’s teachings

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Muslim BrotherhoodAl-Ikhwan Al-Muslimoon

“Allah is our objective. The messenger is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

Active in over 70 nations

Objectives:– Muslim individuals– Muslim families– Muslim societies– Muslim states – Mastering the world with Islam

Notable members with connections to terrorism– Abdullah Azzam (co-founder of Al Qaida, mentor to

Osama bin Laden)– Sheik Ahmad Yaseen (spiritual leader of HAMAS)

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Al-Banna’s Islamic State Founded to counter threats from Western colonialism, Arab nationalism

and secularism

Primary means to restore Islamic character to society is vigorous preaching and teaching (da’wa) campaign; direct political action not appropriate or effective

Gradualist approach to build a strong Muslim state governed by shari’a:

Influenced radicals by redefining jihad: God-ordained defensive requirement for all Muslims, as long as unbelievers rule any Islamic lands; greater jihad is armed physical struggle against injustice and unbelief, not the internal spiritual struggle

Extended jihad to include, not only against infidels, but People of the Book: Christians and Jews

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Hasan al-Banna “Jihad is not against polytheists alone, but

against all who do not embrace Islam…Today the Muslims…are compelled to humble themselves before non-Muslims, and are ruled by unbelievers…Their adversaries are in charge of their affairs, and the rites of their religion have fallen into abeyance within their own domains, to say nothing of their impotence to broadcast the summons [to embrace Islam]. Hence it has become an individual obligation, which there is no evading, on every Muslim to prepare his equipment, to make up his mind to engage in jihad, and to get ready for it…Know then that death is inevitable, and that it can only happen once. If you suffer it in the way of God, it will be your profit in this world, and your reward in the next.”

“On Jihad”

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Sayyid Qutb Joined Muslim Brotherhood (1951)

Imprisoned Following Failed Assassination Of Nasser (1954-1964)

Incarcerated and Tortured, Wrote Milestones

- Revitalization Of Islam

- Egyptian government repressive and un-Islamic

- Egyptian society still Jahiliyya

- Jihad as armed struggle necessary to fight oppressive regimes

- Called For Islamic Government In Egypt Executed August 24, 1966

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Sayyid Qutb “Mankind today…is devoid of those vital values

which are necessary not only for its healthy development but also for its real progress…If we look at the sources and foundations of modern ways of living, it becomes clear that the whole world is steeped in Jahiliyya (pagan ignorance of divine guidance), [which] takes the form of claiming that the right to create values, to legislate rules of collective behavior, and to choose any way of life rests with men, without regard to what God has prescribed. The result of this rebellion against the authority of God is the oppression of His creatures…”

“Western civilization is unable to present any healthy values for the guidance of mankind…Islam is the only system which possesses these values and this way of life.”

Milestones, 1964

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Revolution ! Operation Ajax 1953

Shah Fled Iran Jan 16,1979

Khomeini Returned Feb 1, 1979

Islamic Republic Of Iran Est. April 1, 1979

Hostage Crisis Lasts 444 Days

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Welcomed USATurned On Civil WarUS EmbassyMarine BarracksHostages

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Islamic Resistance Islamic Holy War

Combat Organ

Operational Security

Central Security

Party Security

Security Organ








Technical AdminCommittee



Mosque Preachers

Hawzat Circlesof Learning



and Propagandaorgan

Politburo15 members

(appointed by the Shura Council)

Executive Committee9 Members

(5 appointed by the Shura Council

General SecretaryAnd

Deputy Secretary(appointed by the Shura Council)

Supreme Shura Council17 members

(highest leadership authority)

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Soviets Occupy Afghanistan 1979

Mujahideen Defeat Soviets

Birthplace of Al Qaeda

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Abdullah Azzam "…Every Muslim on earth should unsheath his

sword and fight to liberate Palestine.  The Jihad is not limited to Afghanistan…There will be no solution to the Palestinian problem except through jihad…“

“Jihad means fighting.  You must fight in any place you can get.  Whenever Jihad is mentioned in the Holy Book, it means the obligation to fight.  It does not mean to fight with the pen or to write books or articles in the press or to fight by holding lectures… Jihad and the rifle alone: no negotiations, no conferences, no dialogues.“

“The Jihad in Afghanistan will broaden until the entire world will be conquered because Allah has promised the victory to Islam."

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Azzam Expands the Struggle Founded the Mujahidin Services Bureau (MAK) in Peshawar to train

Muslim volunteers

Developed religious ideology for the Afghan conflict, then put it into practice globally; also redefined the Palestinian struggle from a nationalist/secular conflict to a religious one

Proclaimed that any land that was once part of the caliphate must be recaptured if it falls into infidel hands

Disagreement over network’s long-term goals: ‘Azzam wanted to aim jihad at Israel; bin Laden wanted to topple non-muslim governments and establish a caliphate by jihad.

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Al Qaeda

An Umbrella Organization• International Islamic Front For Jihad Against The Jews And Crusaders

Training And Doctrine For Terrorists• Central Training Camps In Afghanistan (1996-2001)

New Direction: rather than attempt jihad against “near enemy” (Israel or corrupt Muslim rulers) al-Qaeda rallied Muslims to go after the source of these two enemies.

