French Culture & Civilisation Jason Cates Europe in Crises: Is Nationalism the Solution? It is important to make clear what my cultural mentality is in order to put my views into a cultural context. Firstly, I was born in the UK, but I also have a strong European identity alongside the British. This goes as far as to say that in some areas, I relate more to others European cultures than I do to the British culture. This includes me having similar views to the Swedish in terms of their “view on life”, the Dutch in terms of their liberal values and the Germans when it comes to financial prudence. However, I tend to relate more to the UK when it comes to having a liberal economy. German Nationalism (Control) In recent months we have seen financial and economic policy across the EU become more centralised towards Germany and more in line with its high degree of financial prudence. This level of financial prudence I agree is needed, especially in countries such as Greece and Italy where such prudence seems to be lacking. However, I would question whether this enforcement of German values on the rest of Europe is out of European interest, but rather German interest? (Telegraph, 2011c) This can be seen as an act of German nationalism, but I believe it will help stabilise Europe in the short term and help steer a way through the current crises. However, in the longer term, this German nationalism may cause more harm than good unless it is balanced by the nationalism of other European nations. We have already seen some European countries including the UK and Sweden begin to question growing German dominance within Europe. This may lead to growing animosity between smaller EU members towards the German economic machine. Therefore, the nationalism we have already seen from the likes of the UK may start to spread across Europe. (Telegraph, 2011a) British Nationalism (Isolation) We may question why Britain has been acting the way it has in recent months which has left it isolated from the rest of Europe. Most people, if not all, would say that the UK has always acted this way. However, it has done so for views that have later been shared by other EU members. Examples include the UK having an opt-out of the Schengen agreement as it had concerns over immigration from 1

Europe in Crises: Is Nationalism the Solution?

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Europe in Crises: Is Nationalism the Solution?

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Page 1: Europe in Crises: Is Nationalism the Solution?

French Culture & Civilisation Jason Cates

Europe in Crises: Is Nationalism the Solution?

It is important to make clear what my cultural mentality is in order to put my views into a cultural context. Firstly, I was born in the UK, but I also have a strong European identity alongside the British. This goes as far as to say that in some areas, I relate more to others European cultures than I do to the British culture. This includes me having similar views to the Swedish in terms of their “view on life”, the Dutch in terms of their liberal values and the Germans when it comes to financial prudence. However, I tend to relate more to the UK when it comes to having a liberal economy.

German Nationalism (Control)

In recent months we have seen financial and economic policy across the EU become more centralised towards Germany and more in line with its high degree of financial prudence. This level of financial prudence I agree is needed, especially in countries such as Greece and Italy where such prudence seems to be lacking. However, I would question whether this enforcement of German values on the rest of Europe is out of European interest, but rather German interest? (Telegraph, 2011c)

This can be seen as an act of German nationalism, but I believe it will help stabilise Europe in the short term and help steer a way through the current crises. However, in the longer term, this German nationalism may cause more harm than good unless it is balanced by the nationalism of other European nations. We have already seen some European countries including the UK and Sweden begin to question growing German dominance within Europe. This may lead to growing animosity between smaller EU members towards the German economic machine. Therefore, the nationalism we have already seen from the likes of the UK may start to spread across Europe. (Telegraph, 2011a)

British Nationalism (Isolation)

We may question why Britain has been acting the way it has in recent months which has left it isolated from the rest of Europe. Most people, if not all, would say that the UK has always acted this way. However, it has done so for views that have later been shared by other EU members. Examples include the UK having an opt-out of the Schengen agreement as it had concerns over immigration from Northern Africa. This is a view now shared by President Sarkozy who is now considering withdrawing France from the accord. This is after a number of North African immigrants began to come into France through the Italian border. The UK alongside Denmark also obtained an opt-out from the Euro which is currently in turmoil. This includes Eurozone members lacking the ability to tailor economic policy for their own specific needs. Therefore, whenever the UK has acted out of nationalism, its views have later been shared by other European nations. (BBC, 2011)

In terms of the current situation concerning German style prudence, Britain is sceptical for two key reasons. Firstly, such rules were first introduced in1997, but were regularly broken by the likes of France and Germany. Therefore, for the UK, there is the issue of trust. As if these rules were broken once, how does Britain know that Europe won’t break these rules again? This is emphasised by the fact that, unlike some EU members, the UK has a reputation for sticking to its commitments and it doesn’t want to be on its own in fulfilling them. There are also the major cultural differences in the way that Britain does business. The UK, like the US, believes in having a free and liberal economy. This contradicts with the models seen in European countries such as France and Germany whose economies are much more rules based. (Telegraph, 2011b)

Therefore, the reason why Britain often acts out of nationalism is because history has taught it to do so and that this often leads to the best outcome in the longer term.


