Deconstructions By Rachel Black


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Page 1: Deconstructions


By Rachel Black

Page 2: Deconstructions

Deconstructions for the Poster of a Newspaper

Page 3: Deconstructions

Newspapers usually use their logo at the top of the poster. By doing this it allows the reader to know which newspaper it came from.

Newspapers always seem to use billboard to show their posters, so it could be a good way for me to promote and sell my newspapers.

The ‘Standard’ has also kept to a limited colour palette so that certain things stand out against the other without the whole poster clashing or being too intimidating with the

The colours that they have used is blue, red, black and white which are typical colours newspapers use, which could help the audience identify which type of product it is.The newspaper poster

has also decided to use only a few words to get their story across which other newspapers do too, as it allows the reader to find out what has happened quickly and can make a quick decision on whether it is worth getting the newspaper for that story.

amount of colours.

They have also used alliteration, a language technique, which may help to draw readers into the newspaper (poster) as this is the technique that many newspapers do to get their audience to buy their product.

They have also used different font types to helpto make different parts of the text to stand out, as it helps to break up the poster.

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This type of font may appeal to the target audience because it is simple and could be easily read from a distance.

There has been no image used of this poster, which is fine as the text helps to draw people in, however I believe that when newspapers use an image(s) it can help emphasize who or what they are talking about, and so it can look more appealing.

The main text has been framed by a white background, which in turn has been given a blue background. By doing this it has made the whole poster stand out, including the text as it looks layered.

The composition as a whole I like as it has used most if not all of the space available without making it look to overcrowded by information, however I believe that an image of the subject matter would have attracted more of the target audience.

Page 5: Deconstructions

Newspapers usually use their logo at the top of the poster. By doing this it allows the reader to know which newspaper it came from.

Newspapers always seem to use billboard to show their posters, so it could be a good way for me to promote and sell my newspapers.

‘The Press’ has also kept to a limited colour palette so that certain things stand out against the other without the whole poster clashing or being too intimidating with the

amount of colours.

The composition as a whole I like as it has used most if not all of the space available without making it look to overcrowded by information, however I believe that an image of the subject matter would have attracted more of the target audience.

There has been no image used of this poster to go alongside the text, which is fine as the text helps to draw people in, however I believe that when newspapers use an image(s) it can help emphasize who or what they are talking about, and so it can look more appealing.

They have also used different types of font so that the logo/masthead stands out against the rest of the image.

They have used a building silhouette which they have used on their website page which makes it link in with the other products.

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Newspapers usually use their logo at the top of the poster. By doing this it allows the reader to know which newspaper it came from.

The ‘Daily Telegraph’ has also kept to a limited colour palette so that certain things stand out against the other without the whole poster clashing or being too intimidating with the amount of colours.Newspapers always

seem to use billboard to show their posters, so it could be a good way for me to promote and sell my newspapers.

The composition as a whole I like as it has used most if not all of the space available without making it look to overcrowded by information, however I believe that an image of the subject matter would have attracted more of the target audience.

The newspaper has also used a small image which may draw people in.

They have also used different types of font which makes different parts of the text stand out well.

They have also used a white background and a blue background layered on top which again makes the text and the poster stand out as a whole.

However, the thing I don’t like about this poster is that it seems dark, there isn’t really something that grabs your attention.

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Deconstructions for the Website of a Newspaper

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Font: It uses formal, yet soft font which could be because they have thought of their target audience and have used a text which would appeal to them.

Text/Way it’s written: It is written in an informative yet casual/informal way as it is done in note form, using short sentences. This may have been done to appeal to their target audience.

Colour: They have used the typical colours of a newspaper; blue, red, white and black which allows their readers to identify what type of newspaper it is for.

Images: They have used a variety of shot types including extreme close ups and establishing shots which may suggest that when creating a newspaper website you need to have a variety of shots as well as a variety of news topics. The shots have been done in a way which makes the images look clear, professional and focused on the subject which draws the eye to the images.

Composition (overall design/layout): They have framed the page in such a way, in that the images and text stands out against the white background, however this being said most of the page is centred around the main article and the hyperlink bar at the top. However that being said the layout doesn’t seem to have any order to it as there is images and pieces of text all over the page which makes your eye unable to rest on any thing specific.

Company Logo: The company logo/masthead has been used at the top of the page, as this is where they usually place it as it allows their audience to know which website they are on.

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Colour: They have again used the same colours which gives the website continuity.

Composition (overall design/layout): They haven’t used the same type of layout which may make it confusing for their target audience, however that being said it may allow their audience to know which page it is on.

Company Logo: They have again kept the logo in the same place which may help their target audience which newspaper website page they are on.

For this website I like how they have ordered their news so that their audience can select the type of news they want to read which makes it easier for them to read the news as they won’t have to filter out what they don’t want to read.