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Global Jihad: A New Twist Osama bin Laden:

- August 1996 Declaration of War (“Ladinese Epistle”): Muslims must expel infidels from “land of the two holy places”

- February 1998 Fatwa: America “stormed” the Arabian Peninsula and is using it to launch attacks against Muslims; is hurting Iraqis; and is supporting Israeli occupation of Jerusalem and its aggression against Muslims – so all Americans must be killed anywhere

- “Defensive struggle” that is morally required for all true Muslims

- May 1998 ABC Interview: Bring the battle to American soil; focus on political, economic and military targets (not offensive religious or cultural institutions)

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Current Ideology No Separation of Church And


Islam Is A Way of Life Not Just A Religion

Eradicate Those Opposed To Their Ideology

Jihad Is The Means To Bring About Global Islam

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The Case Against the West Arrogance, insensitivity toward other cultures

Unbalanced foreign policies, favoritism toward Israel

Resentment over economic success, political and military power, commercial exploitation

Disgust over lax morals: alcohol consumption, suggestive dress of women, commercialization of sex

Economic sanctions against Muslim countries

Lengthy stationing of US troops in Saudi Arabia

Support of repressive, corrupt regimes due to Western greed (oil)

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A Seven-Step Plan?A Seven-Step Plan?Saif al-Adel-sourced article (Der Spiegel)

1) Awakening1) Awakening• 9/11 to Fall of Baghdad• Increase US presence in

region• Cost Afghanistan and


2)2) Opening EyesOpening Eyes• Present to 2006• Group turns into a movement• Massive Recruitment Drive (Iraq-


Failure to date• Numbers v. those in anti-Soviet

Afghanistan • Silent response of the Arab Street

What does defeat in IQ mean to al Qaeda?• Harm Credibility/ Mystique• Possession of Losing Ideology• Abandoned by God

“Definitive Victory”= Global Islamic Caliphate

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3) Arising and Standing Up3) Arising and Standing Up 2007 to 2010 Focus on Syria

• Cadre already in place Attacks on Israel & Turkey

• Increase Legitimacy All nations bordering Iraq in


A Seven-Step Plan?A Seven-Step Plan?

4) 2010 to 20134) 2010 to 2013• Collapse of Arab Gov’ts• Iraq as Al-Qaeda base

U.S. Attacks• Oil Infrastructure• Cyber-Terrorism of

Economy Condensation of 3 & 4

• Groundwork already in place

• Increased speed of movement

• Regional Instability

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5) Declaration of Caliphate5) Declaration of Caliphate• 2013-2016• Weakened West

can’t/won’t resist

6) Total Confrontation6) Total Confrontation• 2016-on• Islamic Army will instigate

fight world wide• “Believers v. non-


7) Definitive Victory7) Definitive Victory• Approx 2020• War of 2016 only lasts

two years• Unrivaled Islamic State

Current state of affairs?• Media Characterization v.

Reality• Rift w/ Taliban

Western Options?• Blitz? Nukes?• American Military Psyche


Seven-Step Plan: Al Qaeda Dreams

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Psychological Outline• No Personality Type

• No Discernable Psychosis or Neurosis

• Motivated by Shame, Injustice and Dishonor

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1997-98: the Council on American-Islamic Relations pounded Nike into recalling 800,000 shoes because the English word "Air" in its logo allegedly resembled the Arabic lettering for "Allah."

Psychological Outline

September 2005 : Response to Burger King Ad: “This is my jihad. I'm not going to rest until I find the person who is responsible. I'm going to bring this country [Britain] down."

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Psychological Outline

• 70% Married

• 60% College Degree

• 75% Middle/Upper Class

• 87% Secular Background

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Justifications for Use of Violence • Divine Sovereignty must be upheld

• Jihad permitted or required against apostate Muslim rulers

• Military jihad supercedes inner jihad

• Dualism: Party of God vs. Party of Satan. Jihad, an armed struggle against oppressive regimes, requires military action.

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Misuse Of Islam

Killing Other Muslims

Paradise (72 Virgins)

The Giving Of Alms

Committing Suicide


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“The Sword Verse”

[9:5] And when the forbidden months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever you find them and take them captive, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakaat, then leave their way free. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.

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Recruitment• Very Hard

• No “Volunteers”

• Proven fighters

• Not easy to penetrate

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Current Events

London And Other Home GrownIslam In The Prisoner Population

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Future Concerns

Islamic Expansion In South America


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What Is To Be Done? Some Muslim authorities have denounced distortion of the faith; promoted

increased recognition in the Islamic world that terrorist leaders don’t have the religious authority to declare jihad; and declared that martyrdom-seeking attackers are really “suicides”

In Yemen they have had a 90% reduction in terror attacks since they have started reeducation/deprogramming centers.

The UAE has just redone their entire youth education system to put an emphasis on highlighting the positive aspects of Islam and fight the fundamental view of Islam.

United States military must: better understand and respect other cultures -- particularly how other people see themselves and their situations, how they can be expected to act, and how extremists manipulate their environments; convince Muslims we come in contact with that the US is not un-Islamic; and recognize this is a long-term process against a persistent and resilient adversary

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Summary Conditions that promote Islamic extremism Extremist Mindset Extremist Ideology Major radical philosophers, their enduring works, and their

reinterpretations of mainstream Islamic thought How Muslim world perceives us, and why many hate us