Page 2: Europe in Crises: Is Nationalism the Solution?

French Culture & Civilisation Jason Cates


In terms of European pan-nationalism, political nationalism has been aspired to in Europe since the Middle Ages, but has always ended in failure. Therefore, after WW2, a new approach was taken focusing on cultural and economic integration rather than political integration.

However, I argue that what makes Europe special and unique is its vast diversity not seen elsewhere, be it in the US or Asia. As such, I believe than pan-nationalism should not be forced upon the people of Europe. In the long term, pan-nationalism should be allowed to develop on its own as long as it is balanced, open and honest. Then over time, as the countries of Europe continue to work and learn alongside each other, a pan-national identity will start to develop on its own. However, it will likely take decades before this starts to really take shape. (YouTube, 2011)

We also need simply to look over history to see how nationalism and competition has helped Europe flourish. Over the last 500 years, if success and economic growth were based upon unity, we would have seen countries like China and India rule the global economy rather the so called “fractured tribes of Europe”. However, it has only been in recent decades, just as these countries have embraced competition, that these countries begun to flourish while Europe’s role in the world has diminished. This is because, with competition, comes innovation and with that, economic growth. Do we really think that the British would have had their empire if it weren’t to outperform the French? Or do we think the USA would have developed the atomic bomb if it weren’t at war with Germany and Japan? Probably not. It is out of competition we innovate and with innovation comes prosperity. But how can we have competition if we don’t have pride and nationalism that drives us to outperform our neighbours, be they European or otherwise. (YouTube, 2011)

Is nationalism the answer?

As stated, German nationalism will likely see Europe through the current crises, however, this shouldn’t be at the cost of the national ideals. This means that other national ideals should be allowed to flourish; as stated, this is as long as they are balanced, open and honest. I also believe that in recent years, many people have been promoting pan-nationalism when in fact; it was only done so out of national interest rather than real belief in the pan-European beliefs. This is why I believe we need to be open and honest about what we truly believe and think. This includes the issue of nationalism as not to give a false sense of security and pan-national identity where none exists. (Telegraph, 2011c)

However, concerns here relate to the story of history, more specifically, two world wars. But I believe that Europe needs to continue to move on from this. This includes Germany having the confidence to assert itself on the international stage. This will encourage other countries within Europe such as the UK and France to also express their own views and ideals. This is the debate I believe we need to encourage economic growth, stability and cooperation between European neighbours. This I believe, will see Europe develop the skills needed for future success, including the ability to listen and a willingness to celebrate cultural diversity and innovation. Simply, we need people who are willing to stand up and be different, as this is what it means to be European, the so called “Nation of Nations”. And it is this that will secure Europe future on the world stage.

So to finalise, nationalism will encourage competition and open up debate. This in turn will encourage innovation and it is innovation that will drive future economic growth and prosperity. We also need to leave what has happened in the past, in the past. As who in this modern day believes that European nationalism, be it German or British, will lead to a new world war, a war that left Europe scarred for decades.


Page 3: Europe in Crises: Is Nationalism the Solution?

French Culture & Civilisation Jason Cates


BBC (2011) Analysis: An EU of two tiers after Eurozone debt crisis Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15494429 [Accessed: 9th March 2012]

Telegraph (2011a) EU suffers worst split in history as David Cameron blocks treaty change Available at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/8945155/EU-suffers-worst-split-in-history-as-David-Cameron-blocks-treaty-change.html [Accessed: 9th March 2012]

Telegraph (2011b) EU Treaty: Nicolas Sarkozy’s push for power poses 'biggest threat to EU unity’ Available at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/8946790/EU-Treaty-Nicolas-Sarkozys-push-for-power-poses-biggest-threat-to-EU-unity.html [Accessed: 9th March 2012]

Telegraph (2011c) The day Europe took revenge on Britain Available at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/8947572/The-day-Europe-took-revenge-on-Britain.html [Accessed: 9th March 2012]

YouTube (2011) iqsquared Daniel Hannan - Germany no longer needs Europe Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2j4oCDBbts [Accessed: 9th March 2012]

Written and signed by

Jason Cates