Another feature that I like about this newspaper website is that when you are on a Art&Ents it is highlighted in grey to know which type of news you have selected and where you are on the website.

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Font: They have used bold, soft types of font so that the page looks appealing to their target audience. If they hadn ’t of done this it may have looked harsh and uninviting to their newspaper readers.

Text/Way it’s written: it has been written in a way in which it is informative and yet is able to tell the basic storyline of an article within a few words or sentence.

Colour: The newspaper website has used blue for the majority of the headlines, red occasionally to make important things stand out, white as the background and black for the main bulk of the text. They may have used these colours so that their target audience recognises the website to be a newspaper website as these are the colours they generally use as it appeals to their target audience’s.

Composition (overall design/layout): I like the composition of this newspaper website as it breaks up the page, even on the front page of what type of news it is using the bold tool as well as using a line to split the page up. However I still believe that just like the previous newspaper website the page looks cluttered and unorganised as there is pieces of text, images and adverts everywhere on the page.

Shot Used: For this newspaper they have generally used close up or medium close up shots which may be to imply that this newspaper website is going to get up close and personal with their subject i.e. get a lot of information from their subjects.

Company Logo: the company logo or masthead has been used in the left hand side at the top of the screen as by doing this it keeps to newspaper website conventions so that their audience know which newspaper website they are looking at.

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Colour: They have again used the same colours which gives the website continuity.Composition (overall design/layout): They haven’t used the same type of layout which may make it confusing for their target audience, however that being said it may allow their audience to know which page it is on. Company Logo: They have again kept the logo in the same place which may help their target audience which newspaper website page they are on.

Shot Used: For this page they have used different shot types compared to the front page as they have used medium shots which may have connotations that the newspaper is going to take a step back and deliver the news overall for that particular type of news.

Another thing I have noticed from looking at these website is that they usually have an advert above the page itself which may be done as the newspaper needs to bring in an income other than the selling of newspapers for example and so they have used because by doing this it gives the advertisement a primary location as this is the first thing the audience see when they look on the newspaper’s website page.

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Font: They have used bold, soft types of font so that the page looks appealing to their target audience. If they hadn ’t of done this it may have looked harsh and uninviting to their newspaper readers. Text/Way it’s written: it has been written in a way in which it is informative and yet is able to tell the basic storyline of an article within a few words or sentence.

Colour: Unlike the other newspaper websites this website uses only red, black and white predominantly for their colour palette which may have been done so that it stands out against the newspaper websites but it may also be that the newspapers are directed at different audiences for their websites. Just like every other newspaper they have used a white background which makes the text, images and adverts stand out against the rest of the page.

Composition (overall design/layout): I like the composition of this newspaper website as it breaks up the page, even on the front page of what type of news it is using the bold tool as well as using a line to split the page up. However unlike the other newspapers I like how this newspaper has decided to do it’s layout as it allows there to be a main image along with it’s text without it looking as if there is if there is other articles on top of it, in short it looks uncluttered and organised.

Shot Used: In this newspaper website they have decided to use a variety of shot types including a close up, an establishing shot and a two shot, which makes the newspaper website stand out as well as the images and articles themselves.

Company Logo: They have put the newspaper logo/masthead in the same place as the other newspaper websites which means it keeps to the newspaper website conventions as it allows the reader to know which newspaper website it is on.

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Layout: Just like the other newspaper websites they have again changed the layout of the web page, however it still looks organised and still slightly looks like the layout of the home screen page.Company Logo: They have again kept the logo in the same place which may help their target audience which newspaper website page they are on.

Another feature that I like about this newspaper website is that when you are on a What’s On section it is highlighted in red as though it is coming from the Sunderland Echo’s red background. They have done this so that you know which type of news you have selected and where you are on the website.

Another thing which this newspaper website has used which the others haven’t is a black/grey background. By doing this it looks unique and identifiable as their newspaper, which makes it easier for their readers to identity too.

Another thing I have noticed from looking at these website is that they usually have an advert above the page itself which may be done as the newspaper needs to bring in an income other than the selling of newspapers for example and so they have used because by doing this it gives the advertisement a primary location as this is the first thing the audience see when they look on the newspaper’s website page.

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Composition (overall design/layout): They have again used the bold tool and a line across the page to break up the page for a new heading which helps to break up the whole page and give the whole newspaper website continuity. Another thing which they have kept for this hyperlink page is that they have kept the layout simple, ordered and uncluttered which will be appealing to the readers eye. They have also used the same colour at the top of the left hand side of the screen for the News hyperlink page for the Sunderland Echo’s red background which I like as it gives the newspaper website continuity but also because I like how it implies that the news is coming from/connected to the Sunderland Echo.

Company Logo: They have also put the Sunderland Echo logo/masthead in the same place as they did for the previous hyperlinked pages of this newspaper as well as in the other newspaper pages which makes it consistent and a convention of the newspaper website.