Drinking Coffee Does Not Damage Your Heart By www.BuyOrganicCoffee.org

Drinking Coffee Does Not Damage Your Heart

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Page 1: Drinking Coffee Does Not Damage Your Heart

Drinking Coffee Does Not Damage Your HeartBywww.BuyOrganicCoffee.org

Page 3: Drinking Coffee Does Not Damage Your Heart

http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/Researchers from the University of California San Francisco looked at 1,388 people who were taking part in a larger heart study, specifically 60 percent of group who said drinking caffeinated drinks - coffee, tea and chocolate - were part of their daily routine.

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http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/The researchers looked for heart irregularities - premature ventricular and atrial contractions - in the participants over a year, but found that there were no differences among the participants, average age 72, regardless of their caffeine intake.

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http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/Their findings go against the conventional clinical knowledge in the medical world that caffeine causes palpitations, which can lead to more chronic problems including heart failure or arrhythmias.

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http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/In fact, they discovered that “habitual coffee drinkers” actually have less of a chance of developing coronary artery disease.

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http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/Coffee drinkers are less likely to develop any of several types of cancer. Drink coffee regularly and you are less likely to get type II diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, or depression.

Page 9: Drinking Coffee Does Not Damage Your Heart

http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/There are, unfortunately a whole host of chemical impurities that may be found in a cup of regular coffee. The benefits or organic coffee over regular coffee hinge on the fact that healthy organic coffee is free of these substances.

Page 13: Drinking Coffee Does Not Damage Your Heart

http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/Several months ago researchers reported that coffee drinkers have lower risk of having calcium deposits in their coronary arteries. Drinking three to four cups a day maximized the benefit of avoiding clogged coronary arteries as reported in Live Science. This means a lower risk of heart attacks.

Page 14: Drinking Coffee Does Not Damage Your Heart

http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/The study of healthy young adults in Korea found that, compared with people who didn’t drink coffee, those who drank three to five cups of java per day had a lower risk of having calcium deposits in their coronary arteries,

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http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/which is an indicator of heart disease. (The coronary arteries are the vessels that bring oxygenated blood to the heart muscle itself.)

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http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/The study participants who drank three to four cups had the lowest risk of developing clogged arteries seen in the study, said Dr. Eliseo Guallar,

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http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, and co-author of the study published today (March 2) in the journal Heart.

Page 18: Drinking Coffee Does Not Damage Your Heart

http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/It seems like the evidence for coffee as a health benefit just keeps coming.

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http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/Another issue with coffee and your heart was the concern that too much coffee would precipitate a condition called atrial fibrillation.

Page 21: Drinking Coffee Does Not Damage Your Heart

http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/Researchers found that drinking coffee was not associated with an increased risk of a condition called atrial fibrillation, which is a type of irregular heartbeat, in either men or women.

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http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/“This is largest prospective study to date on the association between coffee consumption and risk of atrial fibrillation. We find no evidence that high consumption of coffee increases the risk of atrial fibrillation,” Susanna Larsson, an associate professor of epidemiology at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and lead author on the study, said in a statement.

Page 23: Drinking Coffee Does Not Damage Your Heart

http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/It was a long term concern that since coffee is a stimulant that it would cause heart beat irregularities. But, that is not the case so drink up and enjoy. And there are more health benefits.

Page 24: Drinking Coffee Does Not Damage Your Heart

http://buyorganiccoffee.org/1589/drinking-coffee-does-not-damage-your-heart/Drinking coffee not only does not damage your heart but is good for it!